Saturday, January 29, 2005

Stuff I need to look at

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Pictures Pictures Pictures

Have you heard the joke about the oranges?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

I guess the posting slowed down a bit too much...

I am personally enjoying my time these days. I had a wonderful Christmas break in the dorms - I was able to spend more time with D and I feel happy.

My floor is growing - 17 boys and 10 girls now. Not even, but it is working out. We plan on rock climbing tomorrow at the rec center at 7pm - that should be a blast.

Meetings have been going on strong along with lots of reading and preperation. I have been able to balance time- but I better be careful and make sure it doesn't go too far to one side.

Other than that, I have been fine. No colds or flu's, just RA job, class, and teaching.

PS2 is back - thank you Sony- at least they take care of you when something breaks.

Friday, January 14, 2005


Really cold, I dunno what's going to happen - but hopefully it's not going to make too much trouble for everyone. I got a phone call this morning early from my mom to make sure I didn't go anywhere... hmmm

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Take about half an hour, relax and enjoy

My list of favorites

Can we say "cold outside"?

Yes, it is cold. But enough about the weather.

I have three new folders of organized "stuff". And I am unhappy with one, so I hope to get these fixed up.

I bought two new books on my effort to start reading again: Harry Potter #5 in soft cover for only $7 and then the Illustrated "The Davinci Code". I have other books and just haven't gotten around to them - but this one has been on my list for a bit.

I have heard that my cousin has purple hair, so I will be looking for her this weekend. I know Elektra and Lemony Snicketts are something we may go see.

Aspen and Jeremy made it safe and sound and it's been a blast reconnecting with the residents on my floor. They are ALL outgoing and talkative and just crazy. Love 'em! We had a wonderful meetings last night and I couldn't have been happier.

Off to go do some more work. :-)

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Absolutely beautiful

We got Aspen and Jer last night at about 7pm. Went out to eat and hung out. Was nice to see them. D and I talked them into playing a bit of Kung Fu Chaos - hilarious.

Aspen's mom got me a beautiful picture for my wall

Now, Aspen went to the store and I am waiting for the guys to wake up so I can start breakfast and help move people in.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Rambling thoughts - as usual

I miss reading Beowulf - I wish it were new and I could restart fresh.

I hate money and the burning pit in the stomach that comes with it.

I want to snuggle on my couch and get lost under a blanket.

Aspen and Jer are in Kansas City, I wish they were here now - as I told Aspen earlier, "It's like having a Christmas present still wrapped under the tree after the fact."

Im tired too.

My hands are extremely dry and I'm cold. =/

Miss my mom. And she's only 15 minutes away.

Think I need a hug. Or a book. Or some comforting chaos to clean up after. I could go and mess something up and clean it up... but I am not crazy enough to see a purpose to that. I may be obsessive compulsive in a way, but not crazily!

I want my PS2 back - I don't want someone else's broken PS2! Even if it is working.

I have started to really like Jasmine. mmmm

I'm scared of computer services - my office computer hasn't been accounted for because I'm lazy and didn't bring it in. /sigh

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Here we go

  1. eat
  2. shower
  3. check messages
  4. tell Aspen that she has a package at the post office and I can't pick it up for her because my name isn't Aspen
  5. work on daily activities
  6. work on large papers (figure how large by words and have them use that more than pages) and the prompts for them
  7. Figure out the reading schedule and what should be read
  8. add water to fishy bowls
  9. work on art on the glass window
  10. do a daily syllabus and due date for my class
  11. eat lunch?
  12. do more reading

tomorrow: work on grad paperwork and make sure it gets handed in by tomorrow or Friday

Tuesday, January 04, 2005


It seems like I haven't had much of a break, but I think everyone has been feeling this way.

I am already working on my preperations for the College Writing II class. I have the blog set up (as seen on the sidebar to the right) and am waiting on a confirmation to be using the wiki from Mike. I have so many plans and am terribly excited to give it a try. Especially the different kinds of assignments that can be made through the use of the computer. Perhaps no more hard copies, except for main projects - just browsing and checking off assignments! Whoo gonna be different.

I did a lot yetsrday and today! I am very proud with the things I keep accomplishing and getting it done. Tomorrow I plan on working through my class plan and perhaps taking a break to work on some window art for my floor. As it is, I made floor meeting posters and did my bulletin board. Also, went to my office, grabbed my books (obviously), stopped at the bookstore (Aspen, they don't have that first book either, and the other books aren't that expensive AND I already had them all from previous classes heheheh /shrug :-)

Dorms are still quiet - some people moved in (saw 2) but tomorrow we may see a few more - they should begin to file in soon.

My PS2 has been sent to the company - let's hope I get one that works, I miss it already. I can't watch any DVD's (I just bought 4 new ones!) and no games through this nice break (which is probably a good thing).

Back to work!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Holiday Blues

The food has been devoured, the pounds gained, the party had, and the checkbook in pain. I may have overdone it a bit, but I don't regret having the fun I had. Yet, the possibility of starting yet another semester (with so many things to be done and others that should have been done last semester or even last year) fills me with a lethargy that I didn't know I could achieve (I can barely stay awake lately!).

Plans are being made, life is changing, plans are changing, lives are being upheaved and replanted whereas others will have new roots where there were none before. Gee, could I get any cornier? May as well shoot me now, because I feel all a-whimsical on your butt, so deal with it.

My lights are bright, sitting in my pajamas with a tight feeling in my stomach, could be the thought of bills, the thought of my not having called back family members that had been leaving me messages all day yesterday (where was I?!) and I just didn't check my messages, or it could be the fact that I am about to begin another semester of teaching College Writing II and this time it will be more different - computer classroom. Whatever it is, I have been listless, migrainey, and tummy achey. Not a great combination. However, if I could just work on getting settled and have my things done by the end of this week - I should be good. I can begin tomorrow - everyone I know that would be distracting me from my work will be at their own jobs - what am I going to do?

Well, let me share.

First, I will call and leave hundreds of messages of apology to my family members. I did not look at messages and I know they were worried. /sigh
Second, I will work on my checkbook and look at my bills and make sure I am up to speed.
Next, I will clean up my room (not very messy, but moderate) and put things away so I can bring my office work home.
I will then go to my office in HS and grab what I need to begin planning my class.
I will also print out a reciept for my PS2 since it has begun to act up and is not playing any DVD's or various games.
I will then send the PS2 to the place it is supposed to go.
Then, maybe stop in the bank, grab a bite to eat (I like the Taco Bell Chalupas!) and get a car wash - I don't want it to rust.
Supposedly I will be home within a decent time and then begin to hunt down my paperwork that MUST be done before school starts so I won't feel wierd about it anymore ( I am severely late I think).
Then, I will order my books for class online and make sure I get them in time.
If I have time, i will look at RA paperwork for my floor activities and get a head start on those.

Then, cook dinner and hang out the rest of the night.

6 more days until Aspen and Jeremy get here! /bounce of eagerness