Friday, May 30, 2003

A New look for my blog

I figured that since I was on my Summer break, that I would update the look of my site. I have yet to fix up the archives section - I think the bubbles version fits my personality better than the stark template I had earlier.

I hope everyone is having a great summer - get out and party hardy! =D

Tuesday, May 27, 2003

Movies, Memorial Day, and Relaxation

The last few movies I got to see was Matrix Reloaded, Anger Management, and Bruce Almighty.

Matrix Reloaded - I have seen some that thought it was wonderful - kick ass and exciting. Personally, I got bored after the second fight. They seriously threw in so many fight scenes that I was bored and seeking more plot. There is a delightful mixture of critics on the subject.

Anger Management - I will definitely recommend this movie. I wa slaughing so hard and it had me guessing throughout on how evil Jack Nickolson actually was. He scares me. /shiver.

Bruce Almighty - Fun, hilarious and a great plot to think on. I love theology and this plot was exactly the kind of thing I enjoy - the struggles of belief and why we believe.

Memorial Day was fun. The day before, right after church, I ran off with my Grandparents to stay at their house with my little cousins. They're not that little anymore, but they are still the younger generation. I cooked and played with them that night so my grandma and grandpa could go to Ground Round with my mom. They had gone over to go see Bruce Almighty , but the projector had broken apparently and they had sat their for quite a while. Poor things.

Relaxation is going to be put on hold now. I want to get up and run around again. I miss working on things. hehe, I miss homework. Good lord, someone shoot me =P

Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Last Wednesday was my last day of work at the computer lab. Then, me and Aspen grabbed all my stuff from the dorm room and stuffed it into her car and we checked me out of my room that night. Then we cleaned mom's house from top to bottom.

Friday morning I went with Aspen to her dorm room and I went to a College of Arts and Letters party for those of us graduating then headed down in my robe and hat to Bangsberg Hall which is the farthest building. We all got assembled into our groups and then walked two by two all the way back to the John Glas Field House. There, we walked into the auditorium and sat in chairs as that graduation music was on. The commencement lasted four hours, started at 1pm. I finally graduated! Whoooot.

That night we all went to go see The Matrix Reloaded - I wasn't too impressed but I will still go see the third one.

Saturday started my party and that was fun. Tons of people came and I tried my best to greet them all. The kids swam in the pool and the grownups sat and talked. That lasted all day.

Sunday was the wedding shower for Shanna - that started at 1 and none of the guys were allowed to come so Alan and Kaz went to a Dungeons and Dragons game while we all did the girly party. Aspen was stuck cooking the spaghetti all day, she did a great job though.

Monday, I showed Kaz around Bemidji and Itasca National Park. He enjoyed the weather a lot. After that, we met up with mom, dan, and aspen and watched movies. That night was Kaz's last night in MN and he left yesterday morning.

Yesterday, me and Aspen ran errands all day. Whew. I ended up going to her dorm and passing out on the couch. I hadn't gotten over the parties and finals yet. Then we watched Buffy's Last episode. Poor Aspen is heart broken. I was a bit disappointed by the ending, but it was all right. Then me and Aspen came home and watched Dogma - she just bought the CD. I love that movie heehe.

I will start keeping up my blog again - I was just too busy these last few days. =D

Thursday, May 08, 2003


I took the liberty of going to google and typing in my full name, Ayleen Lindahl, and most if nt all were me - but when I typed in Ayleen I found quite a different story.

I am a collie, I love to play, and think every dog is happy to play with me, I'm Uber, and I'm a Klingon???

Hmmm, I'm seeing a pattern here....
Here's another dog named Ayleen
and another..
and another...
and another....
and another...
oooh ohh I'm a cat this time!
'Doh another dog

I give up - Arf, arf!!

Wednesday, May 07, 2003


As Aspen stated so succinctly, Blargh - I have one of those migrainey neck achey headaches. I want to just curl up in a dark room and lay down for the rest of the evening. But - I need to go to my graduation rehearsal today at 3pm and thats in ohh... half an hour. /Sigh

I have gotten a lot done the past couple days- I know my blog's feeling a little neglected, but I have good reasons!

Tomorrow will be my second long day, I actually have a final (American Lit II) and then im going to try and move out the rest of my stuff - leaving only my bedding, clothes and essentials. Hopefully I can get it all done before I have to go to work at 7:30.

Saturday, May 03, 2003


OK, so I just finished my Beowulf Guide a few hours ago. Yup yup yup. All done. Yessiree. I'll probably keep adding things that I suddenly remember, but I have everyting I can think of now - DONE! eee heee!

That put aside, I finally got my financial aide sent in. I did the FAFSA on the web and it wasn't so hard, cept I am always scared I do it wrong - misread a question or just plain not understand correctly. BUT, that is done. Yessir.

I also worked on ym English Lit Final and I believe after an initial editing phase, that should be done too.

This leaves me with the blogs and wikis presentation write up thingy and studying for my finals. Of course through all this I'm going to keep working on the Dept. English site, it's just too much fun not to work on.

But, I have been having a great Saturday - hope you all are too!

Thursday, May 01, 2003

A productive couple days!

To start, on Monday we had an exec meeting for hall council - we are doing an end of the year bash for our residents, cooking out, playing games and having a good time. It'll be on next friday.

Then, after the exec meeting I ran to Oak and had dinner with the RA's that I'll be working with next year. They are a lively bunch and I can't wait to start up and get involved! It's just really exciting for me.

Yesterday and on Tuesday have been working my tail off on the websites again. My Beowulf Senior project is going wonderfully, I think it may be mostly done - just working out some typos and filling in little information bits I may have forgotten. Then the Department of English site is going, but I had found a cluster of pages I had not seen earlier and so I have been weeding through the links on the existing pages to make sure everything is working. Its just been a lot of testing and making sure it won't confuse the audience.

Today I get to do an usability test with the Advanced Web Design class I TA for with Dr. Morgan. Hopefully they will help me with the bugs I may have missed since I started the English site.