Friday, December 28, 2007

Castles in the Sky

Well, Christmas is done. What a ride!

The best part has been watching D play with the Roomba (Yes, it is now Aya 12, Roomba 1 - and Roomba won). We nicknamed it 'Robbie' and it is actually pretty darn cute. It roams about and vaccuums its little heart out. It goes under and over everything. When it finds a particularly dirty spot, it starts twirling around in circles until it is gone. Hilarious to watch. That was D's main present. He also got a lot of stuff he has wanted for about a year or more. He got a fancy mouse, a fire/water safe, and the series of Young Indiana Jones (as mentioned earlier).

I got a wonderful necklace that is in the curvy drop diamonds - the 'path' necklace style (I think that is what it is called). My not so subtle hints worked - YAY!

It has been a wonderful Christmas. Lots of family and food and fun giving of presents. I love that part!

Oh, and buying the 50% off Christmas stuff for next year has been exciting for me too. I love Christmas! And I got all sorts of things, for my apartment and for the buildings for next year.

At the moment, I am sitting in my office. I work today until 4pm and am currently printing out some conduct letters - 'come hither's. My printed is slow and figured I'd take a break and blog a bit. I am excited to get back into the habit.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

So, is India the same as Indonesia?

I'm going to really have to remember to blog it seems.

So far, I have been having a great Christmas/Holiday break. Friday night, D and I exchanged our gifts in a private Christmas night - was nice to have our first Christmas as a married couple, we took time to be together on Friday and enjoyed our time.

Also, been shopping a lot and have finally officially finished all the christmas shopping - craziness. well, maybe one more item. But later :P

We have been currently watching the "young indiana jones" series and.. all in all, not too bad. Sometimes I got up and puttered around just to move. It got tiresome once in a while but it is quite funny. I am learning things too.

I leaned over to D and asked him, "So, if two objects from space fell to the earth, they would eventually meet? Is it because of the shape of the earth?" This coming from little Inidia Jones learning about gravity. D said, "No, that's not it. But right now, we have a pull toward each other." I then told him, "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me!" And he laughed back at me when I started waving my hand in between us to see if I felt anything.

For a second, let's look at the title of this post. Yes, I asked my co-worker this, at our work christmas party on campus. He was asking Trivia and all I could do was sit and stare blankly. No, I am not a wonder at Geology (Geography, I know!!) but I am what I am and sometimes I am in need of someone to just give me the facts so I don't wonder about it any longer. Most of the time I just nod and hope I can figure it out - but other times I may as well ask.

Monday, December 03, 2007

A Winter Monday

The cold keeps seeping right through my windows and into my office. I have a feeling that no matter what (even duct tape on the edges) I will still get cold. I have desk workers always complaining about how cold it is. What would be hilarious is if my B and T workers got together and talked about their desk jobs. VERY different atmospheres - too hot in B.

This last weekend was nice and slow. D had his Bday - we celebrated by buying him some games and a computer program that watches our budget. So far Aya 10, Roomba 0.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

A year or more goes past

and you find yourself thinking "if I were still blogging, I would have written this down... no... typed this up.... no.... blogged about it!"

Now that I sit here, I can't remember a single instance.

I could try and do a recap of this last year and fill in that gap. However, how redundant would that be.

Got a job. Got engaged. Got married. Have a great future ahead of me.

Now, I should have this going - as I have changed the address to one that fits my new life... my "college life" is gone... even if not fully moved out ( I still live on campus... after 8 years!). Now, I just make sure that others have the same experience as I have.

400 kids and counting.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

A different place, a different name..

Yes, I am thinking about starting again!