Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So quiet and Peaceful

Here I am, working at the library.

The silence is almost stifling, but it is actually a comfortable wrapping around the inner ear and calm.

I have already read and editted a paper from B, read almost the rest of the book, Heroes of Iceland by Allen French (Awesome!! I love this stuff) and am just wanting to write down a little post before I read the rest.

Any one else notice how peoples faces change with the different programs they use? one I see is playing games and reading things off the internet - her face is strained and almost angry/concentrating countenance. The other is chatting on MSN and has the largest smile on their face and laughs off and on - very fidgetty too. There is quite a point in this little observance - we are happier in actual interaction of 'others' - Be it online, phone or in person. Screw the computer and its lifelessness! Hang out with friends, TALK to a neighbor, Chat online with non-perverts, Play online games that bring you into SOME kind of contact - Enjoy the human race - Oh, and call your grandma. Don't get cut off.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Let sleeping fish lie

All moved into the dorms. Wonderful room and so good to be back. Enjoying the time with D again. As for the comments on previous post - I tried to explain a bit more of what I meant. Hopefully not treading on anyone. I do agree at times with both sides - which is normal for me - listen to everyone else and slowly come to my own decision.

Right now - I feel like writing. But why am I writing in my blog and not being creative and writing a story? Why do I still sit here when my back is hurting and no matter how many stretching my shoulders back's - I can't seem to crack the spot that feels stuck. Sitting here in the dim light, black tanktop and shorts, slightly chilly from my open window - but the curtains are closed because I live right across from maple hall now and people could see into my room.

Now, If the window bothers me that much and yet I am still blogging - what's the difference? The people reading my blog can see more of the real me than someone accidentally glancing in my window and seeing me combing my hair. And yet, I sit here writing and yet my curtains are cutting me off from the outside.

I suppose I do use a curtain in my mind - cutting people off from certain parts of my day. Like - I probably wouldn't come onto my blog everytime I got a sliver. I probably wouldn't be able to type if I had one anyway!

Why can't I just walk away from the blog? I use it - oh yes. I use it as my homepage and look at my favorite sites. I make to do lists that I don't look at again. I check the comments for that rare hope that someone may have left me one - and when I get one, I am like a kid with a brand new dollar bill.

Hmm someone is revving their engines and screeching their tires outside. Someones bored!!

Well, I feel like I am blogged out for now. Time for bed. Hope you all enjoy the last few days of Holiday!

PS - anyone want me to give a heads up when I drop French? Can't remember who. I need to take Latin - not french - go figure hehehe

Monday, August 15, 2005

Summer trails

Ahh - that's as poetic as I get in a title. Well, I need to put a to do list at the end of this, but I will throw in an actual blog entry .

One thing I have found is that I am quickly running out of money for my summer. My trip to the Ren Fair and to Valley Fair this last weekend was the last straw. I'll have to ask Mom for a little loan so I can move into the dorms and be ready for living on my own again.

My right arm is in turmoil. I don't have health insurance ATM and so I end up suffering with this tendonitis crap. They tested me for carpal tunnel and said that was negative. But, it's killing me to do some things (especially after hanging onto the scary rides on Sunday at Valley Fair).

Personal news all over on my end, but don't think I'll discuss anything of that nature here. D doesn't particularly like blogs and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable about my having one.

And sometimes I wonder if I should go ahead and stop blogging. I had a professor call it an "immodest" hobby and you know what? I actually agree with him. It is immodest and it seems sometimes to be something... of a burden.

To Do:
  • E-Mail O'Donnell at UND
  • Check Bill's Thesis
  • Call Amy about HC Office and perhaps moving in early
  • Help Aspen move into dorm
  • Clean out Car