Friday, April 30, 2004

Ok... here's the thing...

Wednesday May 5th- My student research papers will be coming in, I have a one on one conference for german at 12:45, and my 18 pg Milton paper is due at 3pm.
Thursday May 6th - RA dinner/Banquet at 11:30 - ?
Friday May 7 - Intern Meeting for the Northwoods Writers Conference at 10:30 in HS 318
Sunday May 9th - Mother's Day
Monday May 10th - 20 pg Romantics paper is due ?pm
Tuesday May 11th - Milton final at 8am, German Final at 10:30am
Wednesday May 12th - Movie Night on my floor at 4-6
Thursday May 13th - Want all my papers graded for my class done and grades turned in, tally up the surveys too, Also am on duty this night
Friday May 14th - Commencement to see Aspen graduate from 1-4:30pm
Saturday May 15th - Have all residents out of dorms by noon
Sunday May 16th - Go home and relax

Thursday, April 29, 2004

Yesterday was gorgeous - actually hot! I went home with mom and had grilled chicken and some food - washed clothes and chatted.

Thought it would be as warm today so got dressed in tank top and capris - hehe - brrrrr! I even heard from some people that it would snow this weekend. Which stinks if I'm trying to go to that camput this Friday night. /points at tent in corner of the room

Think I'll take a nap before working the front desk - im a bit tired from playing the lord of the rings ps2 games - heheh /sigh

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

On Duty Tonight...
I am hoping for an uneventful time. I also have the RA meeting tonight - so we'll see what happens as I am gone. Maybe I'll get some more crocheting in. I got about 2 and a half rows into my blanket during this mornings meeting.

Here was my day - it is a strange day. It's a bit gloomy all day, so maybe you'll feel the non-energetic mood I was in.
Woke up at 8am
Rolled over
Woke up again at 8:10
Groaned and crawled off the loft
Got into shower for 7 mins
got dressed
dried hair
flip flopped through the tunnels under the campus to the next building
stopped at the variety store across hall from meeting - grabbed a snack bar and OJ
plopped into chair and ate my so called breakfast
Listened to interesting debates on who does what jobs and how well as I crocheted for 2 hours
walked back to my room
plopped on couch and snoozed for an hour an half (10:30-12)
Looked at clock
groaned and rolled off couch
fluffed hair and put on socks, got my stuff together
went through tunnels again to get to wallys
grabbed some spaghetti at the cafeteria and sat down next to a friend - another friend then sat with us and we discussed financial aid and being too old
walked to class outside - quite windy
sat in German class, talked german, looked confused, understood more
Went to my office, grabbed books and went to Pedagogy class - discussed books for an hour
went to my office, talked to a neighbor about organizing (me, being the weird organizer phreak that I am)
Went to Aspens room
hopped In car with her and chatted
ate at Ground Round - steak fajitas mmmm
Stopped at Fashion Bug (bought some Capris and 2 necklaces)
Stopped at Dollar Store - bought "Stuff"
Stopped at grocery store - cereal, candy, and "stuff"
was dropped off at home
cleaned my room - put away PS2 controls and extenders, threw away candy wrappers, vacuumed my rug, put all my papers in a huge pile, shoved books into bookcase and made it 'look' clean
worked on class plans
made new doordecks
talked to residents
sat down and am typing at computer
Future events include doing round in Oak and then heading to the meeting from 9pm until 11pm.
Then I'll come home, relax and work on my German homework
Probably turn on TV but not watch it
Get into Jammies - sit on couch a bit longer
crawl up into bed and set alarm

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Boucou blogs and pedagogically speaking

Finished up the NDSU conference on Friday - went very well, and I felt the question/answer session was the highlight - as we were able to discuss amongst the whole group what we had discovered within our own uses of the blogs. MC Morgan, Renee, Stacey and I gave it our best and I was proud of us for having a presentation outside of BSU.

I have homework - it's slapping about inside my backpack - but I think I'm allergic to it. As soon as I go near, my eyes swell shut and I feel like I can't breathe. Besides, I'm tired.

Finally did my Financial Aid paperwork on the web - don't know if my 7 years is up - I hope not, then what am I going to do?

Thursday, April 22, 2004

o Work at front desk
o Clean up room
o Surveys
o Suite Paperwork
o Lesson Plan
o Pedicure and Manicure
o Pack
++ Blow-up Bed
++ Clothes (2 days)
++ Jammies
++ Crochet Bag
++ Broken Speakers
++ Bathroom Shtuff
++ etc, etc, etc
o German Homework

Tomorrow and Today
o Feed Fishy
o Apologize profusely to friend in TX that I haven't even contacted him about his Birthday

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

And a spoonfull of sugar
makes the medicine go down. Just finished taking three more pills - lets treat this ainus (I meant sinus - but this is kinda funny the way it is...) infection like it should be - TOTAL DOMINATION!!

Be happy with where you are and don't get ahead of what you know.
Is this true? Do you think this way? Who tells someone this? What happens to aspiring to be a better person? I don't think I whine T H A T much - and besides, I wasn't whining when I was told this... I don't think I was.

I just learned something new - as an RA, I need to keep an eye out for tape around the door and empty toilet paper rolls filled with TP. Who knew!? Maybe I'm just too innocent to catch on to this kinda stuff - but good lord - people are sneaky - can't they just make it easier on everyone and just stop doing anything at all that could be against the law? No, of course not - then a big part of our job would be gone - and then it would also be a perfect world - I'm gonna throttle the person who invented this 'free will' thing. :P

Oh, and to the left for your pleasure is my Utopia vending machine©. It only costs your soul and a quarter to dispense a refreshing drink for your thirst. Can only be found in certain places though - I'm sure when it gets a bit more world-recognition - they'll sell like hotcakes!

As an interesting fact - my site has been found through a search of "Ayleen" on all sorts of web browser searches (900 searches have brought them to my site so far) - if you try it, you will understand my concern. It's quite disgusting to think about - but I guess sex sells. But give me a break people. /Shiver

Sunday, April 18, 2004

Ah, those are the days...
Can't give details, but it involves being and RA and quite a fun time of raiding a large party last night. Hope they got the point - "Don't come back!" as the doors shut on their @$$es.

Still sick tonight, hoping to make it to the clinic tomorrow morning - we'll see how that goes.

Friday, April 16, 2004

It says it is 1:44am...
What a I doing in my office if my laptop insists it is almost 2am? Isn't the age of the microchip in charge today, can't I or all of us, go by what it says? Although, it also says it is Wednesday - so maybe I am glad I know better. Because, I want it to be Friday!

I just took another German test - it took me an hour and a half for a 50 min class. Maybe I'm slow - I can live with that, but when I'm among about 5 others still trying to write their test - I don't think I am doing anything wrong. I have to admit - I didn't study as much as I should have - I was sick (bad excuse) but I was sleeping a lot and incoherent - just ask my residents. They saw me as most should never see me - drugged up with medicine and hair all over the place, horrible voice, and crying eyes because of the pain. Oh, what fun it was. The hilarious thing is that I took a dayquil before the test - after eating only icecream for lunch (I bought the chilibowl and it was too gross for words) and I felt like I was flying the whole time.

Now, I hope that when I go to the RA thing tonight, I won't pass out in a medicated coma. Or maybe we can hope. heheh. I'll try to throw in some kind of a snack before going - try being the word of the day.

Tests should be given in comfy atmospheres - my back is killing me and everytime I tried to crack it or get comfortable, I think my neighbor thought I was trying to get a peek at her paper. What made her think I wanted to cheat off of her, I don't know - maybe it was just my own paranoia. Cheating is one of the worst things anyone could do and I hate to even think someone may suspect me. Bah - like I'd chew off my own arm so I wouldn't have to wear gloves. Hah! But my back is still PO'd at me for sitting in such a way as hunched over the desk, skewing my eyes up in hopes of being able to read German without being mistaken. As if blurring my eyes would suddenly make the words swim about until they turned into English. Wouldn't that be fun? But I don't think my medicine is that potent.

Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Slept in until 10...

Took medicine - was miserable. It's the whole head thing - it comes with a huge headache, throuat aches on the inside, sides of my neck are sensitive, and every muscle is tired out. Also, swallowing all the time to keep from throwing up is making me wish I would just throw up.

At 5pm today, I took another pill and fell asleep on my couch - but woke up with burning throat and so ive been walking around, back and forth between my room and the bathroom with a towel - waiting to see if I will throw up. But, it seems to not want to, so I am sipping cold water and hoping tonight at the sign-up party, I won't be giving a door prize that wasn't commissioned by res. life.

Honestly, I shouldn't go - but im being counted on, I'll go and see how long I last.

Monday, April 12, 2004

Even my toes ache

Hot cocoa, warm sweater, thick socks, classical music, peace and quiet.

Achey neck, achey eyes, achey toes, throat in pain.

Hot cocoa should outweigh at least some - but in all actuality, my headache is coming back. The flu suxors!
Stupid cold...

Here I am, sick, half out of my mind from daytime Tylenol - chalk all over my fingers and me trying to eat my breakfast sammiche with the wrapper on - mmmmm reynolds wrap is good. :P

So many aches and pains from this cold - maybe flu - but I may have to go home, I'm just exhausted. 'Cept, I do have an appointment with a student and need to stick around - who knows what I'll do. Stay in my office of course - I can't let the student down.

I've noticed that I get sick whenever my cousin stays over - what's up with that? Maybe I get the cold because of the 'lil kids germs - but then I hung out with residents all weekend too - and dorms are easy to throw germs about. Seems I'm not the only one sick either, many I have talked to are on their 2nd or 3rd time. Gah!

Sunday, April 04, 2004

blah blah blah
arrrrrgh! Don't wanna, don't wanna!
But I hafta, but I hafta!


Where's that darn knight in shining armor who can save me from this precarious pile of papers threatening to tumble upon my poor head and choke the life out of me. Or give me a pretty darn nasty papercut in the process.

Blogging, stalling, flogging, and jogging!
What is blogging? Do I blog because I have something to say? Or could it be I have nothing to say but just have to ramble on anything that comes to mind? Is it because I know there are people who actually read my blog (you poor things), or is it because I have homework to do and procrastination can be had in 'oh so many ways.

And why do I have a dancing scooby on my screen? Or - why is it that I read, and shop, and do my homework, and go to class, and teach, and RA, and talk, and socialize, and file, and write, and type... and yet something is missing? Could it be hunger?

Friday, April 02, 2004

A whole week is naughty...
Bad Aya... bad *slaps wrist*

Well, back from the movie Hellboy - I actually liked it a lot - cheesy at the right moments - loving the right characters - good stuff. ATM I threw in Ace Ventura 2 - got to see if the PS2 plays DVD's ya know. :)

Had my Milton test today - I vouched for the side of God - instead of Satan - seems Paradise Lost is seen as Satan's story - but I sorta like to look closely at how Milton portrays God in such a way as to make you question those doctrinal truths - yes - 'tis hard to even go into that sort of talk without rubbing a few noses, but ya know, I'm not interested in your "truth" or your parents' "truth" or anybody else's "truth"... just my own. Thanks.

Bit tired, but it is Friday night - had my night already - time to get comfy on my couch and enjoy a night of relaxation. Ahhhhhh