Sunday, June 29, 2003

Still sick, but coming through
I've been laying around, sniffeling and coughing. After a bag of coughdrops and much dayquil to get me going, I went to my grandma's house for the weekend. Ended up staying with my little cousins as the adults went out for the night. I had the 9 and 11 yr old - it was pretty fun. We threw a bunch of mattresses on the livingroom floor and watched TV.

It seems one of my friends from Texas is coming to see me! YAAAY
I have plans to clean up the house and get it set up for a funfilled long week that we get to show him the town during the summer - since he has only visited during the winters. I wonder if he likes to fish.... I heard no camping - we'll ask. I can't think of anything else atm, but maybe off to my grandma's house in the woods. He'd like to listen to the trees maybe.
I can't wait.

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

Sick sick sick

No, not my mind. My body. =-(
Yesterday, I felt the beginnings of my cold or whatever it is by way of a sore throat. It was one of those scratchy kinds that make you feel like something is gagging you 24 hours a day. Well, I went to bed with some cough drops and a bit of NyQuil but got up around 2am because I was sweaty and cold at the same time. Right now I feel that way - I know I have a fever, but im also so cold that I am shivering. Basically, this stinks.

I did get my Perfect Dark game from E-Bay. I was so excited, I'd wanted that game for a while now. Holly and I played it for a couple hours yesterday. We had gotten it about noon but couldn't play because we went and got my future sister in law, Shana, to bring her to the bridal store. She got to pay off her dress for herself and her mom. Were both so excited about the wedding. When we were done in town, we got home at about 4pm and got to play 'til about 9pm - then we watched Monty Python's Search for the Holy Grail. Holly hadn't seen it yet. heheh I don't think she understood most of the jokes, but she laughed at the obvious physical jokes.

Aspen got to read her Harry Potter book yesterday. I bet she's really excited to finally get that book. I think someday I'll go get it too. I still need to go buy the newer movie that had come out - I've been slackin!!

OK, time to go rest, I think I'm going to end up as a puddle if I stay any longer on the computer.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

Grandmas - decks, Wrong Turn, and weekend wedding

Grandmas and deck
If you haven't noticed, I was gone for a bit. The decking supplies finally came in and when I heard my grandfather smacked his forehead with a board I decided I should go and help out. We got it all done, worked all day yesterday screwing around (IE dcrewing the new boards in place). It was a lot of fun and I always treasure the time I can have with my grandparents. Someday they won't be there and I would love to keep the memories with me. I have been doing my best to talking and visiting with them as much as possible.

Wrong Turn
Ugh, all I can say is "EEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwie"! That movie hit all my nerves with a small pick and hammer, stuffed needles under my nails and scratched the chalkboard. I probably saw half the movie because my hands were in front of my face - but I sure got an ear full with those nasty sounds. I won't talk too much about it on account of those who don't like spoilers - but if you don't mind squishy sounds and bone cracking and sudden pop up scares - this is the movie for you. gag, gag, ptooie...

Weekend Wedding
My cousin, Jake, and his fiancee, Selena, will be getting married this weekend. So, tomorrow were all congregating in Baudette for Saturday's wedding. I would never have thought Jake first - but he and Alan (my brother) are the eldest of the cousins in my family, so I guess that's right in marriage. I'm the third eldest - oldest granddaughter - uh oh. I won't be back until Sunday evening - so this won't be updated much until Monday with news on what's been happening on my end.

I hope you all have a terrific weekend. Take care!

Monday, June 16, 2003

Pampering, Kung Pow, and more musings

My Uncle Lynn had won a package for his office for free make overs - and they brought me along. Boy - did we work those poor girls. There were 5 girls and one guy, most of us had our hair colored and highlighted, I also got a new haircut and waxed. BTW, Waxing **HURTS**. It may be worth it - but OOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWCH! LOL You wouldn't guess I went through a 3 and a half hour tatoo process a few years back when I turned 21. I had more tears in my eyes yesterday then I did back then. /shrugs

Kung Pow
My little cousins stayed over another night and we watched EverAfter. We awwwed and ohhhhed and then it was about 11:30 pm and so I put them into bed. The mattress was pulled off the bunkbed two feet from my room and put on the floor so they could sleep near me. We tossed and laughed and began quoting Kung Pow, Enter the Fist until we were giggling so hard that we couldn't go to sleep. So, I popped out of bed and asked, "You guys wanna go watch the movie??" LOL don't have to ask twice around those two. We all huddled onto the couch, turned on Kung Pow and drank Kool-Aide.

Summer Musing
The night I just described was a Saturday Night. The Friday Night before that, I went to the movies with my best friend and 12 yr old cousin. We went and saw the new Harrison Ford movie - Hollywood Homicide.That's normal for a single 24 yr old to do that on a weekend night? Well, it's better than me being stuck on the computer playing EQ or some other game that sucks the adventure out of your natural life. In fact - I need to get off right now so I can actually go do something before the day is totally gone. Have a great day all!! /hugs

Saturday, June 14, 2003

Diploma (!!), e-bay, and summer musings

I finally got my diploma, I am so excited! Of course, my Mom forgot to tell me it had come - it had come about 3 days prior to my finding out. Apparently the wonderful mail-person decided to bend the thick envelope to make it fit into our mailbox. I guess they figured I didn't need a flat diploma =P My mom had stuck the envelope under a couple phone books to flatten it back out and forgot to tell me. heheh - It is beautiful, I can't believe I actually have it now.

I finally broke down and checked out E-Bay, talk about an addictive place to be. I didn't realize I would end up checking "My E-Bay" every ten minutes to see if anyones outbidded me. Hehe, be warned.

Summer Musings
"Do you rent them out?"
-Quoted by my cousin last night as we discussed girly things (Girls may get this joke - we had a good laugh).

Thursday, June 12, 2003

Camping, parties, kittens, decks, and worms

Well, I went camping with my family and the tent idea was scratched. It was one of those miserable weekends where it rained and got cold. I ended up staying inside the camper and sleeping in there. My cousins and grandparents were there but in my grandparents camper. My mom and I played cards and watched the news a bit before going to bed.

My cousins High School graduation party was a blast. They had tons of people coming in and out. I was amazed! I did get my attention grabbed by the new batch of kittens they had in the old garage out back. They were so cute. They had their mother watching them. BUT, there was a single lone abandoned kitten walking around. They said it had been abandoned by its mother about three days ago. The poor thing was starving and following the little kids - hoping for food. It broke my heart when I saw the kids playing rough with it, so of course I grabbed it and fed it a little cooked turkey and water. It almost bit my finger off! I just feel so bad for the thing and I kow I can't take it home and they didn't want anything to do with it, so I did my best to ask everyone if they wanted a kitten. One girl near the end of the night said she could take it because it was the same age as the kittens her mom and dad had gotten for the barn. She said they'd spoil it and it would have brothers and sisters to play with. I hope it has a good life - I can only hope. I have such a pull to kittens - it's horrible! I see one hungry or abandoned and I will want to give it a home. It happened two times last year with two other cats.

On another note, my grandparents had me stay with them an extra few days to help with their new deck. I was to unscrew all the screws of the old wood and help install the new planks when they got delivered. Well - they never got delivered. Apparently they ad never gotten the order! Menards has a mail-in order system that failed this time. Now my grandparents have no deck and need to wait for a new order. I doubt they'll go through that company again. The young man apparently doesn't check up on his orders - "has sooooo many coming in all the time" - the company will lose ground with the non-commercial customers if they keep that up.

Yesterday morning I went a worm hunting (animated) with my grandfather. He grabbed the pitchfork and handed me the bucket. We went around and dug and searched, but not many were showing their squirmy little heads. All we ever dug up was hordes of ants. I'd never seen so many - every fork full had a swarm of them and then we dug up the baby ants left and right. We got maybe 10 worms in that half hour of searching. Sad, sad, sad.

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

Gonna go a camping.. hi ho hi ho.. off to camping we go...

I have been busy today cleaning out the camper and finding all the camping equipment.
I suppose your wondering what "roughing it" is for me? Well, let's just say we could watch DVD's, microwave, take showers, and drink cappucinos if we wanted. I plan on taking the tent though. It has been more than 10 years since I have even been inside one, much less tried to set one up. We'll see how long it takes - and then how long it takes until I freak out enough to jump into the truck and sleep because I won't feel safe.
Hehe, I waas telling Aspen I needed to pack for the next few days and she gave me a funny look. I guess packing for a three day camping trip shouldn't take too long - but for me it takes a while. I want all the clothes I will wear clean and packed and within easy reach. I also want to have everything available if I need to - food, drinks, TP, and bedding.

So, when I am camping, I won;t be updating. This is starting Saturday morning until tuesday evening. I'll try to leave something horribly amusing to keep all my readers happy.

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

More tales of relaxation and summer

Hrmm.. I slept in until noon yesterday. Boy, was that a surprise when I woke up and realized what I did! I suppose it was on account of my staying up until 3am to read a book - I tend to not like waiting to read a book, If I start reading, I'll keep going until it's done.

I watched Columbo again today. I love the show. I do wonder why they let us see the crime beforehand sometimes. I would almost think that for the audience to wonder which suspect is the one he believes did it would be part of the show - but nope. We get to see the murder first hand. Then, that does bring us closer to the story - since we know he's on the right track and were leaning forward on our couch, waiting for him to pick up more clues that we may have or hadn't noticed. Oh, and one more thing, if you don't mind...

I planted three more bushes out front. Two were some kind of bushy green ones that will get kinda tall, other one was a flowering bush that should be pretty next year. The pool is actually looking a bit tempting atm, but I know I'm headed to Grandmas in an hour or so. I'm going to go for dinner and then come home late tonight - a nice late, quiet night. Maybe I'll turn the music up real loud and clean - or sit down and write. Who knows.

Sunday, June 01, 2003

Beautiful Days

Minnesota has been gorgeous these days. The weather is cool, with cooler winds, hot sun and shady trees. None of the nasty blood sucking bugs are out yet, so we have free reign of the woods!

Seven members of my family, including me, went down to the state park and walked for about 3 hours, around 4 miles. We had brought the dogs, so it was mostly fun to see them running around - greeting people, sticking their noses into interesting spots, and basically pulling us along at a comfortable pace. Most people would walk by quicker as I held Queen close to me - she is the friendliest - but well behaved. Well, except for that time she decided the little old lady was short enough to be a child and wanted to jump onto her. I had the leash pulled close to me, so all she did was choke herself. I hate seeing the people jump if one of the dogs got too excited. I would gusee about five out of 30 stopped an petted the dogs.

The dogs = One small sized Collie, One Spaniel, and one Yorkshire Terrier (this one looks exactly like Nicky!).