Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Pssst, Aspen
Wookie matters

Monday, April 28, 2003

Don't make me think and missionary school?

I get to do an Usability testing tomorrow to see how the Department of English website is coming along. I am hoping I will get some great feedback so I can get it finished up by the end of the year. I wonder if Mike would let me do the same with my Senior Project? Hmm... food for thought.

Yesterday for 7 hours I was at our church to help sponsor my brother and his fiancee. I had an interesting time talking with Pastor Cheryl about Original Sin and Adam and Eve - I have learned an awful lot in my Women in Middle Ages Class and am so intrigued by the church and its influences on society in the Middle Ages. We talked for a long time about all my questions and thoughts, and she looked me in the eye and asked me if I'd ever thought of Missionary School. I stepped back and laughed, of course I hadn't even thought about it! With all my questions and my mind, who would have even thought I'd consider the possibility. However now that I think about it, that would be a fascinating place for me, I'd go right into the History of the Church or maybe the Theology. Maybe that would be a great compliment to my studies - to eventually teach the middle ages in college is definitely my goal. I love to discuss the their strange culture and society rules.

Friday, April 25, 2003

All thumbs today

Anyone else ever have the problem where your typing in your password and since you can't tell what you actually wrote, you just cross your fingers and hope its right? I feel like I hit too many letters or something, yet, it always works. /shrug

Today is going to be long, ill be in classes until noon, going to stop by the Graduate office and make sure all my paperwork is in and good to go. Then I need to call up my loans and tell them to try and not bill me, call me delinquent, or call me because they don't eep track of their customers. Even if I had signed up for next falls classes, they want my money! Money? What money?! gah.

I have a littl anxiety on getting the department of english website up and finished, plus the senior project website finished. But, if I take this saturday and work hard, I can get a few more pages up. After that, i need to fix them - Ill work on the dpt of English during summer until it's exactly how we need it though.

Thursday, April 24, 2003

OK, so I'm late by a day... hehe

I did something frivolous yesterday, I worked on my RA poster that tells who is on duty. I wanted to paint a castle, so I bought a large poster board, drew a castle, and painted it for a couple hours. I tlooks kinda cool - I can't wait to work on the dragon now.

Then, last night at 9:15 we (hall council) put on the Who Wants to be a Millionaire contest and that was hilarious, I barely knew any of the answers! And of course we had recorded Angel and so we watched that at around 10pm and didn't get to sleep until 11 - I jumped into my bed and passed right out.

I also got a phone call last night from my new ARHD for next year, I'll be going to a dinner put on by the current RA's next Monday. That will help out a lot since I can't quite get all the names straight yet. There are going to be 12 RAs - including me.

Monday, April 21, 2003

I'm not slacking! I swear =)

I hope everyone had a great Easter, I went to my grandma's house and we had a huge ham dinner and then celebrated my grandfathers birthday.

On Saturday I just did my homework and got a lot of reading done and some more of my wiki-ness. [Had a report due so I did that on Saturday]

Friday night - well thats basically dubbed the goof off night - we rented movies and did a few things in town.

Wednesday, April 16, 2003

busy busy busy.

Monday, April 14, 2003

Sleepy and Productive?

I almost got no sleep last night. I went to bed about 11 pm and laid there for hours on hours, until 3am! Finally I must have lost consciousness, cause once my alarm went blaring in my ears at 7:30 I felt like I hadn't slept at all.

I did get to talk to Dr. Morgan today about what classes I will be taking next year - I am going to sign up for the Pedagogy, grab up my German I and then keep my fairytales class. It sounds like it will be a fun year with learning how to teach and teaching at the same time.

I actually finished one of my projects! I read three of the books from the library on Anchoresses and wrote up my 13 page paper. I was so fascinated with those women! I'll have to put up a copy of that paper so you guys can read about it - talk about crrrrrrrraaaaaazyyy!

I also got the problem fixed with the BSU site not uploading. Dr. Morgan fixed it after I asked why it kept saying I had no space for the files. Now, all I have to do is fix all the gal darn links that got screwy from me converting my files from PC to Mac. GAH! always something.

Friday, April 11, 2003

A great day

I just got done with my test in Enlish Lit II and I have to say, it rocked! I studied more than I needed to, but I had such great groundwork for that test that I didn't have to worry. Yaaaaaaay! I feel good.

Now- if only my neck would stop being stuck and my pulled muscle would melt away. If I don't move my head too much to one side it doesn't hurt - but it's hard not to do that. Stupid neck.

Also, printed out my Graduation Invitations - I'll hopefully get them set out soon.

Wednesday, April 09, 2003

Presentation Success!

I am so proud of our Fiction Class! The 10 of us all took our turns to read in front of a good handful of people. I know I stumbled over a couple words here and there but I stayed at a relatively good pace. Everyone seemed to like my dress too - Yaaay, I didn't feel like too much of a dork wearing a renaissance dress in front of everyone.

Right after the presentation, I got a few hugs and happy tidings before I could make it to the bathroom and change. I was so happy to get into a tank top and jeans after that, those dresses can be quite constrictive - Ahem.

After that me and Aspen went outside and we were about to go to the library when - we stopped - stared at the beautiful 70 degree weather and the bright sky - looked at each other - looked at the library - looked back at the car and we both said to heck with it and took the day off. We have been working so hard and we rarely get to go walk around and just goof the rest of the day. Well - today was our release. We cruised around all over Bemidji, ate at Tutu Bene's and walked around the mall. I may be about $50 in the hole because of a few clothing choices, but I feel much more relaxed. We went home later tonight and played a bit 'o Nintendo - Super Mario Brothers and then watched Angel and then watched my movie - Beowulf with Christopher Lambert. That was fun to watch, it may be a B-rated movie but it was fun to giggle about things and actually see how that movie would stay within the Beowulf story-line.

Monday, April 07, 2003

Upcoming Presentation

My fiction writing class has been planning a presentation of "Hearing Voices" for the student Scholarship day on Wednesday. I have to dress up in my renaissance dress, but it shouldn't be too bad. If the other girls wear fancy clothes, I won't feel so silly. I can't give too much detail yet, but after the fact maybe I can. We did hold a practice session today during our class time - two didn't show up - Mr. Altheizer and Mr. Page. The thing is, they are are beginning and end readers for the presentation! If you two see this, try and come to the presentation at 12:30 so we can all get our stuff together. We made plans and need to fill you in.

Stress Levels on the Rise

Stress is smacking into me hard, but I have been hanging in there. I am doing my best to make sure my training time for RA and GA are not conflicting - I have yet to hunt down my future RHD to talk to her about it. The Grad office was great, "We want our students to succeed" is what she said. I felt better after that, but I still worry.

I have been getting good progress on my Wiki Project. Mom is being given crash courses in Wiki-Wisdom and I think she can get it by the deadline. I have the main states to go yet and the date timeline. My own side is finished, but needs to be reformatted to my own liking (I'll do that after I have all the info I need).

My Beowulf project is still in progress, I am currently reading a book on the treasures of Beowulf - interesting excerpts will be put on the site. I am stressed about that site, but I am going to center all my energies on that after my Wiki is polished.

I have been going slow on my Women in Middle Ages paper, it's only a 10-13 pager, but I need to do a lot of reading before the 19th so I can return the library books.

And then there is the next assignment in Advanced Fiction - I need to turn in another 15 or so pages of new text along with my revision of my PeaceWeaver story. Let's hope I can find a weekend to do this - along with trying to get out the wedding invitations for my brothers weddng, wedding shower, and my graduation.

Oh and not to mention getting packed to go home for the summer, keep moms house in order with all my junk in it so the part can have room to breathe in may, make sure the lawn is all set up, try and save enough money to live the summer at home (getting a job is pointless for the two months I'm there), and making sure I don't freak out and start tossing ice cream into my roommates shoes - MUHAHAHAHA

Saturday, April 05, 2003

Oops I did it again!

No, not quoting Brittney Spears, just saying I've been naughty in forgetting to update my blog for good reasons.

I've been working on my Wiki lately and even spent a few hours at the library looking up stuff for my timeline. I think I know too much about the eighties now. I'm happy with how it's working out, so it's all good.

I also went to a great piano conert today in Bangsberg.She was a wonderful pianist and hope to hear her another day. Aspen and I also heard this song played "Regard de L'tiole" by Messian, it was haunting.

I intend to get up around 9am tomorrow and work a little bit on my Women in Middle Ages paper, go to my moms and do some laundry and visit with relatives and then come back and finish up my work.

Thursday, April 03, 2003


I was working so hard on my wiki that I had no time to come write anything on the blog!

We had gone to the chinese restaurant yesterday and we were sitting there munching down when this poor man came waddling in - too drunk to walk straight. I felt bad for him, you never know what kind of life he has and to add alcoholism to that would be worse than hell. He only had about a dollar and fifty cents and the guy at the front wouldn't let him go eat. Ten minutes later the cops called and they talked to him for a while and then had him get in the back of the car. He went willingly - probably going to take him home to sober up. Makes me wish people could see how it is hurting themselves and those around them, and to have that make a difference.