Friday, February 28, 2003

Dreams, Taxes, Cappucinos, and Home

I had the oddest dream last night. I was watching Columbo before I went to bed and it was fascinating watching this little hunched man with a glass eye put all the clues together. Well, in my dream I was both the murderer and Columbo! I was doing an in and out of body thing where I put on the dream characters role during certain parts. At one point I was trying not to get caught but Columbo was finding all the clues and knew I had done it, the other times I was Columbo trying to hunt down the murderer. Talk about wierd! No more Ramen Noodles before bed!

I want to do my taxes. I really do! But, I have about $30 on me and I can't afford to get them done! Not if it costs $70+! I may go ahead and try the internet filing, and hope I do it right. Last time the tax place did them wrong anyway, but geez, I'm no good at this kind of stuff.

I had a cappucino before Fiction Writing class. I drove Anandia nuts. I think she may have strangled me if I'd kept jabbering on about anything and everything. hehehe poor girl.

Me = Home sick. What is sad is that my mom lives about 15 minutes away.

Hehe I can't get enough of the Columbo site, it's pretty spiffy.

Thursday, February 27, 2003

Life is G000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000D!

Dr. Morgan just told me after I TA taught photoshop in the advanced webdesign class that I was picked for a graduate teaching assistanship! WHOOT! I'm going to be teaching Freshman Writing Comp! /high five!!!

If anything else happens, I may pop!

I think I'll get off the computer and start dancing around my dorm room. I'm too excited to be sitting in one place.

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Happiness loves company, RA position foiled, As I Lay Dying, and Phone Calls

I admit it. I am happy. I was tired this morning, but since I got back to the room after class, put a few Angel episodes under my belt and turned on A Massive Attack-Teardrop song on my MP3 player I feel like I could conquer the world. It must be that adrenaline rush because I will be teaching a class tomorrow again. I wonder if everytime I teach this same rush of excitement will come. I love it. It's the best thing in the world. I feel like I could write, create, jump, or even lick the monitor in a joyful manner!

I may be happy but It hasn't been crushed or uplifted by the RA position being a no-go. I had to withdraw my application from the process so they wouldn't waste their time. It seems I can't have two contracts (RA and Teaching Grad). So, I will decide between living at home (Strong-strong possibility) and the dorms. I miss my car. Truly. So maybe I will go ahead and just go home so I can have my own bathroom and my own car again.

I also read the book As I Lay Dying by Faulkner within two days. I admit the type was sort of large and one chapter was just a single line. You have to give credit for a man who can create a whole chapter with "My mother is a fish". Some may say the book isn't something to be enjoyed, but heck I loved it - even if I did think I smelled dead people the whole time I read it. I kept checking to make sure it wasn't me that smelled, but I know now that it was my imagination being pulled by Faulkner.

I heard my phone ringing about half an hour ago and I picked it up. All I heard was some distant voices in the background. I sat and listened for a second to try and figure out who it was who called. I have seen it happen where a phone number is called on a cell phone by accident. Well, as I sat there the phone next door in our livingroom started ringing. I handed my roommate the phone I had and answered the other one. It was my mom and she said she had just called and wondered what happened. Well - that leaves us with wondering who is talking in the other phone. We try and say hello but we get no answer. When I hang up with my mom we go back to trying to figure it out and my roommate suddenly asks me a few questions on what is being said and we find out it is a friend of mine from Florida! He must have tried calling me at the same time my mom did! I wonder how much his bill will be from us trying to figure it out. eek. I am definitely going to tease him about this tho.

Monday, February 24, 2003

Wiki memories, interviews, hiccups

I have been working hard on the wiki project and have just loved going through the old pictures and trying to remember everything I can about certain times. So far I have mostly the memories associating with more recent life activities, but I am slowly moving backwards to try and give my project more depth into what I "almost" remember. Hey, I can't wait to put in what I can't remember - amnesia when I was in Elementary School - maybe I should just get some first person accounts from my mom or friends.

This last Saturday I was being interviewed from 1pm until about 5pm. This is for that RA position that I have mentioned earlier. I know I can do the job and have time for everything else, but I know I won't be heartbroken if I don't get it. I have back-up plans and maybe moving back to moms house wouldn't be too bad of an idea. I miss her terribly and always feel guilty leaving her alone in that big house of ours.

I had the hiccups before the Hall Council meeting today. I believe that something as un-exciting as hiccups can make a person seem more human to those that may be a bit off-ish to you. It is something to laugh about - together - especially when I couldn't quite finish a sentence.

Friday, February 21, 2003

Bathroom Stall Leaking Out

I have always heard of the interesting poems that are frequently written on men's bathroom stalls. Yet, I am always amazed at how many times the guys running around the dorms find it funny to go on a girls marker-erase board on her door and draw very insightful pictures. I say - if that's what it looks like, oh boy.

And then to actually leave *A* phone number near the picture is just beyond funny. I haven't tried calling yet, but I am sure it's their neighbors or some friend of theirs.

Is this something that amuses guys? To know that the first thing that I wake up to after I leave my room to go take a shower is an X-rated male drawn image of man. Does this make them excited? Laugh? Maybe the reward is when they ever walk by our door again they can chuckle to themselves of how they drew it on my door. Just maybe their chest will swell with pride of how they achieved the prank with wily and witty skills. I bow down to those 'oh masters of my world who have dominated my very personal space with a badly drawn man's member. You would think they could get the proportions right. As it is, it looks more like a small minnow trying to swim against a fast current.

Was it you? Did you do it? How can I help not wondering that as I pass guys on an all girl dorm floor? I hope they feel superior as long as they don't ever have to draw themselves for an art class. I am sure the proportions will be skewered as much as their sense of humor.

Thursday, February 20, 2003

Fishy Suicide

Well everyone, I think I will never have kids knowing full well how animals live around me.

I cannot have plants, they die within a week.

My first 2 Betta fish died within a week

This third fish - he must have jumped out of his bowl, flopped around on the counter and then dropped into a magazine bin. Sammie has gone off to the big fishy bowl in the sky. Honestly, where does a fish get off committing suicide? They aren't 'spose to be able to jump that high! I guess his acrobatics from yesterday had hit a high note while I was sleeping. It's sad that he had to kill himself so that I wouldn't have the chance to off him. Ah, irony at its finest.

Maybe a pet rock next time...

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Aspen, don't click this link!

Ack, No, don't do it! AHhhhhhhhh!

P.S. My fish thinks he can get through plastic walls with his nose.
You can always surprise yourself

I have doubts, sometimes. Maybe I am volunteering for something that I shouldn't be. Maybe I should go through life quietly, don't stir anything up. Maybe they won't like me! Yet, there I go volunteering, having fun, getting to know people, and stirring up the ripples.

hmmm.. can fish have siezures? Sammie is doing some wierd bending-halfy thing. He's resting now, guess he just had to get something out of his system.


This week hasn't been all that bad. I read through The Sun Also Rises within two days, read thoughts from an Opium eater, worked on my wiki, went to meetings, worked, and attended all classes.

Monday, February 17, 2003

Dancing, bars, drinking, and school

My uncle and cousins played at the Charlies bar in Walker this last Saturday night. They did a wonderful job and everyone was dancing and hollaring. I treasure any moment I get to spend with my cousins, they are so much fun and I love them dearly. As my roommate and I sat there, we were asked if we wanted a "drink" about every five minutes. I guess going to a bar is supposed to be for drinkers and without a glass in front of me, I was fair game. I refused every invitation - I have found drinking to be awful on my senses, I get tired, too wierd, and I don't like it. Once in a while I may have a cutesy drink - Strawberry Margarita or something, but that's it.

We both got asked to dance. Aspen got the cute sober guy, I got some drunk guy that had roman fingers and russian hands. I danced once and that was it. I think way too many drunk guys were around for me to have a good time. I'd much rather be seen as a person than some "thing".

On a good note, I did get most of my homework done this weekend and got to spend some time with my mom. I have all my forms handed in for the R.A. position and for the Graduate position. Wish me luck!

Sunday, February 16, 2003

For the first time in my 23 and 4/5 years I have recieved flowers. I was astounded and excited. Thank you again Keith! They are beautiful.

Friday, February 14, 2003

Nuclear missles, webcameo, work

I hear Korea has some nuclear missles that can come to America without being stopped? Of course, I first heard about it through the grapevine to a very prestigious news-source.

I plan on grabbing my webcam from my moms house and setting it up on my computer. Most likely it will be a fish-cam or out my window.

I have a lot of work to do this weekend.
*Chloe re-write
*Finish up the "Hero" section of my senior project
*Read Don Juan
*Read Sun Also Rises
*Work on my wiki with mom
*Read for Women in Middle Ages - The Lais of Marie de France
*Work on the annoying navigation webpage for Adv. Web


Happy Valentines Day!


Wednesday, February 12, 2003

Good fuzzy feelings of accomplishments

I have to say I am excited beyond belief. Just to think of the future of perhaps being accepted as an R.A. and to be a Grauate Teaching Assistant in the Department of English gets me all a-flutter. I know that I worry off and on, but it does pass - then I get all excited again. I may be jumping the gun and execting too many good things to happen at once, but I can hope! I just hope I don't fall. But if I do, I'll just stand right back up and find something else to do that will be just as exciting!


I have always envied their Shakesperean prose.
oh oh oh ah ah ah oooh ahhhh

Monday, February 10, 2003

English Majors Who Decide to Become Janitors

Who says cleaning the toilets is bad for you? English majors can definitely use the break against the world of texts and writings to grab a sponge. Willingly roll up their sleeves to tackle gum in the carpet, clean the blackboards, sniff glue, and use Mr. Clean as astringent for their face-wash.

As the Romantics would say, "lets get with nature and clean the foul stench emanating from the vassals of our un-natural lives".

Maybe too much Milton or T.S. Eliot can bring an English Major into the wild life of janitorialism. An -ism unlike any in the world. Can I go beat the erasers ma'am?

And I would never forget to finish my Oh? What was that, yeah last night I had to go... Oh, what was I saying again? I think an error occurred while processing my directive.

Sunday, February 09, 2003

Not Macaroni and Cheese, but an action of will.

How do we figure out what craft is? Sure, we can check out the dictionary definition -

Craft has been used as a verb since the Old English period and was used in Middle English to refer specifically to the artful construction of a text or discourse. In recent years, crafted, the past participle of craft, has been in vogue as a participle referring to well-wrought writing.

Artful construction - Planning? Is there necessarily planning involved? Art can be instantaneous, so can writing. What higher question can come from the topic of craft? Oh what a question. Dr. Morgan put this question to me in reference to Bernsteins review of Blood's book. If Bernstein is looking for the higher question that involves craft, how do we define this type of writing? Blogs can have artful construction, especially in the physical sense. What makes writing craftful?

Craftful writing - to me - is the text with an intent that is followed through. With this article, my intent is to ask a question and try to work it out myself and see if anyone out there may have any ideas to contribute. One part of that craft is in my text and how I am delivering the message through a blog. Another part is my comments section at the end of this post. Someone can follow through and comment on what they believe craft is. Crafting about craft? I didn't plan this.

Could crafting be seen as reason? Lets take Reason against Romanticism. Reason is a well thought out process, romantics like to do things on the spur of the moment. Let the feelings flow!

"Now, try thinking how Bernstein’s idea(from my essay on the wiki -ayleen) that Blood doesn’t address craft fits into the higher question. That is, what higher questions might craft address?" - Dr. Morgan

Higher questions within craft
Taking this thought into blog terms and the communities, we have to see craft as a part of daily life. Reason comes with details, specifics, and a step by step procedure. Romance comes with suggestions, commentary - baroque? Can reason be baroque?

Sammy is healthy and swimming at my elbow. I just fed him and you should hear me clapping and egging him on. After two deaths from some VERY sick bettas from WalMart I was almost despairing if the pet shop fish was going to die on me too. If anyone ever goes to WalMart, go check out their Betta display. It will sicken you. I want to cry and save them all but I can't. They don't seem to change their water, they leave them in the little containers in dark gunky water, half are usually dead and I heard it mentioned that about 200 die a week. WTF? I went to the pet store and all their fish looked healthy and were swimming in clear water. Get some humanity WalMart, I'm sure glad you don't carry Cats and Dogs! You'd be shut down for sure.

Friday, February 07, 2003

Fishy Got Game!

I finally went back to the store and looked around. I had been feeding Sammie the same pellets as Alphie, and I see now they have FLAKE food! An epiphany. I have been starving the poor fish for weeks because he is a finicky eater! Heaven knows we don't want him to chew!
GuComics back up, Fishy News, Military, and Plans

I went to Gu Comics and see that they got a new server! Parties down I have to say that this is my absolute favorite comic and am so glad that they didn't get lost in lala land like some others.

Sammy is still alive, it is mind boggling. He doesn't eat! It's been three weeks and I have had to take out a piece of food and put another one in once in a while to see if he will end up eating it. I don't know how he survives. I'm gonna head down to the pet store later today and see if they feed them certain food and buy some. Maybe I just picked the wrong kind. Maybe he needs a girlfriend. /grin. I would get a promiscuous fish.

I ran into a "Thank the military" website where they are looking for names to add to a list that will be sent out to the military people. I love this idea, since I come from a military family where I was an army brat.

Plans are in effect for everything I need to do this weekend.
1.)Finish up research and organize the info for Ancestry - senior project.
2.)Read selections for my Women in Middle Ages class - Do the worksheet.
3.)Buy the valentines supplies for Hall Council fund raiser.
4.)Design the Valentines cards - Paint
5.)Read some more Coleridge for English Lit2.
6.)Revise my Chloe Pinglehoff story for Fiction.
7.)Pay my bills.
8.)Revise my Letter of Application for R.A. position.
9.)Revise my Resume for R.A. position.
10.)Wash clothes.
11.)Teach Mom how to work the wiki project.

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Are students drinking less?

Sure, the drinking may be less and studying - What are college students doing? In the article by they mention, students may be working more (I know I have seen a rise in my jobs since tuition has upped their prices) but, has anyone considered looking into the on-line games?

First I want to consider the fact that for playing an on-line game, I turned out pretty normal. I am no violent freak, I don't stalk people, I do my homework and I don't believe I am crazy - you could ask my roommate sometime, she should be able to tell ya. I am in favor of gaming on-line...In moderation. I used Everquest as an outlet after my father's death in '99. I came out of that haze intact and ready for life after being healed within a virtual reality world that I was able to hide in. People listened and you didn't feel judged. I enjoyed the people and the gaming experience. I will always have the memories of that time where I felt involved in such a world. Nowadays, I am taken by my real life, enjoying the quests in the academic sense. It may be a small demographic of students who play the games, but how many "chat" on MSN or ICQ? How many go to mIRC and find a group to chat with? How many play MUD's? I could go on and on.

We don't have the TIME or the resources for drinking! If you have been in any of the situations I have described above, you know what it's like to have a friend chatting to you online when he is drunk? It may be hilarious, but can be very confusing!
Work for the night

1.)Look over BSU design sketching and re-organize links more.
2.)Read the pages for English Lit.
3.)Make a rough draft of my Blogs/Wiki Project.
4.)Read pamphlet on blogging.
5.)Re-do Resume (Follow R.A. guidlines).
6.)Stop goofing off on my blog and get to work.
7.)Blog or Wiki a few people
8.)Work on finding Sites and books for my Senior Project

Monday, February 03, 2003

Yay, Polls!

I finally found a website by searching google to add a poll to my site. I am allowed to make up to 20 polls before I need to erase one to add a new one. I will try to keep the polls as "college life" as possible so as not to throw my theme away.

/taps Renee on the shoulder. She's in the lab again, I think she may live here. Sooner or later she is going to take over my job and push me out of the way - she's getting so good at this stuff.

My fish is still alive, but he hasn't eaten a single piece of fish food since I got him. This has been about two weeks. How long can he survive? I am awfully worried about him and will be so sad if he does die. Maybe the fish is as stubborn as me, but I am not about to let him ot of his bowl because he's on hunger strike!

Sunday, February 02, 2003

Forms, forms and more forms...

I just finished my resume and two letters of application. One for Graduate Teaching Assistant and another for the R.A. position I am hoping for. If the GA teaching job needs me to NOT be an RA, Ra will be dropped, but if I could possibly have both, heck I can do it. Look at how many things I am doing this semester. Add in 19 credits, senior project and every weekend spent mostly with my mother, and I am called a full-time student!

And yet, Sallie Mae, a place I took loans out for school when I went to UNT, had decided I needed to start paying my loan back starting in December. How this can be, I don't know. From my understanding you shouldn't pay back school loans until your out of school, but they decided I was "delinquent" even after all the forms I filled out at BSU records so they could fix the problem. Sheesh! - This problem may be fixed, but we will see next month if I get another one of those letters.

Hmm rearrange the letters in student and you get dentuts---what this means, I don't know. If anyone does find out, gimme a call.

Saturday, February 01, 2003

Seven Angels fell from the sky.