Friday, February 25, 2005

To do when I get back

  1. Unpack
  2. Go to the Res Life meeting at noon in Res. Life office
  3. Feed fishy's
  4. Find D :-)
  5. German homework
  6. Call Aspen for gossip
  7. Check E-mails (wade through tech Rhet)
  8. Check Phone Messages
  9. Hall Council Meeting
  10. Work on my class
  11. Do TWWT homework (make a hypertext essay)

To do soon!

  1. Taxes
  2. Talk to Mike about Comps and how
  3. Redo the Hall Calendar
  4. Get pennies into the Penny Drive - 2A needs to win!
  5. Copy the rest of Kapitels fur Deutsch klasse.

And Blue lookes like she's doing great!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Going, going, gone!

I'll be heading out Friday afternoon to spend the weekend helping my brother and his wife move in Fargo. I hope everyone else has a pleasant weekend and I will see you all on Sunday evening!

On a side note - im on duty and tonight seems to be a good night. Myself, I am very shakey and tired. Not sure what's up witht hat, maybe because I drank some Mt. Dew at class today (only drank half) and I think I should stay away from it. I seem to get all sick when I drink it. I guess I'll have to stick to water and Lemonaide from now on. Ah well. Oh, milk too, of course!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What? Another weekend is gone?!

Lets see - I did just finish up my schedule for what I am doing with my class this week. So I feel good about that. I need to know ahead of time so I can go find that movie.

  • Didn't finish grading, didn't have time for TWWT homework :-(
  • My poor rose plant doesn't have a new pot yet - it is blooming VERY nicely, however.
  • My bills - blah, found out I have one with 25% apr - OUCH!
  • didn't even go near the storage room.
  • Did finish up the RA Carousel - to only find out that I have a meeting next Sunday on selection because I had signed up to be a group leader - which was a lot of fun!
  • Saw Constantine once - D, I and a few others went on Friday night. I loved it!

D didn't leave until saturday, so we went skiing again and I had a blast. It was a lot colder than last time, so I froze a bit - kept running into the lodge to warm up. He and some floor members went to the larger hills as I warmed up and then I headed back out to my little bunny hill. I love that hill hehe I am still scared of it off and on. But, I feel that I will soon be able to graduate to larger and better hills after a few more times.

Everything else on my to do list is also not done - just too crazy of a weekend. I also have next weekend as a doozy since I'll be in Fargo helping my brother move. /sigh

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Weekend List!

  • make wiki page for my class
  • grade the last of the first projects and send e-mails
  • work on TWWT homework
  • get a pot for my new plant
  • Work on bills
  • reorganize the storage room
  • go to RA Carousel - group leader, yaay!
  • Check out Constantine (go a couple times, D wants to see it too)
  • Take some time to do homework since D is gone for the weekend
  • Set up what is going to happen next week in my class
  • Study for next chapter in german
  • work on my paper for the Student Achievement day
  • haircut?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Blah, laundry day

Not enough money
too many clothes
back is killing me
not enough energy
not enough room to lay the wet clothes out
I am surrounded by wet cloth in a suffocating room. It's warm, wet, and muggy. That is my forcast for tonight. Hopefully they will dry by the end of the night, I need the sheets to sleep in.

Here I sit, wondering what my title will be, how I'm going to get this written and when I'm ever going to get started. I'm on duty tonight - I just want to go through rounds alive and make it back to my room. Hopefully work on the project and then on my german studying.

The day hasn't left me in the greatest of moods, but seeing D earlier for dinner made me smile and even thought I almost cried as I described my day, I felt better.

Now, to go dig out my research ... should be around here somewhere...

Calmed down some

I had a bad day - an inappropriate comment made in an inappropriate setting. One that was upsetting and derogatory toward me - and was made in confidence that it wouldn't have happened - but the trust was overstepped. Now, to deal with the incident - which won't be as bad as the actual incident itself. I was very - well - f**king pissed - and that doesn't happen often.

Aspen made me calm down with some good old fashioned coldstone ice cream and all was going well. Until someone I have looked up to for a long time began yelling at me for trying to help. This person knows I would never do anything to make it worse - I am always trying to help - but this person's personality is different from mine and yelling is just second nature when they're stressed. But, I don't work well under that kind of abusive environment. So, I took it in stride with a smile, made an excuse for the person to the others standing around and then ran to my room before I could embarass myself to cry in the privacy of my room. Now, all I can think is thank God, thank God. Next year everything will have changed and I can go about my business without some of these problems.

Calm again - but still - it doesn't make you feel good to be yelled at in front of others, it doesn't feel good to feel any of that "face" that you put up for people in order to get work done to drain away into unnecessary embarassment. It's just a horrible day, and I think I'll stay in my room the rest of the night and just do some homework and work on something that will make me happy.

Something for me.

Something that is mine.

But, I am on duty tonight, so that will hopefully go without a problem. Don't think I can handle anything atm.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Valentines Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentines Day!

I had a good day, had help from D with my class (I was at an impass with assignments and he helped me tons) and then ate a nice lunch with him. Then, when I got home from teaching, he was beginning an absolutely wonderful dinner - Chicken/Broccoli Alfredo. He let me help just a little, but insisted on doing the rest for me. Very romantic. :-) Then, when I was in the kitchen, he snuck into my dorm room and put a rose plant and a box of chocolates on my TV. I didn't see them until I came in the room after dinner. I then gave him his fudge chocolates and a huge hug and snuggle. He also brought out a wonderful card - and yes, I am gushing - so sorry.

I also ran home and delievered mom some flowers and candy and card. She was a little lonely and I felt she needed the hugs and smooches. She has such a hard time.

Tonight, the RA's (two buildings only) went out to Applebees and had some fun and some ended up going out to dance. One of them knows a girl who likes a guy on my floor and the RA asked me to get him to go to the U Bar and so I did! A hit blind date tonight! So cute. Hoping it all turns out OK. :)

Sunday, February 13, 2005


A nice weekend! It was a three day weekend on account of classes being cancelled for Cabin Fever day. Holly and Aspen came over and we all hung out and played games, went bowling and just enjoyed the weekend.

I didn't get very much done, but hopefully this week I will.

Friday, February 11, 2005

A great Friday!

This whole last week I was sick with the cold and finally on Thursday I was able to walk about without wanting to cry and jump back into bed. Thank the higher being that it is all over!

On a fun note, I went ski'ing for the very first time in my life. I was real rocky at first but was able to ski down the small hill right away. I learned how to stop (only at slow speeds) and then how to make some good turns.

However, my boyfriend wanted me to go onto bigger and better jumps. Oy! I went to a larger one with some good turns and was fine (3 times down) and so they wanted me to check out the larger lift.

OMG, the lift went WAY up and the way to get off was to go down a steep ramp! And a VERY slippery icy ramp at that. I was able to stop myself before plummetting down the large hill but then I was apparently supposed to go down it anyway.

Like a big girl, I went ahead and went down it twice... the first time very slowly and I was ok. The second time, just a bit faster. But, the third time went WAY too fast and I couldn't turn or anything. I passed up the lift by a long shot and was able to stop by hitting the bank of snow slightly. I had one of those epiphenic moments where I was empty of everything inside - no life flashing before my eyes, just a certainty of impending doom and no way to steer clear. So, I stood where I stopped, softly told the guys to go ahead and go again and just stood there until they came down again.

They did stop and I smiled weakly and tried not to worry them - I had almost started balling when I was thinking about how fast I had gone. So, they suggested we go to the cabin and eat. Well, that apparently was a task in itself - they said the easiest way to get there was through going on the hill on the right. That it wasn't a "bad hill, it ends on the easy hill you have been going on at the first few times". So, I agreed, took the high lift and went right this time.

Well, let me tell you, I let them go first, made myself go VERY slow because it looked like a sheer drop more than a hill to me and even going slow, i was suddenly going so fast I couldn't think straight. I was headed right for the trees on the other side of the "easy" hill and so I had to reach down and let myself fall or go tossing into the trees. Let's just say, that hurt. But, it wasn;t the fall that made me start balling my head off - it was the feeling I had from not being able to control where I was going while ski'ing. Next time, I'll know my limits and tell the guys to go ahead more often. hehe

I did get back to my feet after resting and eating, and hit the "small" hill a few times, just so I could make myself not be so scared anymore. I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't want to go back. So I did that hill about 4 times and then finaly stopped and waited for the guys.

All in all, it was a great day! Met tons of people, tried something new, got to be with D and enjoyed a great, warm day.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Dis *sneezed* gustingly sick!

Yep, started Friday night at about 7-9pm... now a full blown cold that I can tell will be here for a while. It's one of those good old kind where you are bone weary, sniffly, sore throated, and sneezing all over. I have a nice big box of lotioned kleenex next to me and besides the sneezing, sore throat, and sniffles, I am awake today.

I went to bed on friday night at about 10pm, slept until noon on Saturday, made some food for lunch and managed to stay awake for two hours, passed out, woke at 4pm, ate with Aspen for a couple hours and came back to pass out again. I can say I slept all night last night too, waking up off and on to blow my nose and to get a cough drop. Now, I am awake and washing clothes - /shrug Talk about hard work when you're sick - could barely drag my clothes to the laundry room.

Mom left me a message on my phone telling me that I got a letter in the mail telling me that I was not supposed to go vote in the college voting area, that I was supposed to go vote at some Beltrami spot. WTH I go to college at BSU, I live in Bem., what else do they want?? Don't they say to just "GO VOTE" no matter what? Do I have to find a certain spot? Am I not free enough to go vote where it is the closest and most convenient?! Well, apparently not, because they said that if it happens again, it could be a petty misdemeanor. OK - that just pisses me off thinking they can do that - and having a cold and being pissed isn't a great combo hehe.

Oh and another thing that has me a bit upset - and I'm sure everyone is - is that the payrolls for anyone who had direct deposit on Friday was deducted instead of added to our accounts. Could there have been any worse of a mistake? I can't imagine all the fees the banks and schools will have to work on to get the problem fixed. Personally, I was ok because I had my financial aid in there and it covered the bad lossed - but usually i'm not covered and I couldn't imagine the nasty overdrawn fees and bouncing checks that would have gone through. However, I called and they were very nice about saying that they were fixing it and it should go back to normal soon. But, what about the fact that money was withdrawn from my bank without any acknowledgement from me? That seems a bit *wrong*.

On a good note - Bill got me the full set of "Keeping Up Appearances" and I have been watching these nonstop - when I am conscious. Absulutely Hilarious =) It was good timing to get them, I had something to watch when I'd wait for the medicines to kick in. hehe yay!