Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Decorating the Nursery with Fairy Tales

I - as usual - want to decorate. So, I was looking at items and just couldn't figure out what to do. Until I looked down at my desk at the Once Upon a Time Cardstock Stack. D agreed, we will pull inspiration from there :-)

I plan on using these as decorative aspects and for pulling colors.
This kid WILL be a nerd - just like me.


Aspen said...

oooo... I could help you paint/decorate this summer if you'd like :)

Sharon said...

If you let me know your colors, theme, I could make you a baby quilt.

Ayleen said...

Sharon, Aspen, I would LOVE any help at all!

Sharon - I will go through and find some samples for you. I would love a baby quilt made specifically with them. I've been looking at the ones at the stores and not seeing anything that appeals.

Aspen, you are on. We will need t go garage sale hopping and look for deals. :-)