Monday, November 25, 2002

I don't know what's going on, but my senior project blog is not showing the newer posts! I don't know why, but I hope it's fixed soon.

/grin I can't wait 'til I go to grammas on Wednesday, she said she'd make me gooey rice! That's right, rice that sticks to yer ribs!

I am missing EQ a lot, but have been seriously thinking of taking down Ayleanna and have her forever retired. LFG and /anon will be thoughts of the past. I am actually regretting leaving, there is a whole language in there that I was fascinated with. Acronyms are a lot of fun and I have always loved learning the new ones that would pop up. Now, I am actually behind the times and I wonder if it would be hard to get back into it. It has been since the end of classes last year when I last played hard-core. It's good for me though, since I have slowly re-learned the grammar of college english. It's so hard to try and un-learn a language style that you lived with for about 3 years.

Sunday, November 24, 2002

Off to grammas we go!

Just got back from spending the weekend at my grandparents. We had Aspen's Birthday party Saturday morning and that was a lot of fun. Mom's kitchen and living room was full with a family of my aunt and uncle and their three kids, me, mom, Alan and Shana, Aspen, Grandma and Grandpa, Janelle and Kyle. We had a huge lunch/dinner and then a few of us went to grammas house to spend the night. We played nintendo and watched Southpark(Which the kids didnt see since they were playing in the den and it was a horrible episode!) and then this morning we made pancakes. Then everyone got together in Cass lake to go see The Santa Clause 2. It was cute, but not my kind of movie. I got a few chuckles, that's it. The kids loved it though!

Saturday, November 23, 2002

I Bet Your Life
All of us went off to the Bemidji Community Theatre and saw a Clue-Like play. It was so much fun, I hadn't been to a play since Highschool. I did something silly, I volunteered for the theatre. Just when will I find the time for that and everything else I have going on? I don't have a friggin' clue!

We ran off to the Simonson's gas station afterwards and sat i the closed cafe sipping cappucinos and playing cards. There were 7 of us during the play, but two had somewhere to go and the rest of us headed for something hot after standing in the cold trying to decide what else to do.

Aspen and I are getting ready to head over to mom's today for her birthday lunch-party. I felt bad for leaving everything up to mom, but I didn't have time to go home or the funds t help buy any foods. I hate being poor.

Tried a different technique for the story I want to write for fiction. I think this one will work out - flashback and then forwards.

Thursday, November 21, 2002

Christmas Music!
I have the internet radio station on and I hear Christmas Music! heehee

Finished up my English Lit paper, it is over Beowulf, surprise! It is supposed to only be a 500-700 word essay, it turned out to be 1,223! I hope she doesn't mind, especially since Dr. Evans tends to like Beowulf too.

I watched two movies in classes today, I swear I am going to have a movie headache by the end of the day. I got to see Billy Bathgate with my favorite actor - Bruce Willis! Woot! As I drooled... err watched, the seat was pushing into my back more and more and finally my neck started giving in like usual. I'm probably going to have to take one of those muscle relaxer pills to get to sleep tonight. The other movie was 2001: A Space Odyssey. What a hoot! That movie is so funny if you're watching it in a class. We were all commenting as the monkeys bounced around and smacked things with their bones. It was hilarious. The rest of the movie was boring as usual, I ust don't see much interest in that kind of dry drama.

I have five minutes left of work, I'll be heading over to Linden for the Exec meeting. I felt bad that Aspen's Birthday was on the day we had the Coffee-house and Frontline Ministries concert, but we had plans before they brought this up. Hopefully we did all right, I only got to pop in for about ten minutes. I hope the rest of the semester does quiet down though, I need the time to work on all the essays and reading I have left.

Wednesday, November 20, 2002

Shlippy Dippy Wednesday
Got a lot done today, even did my Beowulf paper for English Lit. The problem is that it is supposed to only be 500-700 words. I ended up with 1200 or so. I think I got too caught up in the excitement. Ah well, maybe Evans will forgive me =)

Went home today and danced in the kitchen. It's been a long time since i felt that hyper. I was alone, so that can account for a lot, I'd never dance like that in front of anyone else. Well, maybe my best friend, mom... cousin.. oh all right, I would! I give up hehe

BSU screwed my loans up royally. I suddenly got a payment book which means that they think i've been out of school for 6 months already! Boy, did someone mess up. Now *I* have to go fill out forms and try to get it fixed. They should just have it all on computer and be able to press a button or show them that I have been registered and have been in classes and paid for them with the LOANS that they are giving me. WTH, they need to take a course in friggin' common sense!

Tuesday, November 19, 2002

I am seriously scared to death on how I am going to live in the near future. I am in such debt, that I have nightmares nightly. I even had the hives when I woke up this morning. I haven't had that in a long time.
My plan may be simple, but it might not work. am hoping I can do a consolidation at my bank, and I am not sure if I want my Mom to come with me or not. She may say that its best to go alone, but I am horrible at these kinds of things, I'll end up not asking the right questions or answering wrong and not get anything right. My stomach hurts just thinking about it. Damn credit cards and damn loans. They may have gotten me this far in my college life, but I'll be damned if I finally get to a goal that I've been dreaming of to only drown in bills. I'll find a way to float, I know I will.

Sunday, November 17, 2002

I did it!
I went out and got my hair cut real short! It looks so cute too, I would never have thought it would. I would describe it as a pixie cut, and I am so happy about it. It basically brings out my face and eyes that have always hidden behind a curtain of hair!

Also, I had a talk with Dr. Evans about having her help me with my Masters thesis in a couple years, she is going to be a greatadvisor for me. She knows so much about old english and I wish I had as much knowledge as she did.

It's Aspens Birthday tomorrow, I'll tell you about it after any surprises I cook up. =c)

Wednesday, November 13, 2002

Flakes of heaven's dandruff
Yes, it may sound bad, but it's exactly what it is! For 10 months out of the year (Minn of course) He, the Big Cheese Himself, has dandruff and He suddenly brushes it off His shoulders.
As you can tell, or maybe not, it's been snowing for the past couple days. I wanted to go out and buy some snowshoes on the way to work today. Beautiful, cold, and white. Oh, what an unique way to describe snow.

Snow is...
1) Kamikazzee bunnies
2) God's Dandruff
3) Cloud poop
4) Winter's joke
5) Itty-bitty sprites that like to go up your nose when you breathe
6) Dust from Mrs. God's feather-duster
7) Sno-Cone makings

Had an appt. with Dr. Morgan today. I feel so much better, having a plan seems to be my new hobby. Who cares if my plans change almost daily, I don't like not knowing what is going to happen. I am very excited about teaching next year. Morgan told me the details and basically I'll have three days of a learning session on how to teach at the university level a week before classes start. With all the years...and years... and add on a couple more years... of classes I've had, I should be fine.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002

The Un-Said Contract
I reserve the right to have secrets.
I reserve the right to lead my own life.
I reserve the right to have a good-time.
I reserve the right to make my own choices.
I reserve the right to make my own mistakes.

Monday, November 11, 2002

Oops, that was a long in-between!
Had the best weekend last weekend.

Went out with Aspen and Janelle to go get the crap scared out of us. We saw The Ring and holy cow, thats scary.

Went to the last home game for Football. That was a lot of fun, especially when Uncle Lynn and Kyle showed up. We all sat and talked the whole time.
That night, I went to my Mom's house and visited with Alan and Shana.
At about 7pm we heaaded out to The Popplar Bar, because Chuck was playing Bass guitar! Whoot, CHUCKY! I danced around with my grandma, grandma, brother and my mom. That was a great night. Me and Chuck won pool against Aspen and Lynn. Hhehehe. I actually sunk two balls! YAY
At 10pm I volunteered to bring my little cousin (Underage) back home, so we took off and came to the dorm for a few overnight items and then headed back to my Moms house. Chuck had promised to call at about 1am to go pick him up. Well, at about 12:30 we found out the Christmas tree that Mom had bought was a cheap-o. We called Walyyl World and brought it back to pick up a different one. The one we bought was much heavier duty!

Sunday Morning:
We put up all the Chrristmas Decorations. Chuck had been kidnaped by his parents to go to his grandparents house so we went Chuck Free. =(
Later in the day, Aspen went back to the dorm and I stuck around to clean up my bedroom (Living in the dorm, my room gets packed of "stuff"). At about 5pm I dropped Holly off at home and then came back to the dorm.
Sunday night we watched the usual Charmed and Angel, then some British Comedies (Are You Being Served?)

What a weekend huh?

Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Huffin' and a puffin', can't I just have a muffin!?
Well, went back to the gym today. I forgot how good it could feel after your done and your body is all relaxed and worked out. All I need now is to convince Aspen to come with me and help me work on the big machines. I don't want to go by myself and have one of them tear my arms out because I didn't set it up right.

Got signed up for my classes on the old-school telephone. I was waiting for my meeting with Morgan and it was my alotted time to go register. So I went down to Deputy and used their phone and punched my classes in. I haven't done it that way since I was in Texas!

Internet, I lub joo.

Tuesday, November 05, 2002

Red Tape of College
Forms! Everywhere is forms! I have this form to fill out for my major declaration, I have this form to fill out to graduate, I have this form to apply for graduate programs, I have this form for fixing my Grad Plans, I have this form to beg for my soul back! It's not as bad as it sounds, but I think we should just go to all computer forms and save a few trees. A few? I meant billions! Besides, don't they just take the form that I printed out and filled out, then just type it into their own programs? I suppose my form will then be stashed away into a nice thick folder with my name on it and then probably not unearthed until it is eventually burned, thrown out or discovered after a holocaust as one of the few pieces of writing left.

I have been working on my website for my senior project. I am suddenly excited to be working on it again. I love anything and everything to do with Beowulf and was actually enjoying looking up all the different books I could check out in the library. Knowing me, I'll be coming home with a forest of books! And I can't wait!

I also get to sign up for my spring classes tomorrow! I am excited about next semester, as I think it will go way too fast and then I'll be scrambling for air as I think of all the forms that I hadn't filled out yet.

Monday, November 04, 2002 is dissolved!
Yes, the bad news. I lost my website, but that’s because it cost $30 a month and somehow it was on my mom’s bill! Argh, did my ass get a chewin’.

Also, I’m still working on another plot for my fairy-tale stories. I am thinking along the lines of the gnome getting in touch with something evil in the woods to kidnap Chloe. Sounds good so far, but we’ll see what happens when I start writing.

I wrote another story today for my creative fiction class and this time it was about a flea. The damn thing had me scratching my arms! I hate doing research on fleas, just too creepy-crawly.

That reminds me...I need to start research on my Senior Project! I've been so involved with Hall Council and all my homework, that the project was put on hold. At least I have a good idea of what I am doing, but I'm guessing Morgan needs me to write up a thesis and paper over my project. Someone call an ambulance if I topple over!

Friday, November 01, 2002

Happy November!
Well, the Haunted House was a success! We had invested about $200.00 and made a little over 600! Now were going to put 200 into the Bemidji Food Shelf and we got over 100 cans to donate! Whoo! We got to mingle with all the R.A.'s and had fun working the haunted house. A lot of kids got too scared, but all in all, we did get a lot of older screams and one older woman actually cried! Just have to thank everyone that came through on the last minute to help us, I love you guys!!

Now Aspen and I are going to take a long deserved break and rest this weekend.

Got my flu shot, OW!!!!I think my left arm is going to fall off! Stupid needles.

I also got my responses back from the class on the "Not So Long Ago" short story. They liked it!! I am still weak in my grammar, I have to blame on-line conversations. Seriously, I think being in chats since my first involvement in IRC and Quake in 1995 until just recently quitting EQ in '02 is what my main problem is. I did buy a grammar book and plan on reading through that to see what I may have forgotten.