Monday, March 16, 2009

Bad night for sleep and long day

Sleeping last night was an ordeal. I didn't eat much yesterday, but I was feeling good and I used the steamvac on some old teddy bears that D and I brought out from storage. This killed my wrist and arms. So, last night, i could NOT sleep on my right, my back hurt and I didn't want to sleep on my back. Sleeping on my left was just plain umcomfortable. Woke up every hour. By 630am, I gave up and just got ready for work.

Had a meeting at Res Life at 8:15 and made some good decisions for support for staff and residents. So glad to have gotten some of this figured out.

Then, D was waiting in the car for me and so we drove to the clinic for him and I waited a few hours for him. I found some free books to download online and so downloaded 8 of them and began reading as I waited.

He did great and I took him home and ran to Res Life and then Oak for yet another set of paperwork for a HD selection process. Then, I went home, checked on D, and then went to a HC meeting.

We went to the grocery store and I stocked up on fruits, vegies, crackers and chicken. Seems I want fresh veggies BAD.

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