Friday, January 31, 2003


Our dorm wall is bleeding!

Yes, folks. My roommate and I are the proud renters of a holy wall. It has two streaks of water going straight from the tip of our ceiling to the floor. It is a constant dribble, not a gushing waterfall....yet.

As I mentioned in my Beowulf blog, I had my meeting with Dr. Morgan today after class.

I told him my plans for applying for the Resident Assistant position that could help me stay in the dorms after I graduate. Also, he is helping me work on applying for the Graduate Teaching Assistant position and I am hoping above all hope that everything will work out. These are both dreams of mine that I almost feel impossible to reach. But, if I keep pushing myself, I believe I can do it.

I am currently living in Linden Hall and working as a Secretary/Treasurer of Birch/Linden Hall Council. This is quite a job and even if it has had some hard roads, I feel like I have added a more responsible part of life into my own personality. Besides, I am so organized at times that this was just a great job for me to use my little "tabbies" folders and special pens. (Renee and Andrea know what I'm talking about)

I am also a notetaker for TRIO/SSS for my American Lit 2 and English Lit 2.

My other job I do this semester is the CAL lab where I get to see most of my friends from a lot of my classes. You guys are a great class and I'm glad I can help when you need me.

Hehe, as you can see I'm a bit busy this semester, but I have to say I am having a lot of fun. I get hyper when I'm under stress of this sort. I may have high blood pressure because of it, but it is great to be near the end and start seeing things click into place.

Thursday, January 30, 2003

Early Post - Pre-Friday!
I just got wind of a DVD player trying to be put out into Market by Clearplay and others that will censor your DVD's.
Personally, I think this is just plain silly. What children haven't heard these words in the classrooms or out in recess? Very few, I am sure. We can't worry so much about trying to censor everything our children see - talk about over-protective. Children don't get marred so easily and quickly by bad words or violence. Maybe parents could try and 'talk' to their kids about the movie and its 'discrepancies' before they watch it. This way, the child will come to know the world a bit better and not become so shocked later in life and you will have a chance to help your child get through the 'naughty-ness' of life.

I would take this DVD censor thingamajob and say it is just another excuse for some kind of gimmick to wipe your pockets clean of cash that would be better spent on bringing your children to the zoo. I also think Hollywood has a good case to Sue the people trying to mess around with the DVD's. They made the movie, they should have a say. It would be like if you took a Stephen King novel and edited out all the violence and naughty parts. What would you have? hehehe

Wednesday, January 29, 2003

Blogicons, Gamer Language, and Computer Graphics


Blogitry - A blog with only one state of mind, not open to any new ideas.
Blogaholic - A person who blogs uncontrollably, a person who reads blogs with no will of their own. If you or someone you know have this problem, please contact Blogaholics anonymous at 1-555-BLOGISM
Supercalifragilisticebloggialidoscious - The magic word, mystical nature of blogging accrued from superfluous blogging within a community of magical quantities.

Gamer Language

You see, if yer gonna type to yer friends over the net and you wanna type faster so that you can say all you need to within a short period, you hafta shorten and combine words. Mebbe a few demonstrations can help.
Let’s take EQ for instance:
If you are seeking a way to get your character from one continent to another or into a raid of some sort to help out your guild you would say, “Chanter seeking GG to DL, PST. Will donate PP and C2.” Or if you have to go to the bathroom during game play, “Gotta go AFK, I’ll be invis, BRB.” The first example is “Enchanter seeking a Group Gate (A form of transportation druids and wizards have to bring characters back and forth in Norrath) to Dreadlands, Please send tell (A way to talk to your friends online). Will donate Platinum Pieces(Money) and Clarity Two(A buff for mana users).” The second example is “I have to go Away From Keyboard, I’ll be invisible, Be Right Back.”

Computer Graphics

With the release of Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, we can see the emphasis on computer graphics emerging. Those of us as gamers could not hold out our excitement that we feel as we play the games, as we watched the film. Who out there said in their mind when the Urukai attacked Helms Deep, “Oh shit, Incoming!” and then when Gimli jumped into the swarm of Urukai to help Aragorn you thought, “Aggro! Aggro, where’s the damn chanter! Area Mez!” I guess Tolkien didn’t play EQ or hear of the wonders Enchanters can do. Then, after the movie, I began to wonder when those awesome graphics would ever come to our monitors and replace what we have now. Personally, if that sort of an update ever happened in computer gaming, my computer would throw up and I’d end up having to turn off all the spiffy spell effects just to move around. Any EQ’sters know what I talk about when they walk into the Bank on the moon these days.

As an after-thought for the guild link to Crimson Watchers, I had retired as an officer about half a year ago and since then, the guild has disbanded since two months ago. They were the best guild I had ever had a hand in and my family. I miss them dearly and hope everyone has found a new home where they can have the same fun we had once. I miss you guys. <3

Monday, January 27, 2003

Blogging other people’s blogs who blogged your blog because blogging is fun to blog about

“Blog all about it!”
I took the time to peek over all the blogs the class has been working on. As most probably do, I of course scanned for my name. Narcissistic complex? Maybe. Human nature? I hope so.
Even Joshua had to smile when he found someone talking about his site. We all want to communicate, and I feel that the blogs are letting us communicate in a new way about our likes and dislikes. Some said during class that they were grossed out by some of the blogs out there and some are amazed at the interesting "stuff" floating around. My view of blogs is as usual, the broadscope - the generalization of information sharing. You type something, I'll watch the hazey glow of ozone through my monitor, the synapses in my brain will fire and you will have conveyed some sort of message. What is even more fun is sending the readers a bunch of synaptic nerve twitches so that eventually their brains start to itch deep inside, that spot that no one can ever reach. Hate me, hate me now! Bwahahaha

Congratulations to Anandia making her very own blog template! She was sitting in the computer lab for a while trying to figure out how to make her own blog look and she did it! /does a dance in the name of all HTML wizzes out there! Anandia's blog is someplace I enjoy running to because as R.L. friends, we talk about the same obsessions - Buffy, RPG's...- and now that she has MST3K linked, she recieved a gold star! /cheer Anandia seems to do what I do, look for interesting things to talk about and then just go right out and link it to our posting. She has her own voice, even if she won't admit it. Besides, it does take time, if you look at my archives, you will find boring posts as far as the eye can see because I had to grow as a blogster (whoop, new word!). "Organized and neat"? heheh
Writing Changes?

Some say writing changes when we write in blogs, different in the form of paper/pencil and different from fingers tapping/keyboard. In this “some” category, I would consider myself a part of that majority. My writing has changed in the fact that I emphasize different parts of what I am trying to say. Usually the most important part or just an ironic sampling of what I feel is humorous or sarcastic of what I am trying to relate to a reader.

I can also link to parts of the web to find ways of expressing my indignation, disgust, laughter and, thoughts. This is a sort of writing process that involves including links in strategic places, ones that will emphasize my point in case.

When we discuss readers, I ask myself, “Hey, Aya. Do you have a reader?” Then I think, “Well, yeah. Most of my friends read this blog and so does my mother.” I wonder then, do I write for them or me? I started out writing for me, in a diary-like fashion. I didn’t link and I soon became bored with the blog. A month or so later I returned and began tweaking with the blog until I was happy with how it looked, played around with my entries and started comparing my blog to others. My readers took shape when I finally committed myself to “…College Life…” as a title. I started to wonder what sort of news or things college students would want to read. I consider myself a college student (wonders do happen) and began selecting news and issues that I believe most college students can compare themselves to. I may not be the most racy college student out there but that doesn’t mean I will be boring.

So, with that, I leave you with a gaming glow
My brother and I have played Dark Alliance for the PlayStation2 for months now and we played from 6pm last night until midnight. I have to say, this is one of my favorite 2 player games, ever. In fact, it is my favorite. They did a great job to include 2 player action in such an RPG -Role Playing Game. We are still not done with the game and are actually hoping it never ends.

Friday, January 24, 2003

I almost cried. Guild Comics hasn’t been able to connect the last day or two. I hope they get fixed up soon, otherwise I’ll have withdrawal!

Babblogue Blog
“The random musings of Maura McHugh, a geek-girl living in Galway, Ireland, but observing the world through the window of the web.” She seems to find news and then draws her own conclusions and comments on them. I love her wit and the way she goes to different places to find her news. The audience profile I would guess is friends or other bloggers over in Europe. Once in a while I sense USA isn’t on the top of her list.

Rob's Happy Fun Time Blog is a blog that seems to go in the same fashion as my own. We talk about school, he loves music (from what I’ve seen) and he writes. He does talk a lot about “Sarah”, and I wonder if she is his audience. If not, then the way he speaks about his day and the sporadic way he posts, I would guess he writes for himself. The thing that caught my eye was how he talks about his credit cards, I just wrote recently on my own debt. I guess most of us think the same way.

“Getting Screwed While Everybody Else is Getting Laid”
Wit, sarcasm, and making fun of others that just don’t have a clue. I have found a new favorite place to read. The text is handwritten font and just the look of the site is what I love. In one of his entries he talks about going against Slashdot and boingboing . I’ll vote for him. =) Although, they are all fun to read. The audience they are all seeking is the computer-geek / gamers who love to know who likes what, where they can find it, when it is coming, who sucks lately, and who r0x.

Teacher: Year One (2002)
Reflections on my first year as a teacher in the New York City public school system.”
Any who are looking into teaching may find this interesting. There are actually a lot of teacher’s blogs out there. Surprise, surprise.

Wednesday, January 22, 2003

RFID or Radio Frequency Identification

RFID Journal reports “This month, Gillette begins testing smart shelves in Wal-Mart and Tesco stores. If the pilots prove that RFID can dramatically reduce out-of-stocks and thwart shoplifters, the technology could change stores forever.

This scares me, who hasn’t seen Minority Report and gone, “Oh my God, they can track everyone!” I see that as a huge problem. They may end up putting regulations against companies’ use of the tags, but when did they ever always follow the rules?

I’m scared. Hold me.

Instead of working on Americans, lets send Saddam Hussein and some of the other trouble-maker’s a few of the Wal-Mart items that are tagged. That way, we could track his butt from one room in his palace to the bathroom, then over to his bath-house. (/shiver)

Bills, Loans, and delinquency, oh my

I regret ever signing my names to those credit card applications so long ago. The moment they knew I was out of high school and off to college, the forms started rolling in. Before I left Texas, I was caught up on my bills and going gold, but as my closer friends know, I am knee deep again. Trying to pull my feet out of that kind of interest-suckage is close to impossible. Maybe I can dream of winning the lottery – not taking it into account that I don’t play the lottery – or if someday they forget me and my bills just sort of stop coming.

I would honestly love to start a savings account, but trying to pay off these debts takes every dime out of me. I have maybe ten bucks after payday to go out and have some fun and then a week later I go crawling to my mom for some money. Is this normal? Can’t cutting the cards up just take away the debt also? Is it bad when you suddenly look at the bills you have accrued and think: “I would give up everything I have bought these past few years to get rid of these payments”? Maybe that is a turning point but all it does is make me depressed.

Fishy Update

Sam hasn’t died yet. He and Alphie are both on the counter and flare when they see each other. It must be lonely to be an Beta, but they seem to enjoy each others company. I haven’t gotten Sam to eat yet. I am terribly worried, He just swims around and ignores the food. I have tried sticking my finger into the water near the food and wiggling my fingers – this drives Alphie wild and he wiggles his hiney in return and then nips your finger. I did tell my roommate last night that if Sam didn’t eat soon, I would take him out of his bowl and force feed him.

Monday, January 20, 2003

Internet Un-Safe Sex, Everquest Bloggers, and a good friend

Internet Provides Easy Access to Unsafe Sex - Star Tribune – Variety (January 19, 2003)
I was eating a nice thin slice of hamburger meat on a tiny bun at McDonalds and ran into this Variety section of the newspaper. The headline itself caught my eye and as I read, I just had to laugh and cringe.
”Are you looking to hook up now?” the man writes to a potential partner. Within minutes, the two have traded details of favorite sexual exploits, swapped photographs and promised to meet that day… “It’s like playing Russian roulette,” he said, speaking on condition of anonymity, “I got the bullet.” (He had gotten Aids from a similar encounter two years ago)

Is it just me or is this crazy? WTH is this guy and any of the other guys thinking as they “troll” the messageboards? It’s not the age of free love anymore! I found the article in a shorter version on the web and will post it for your reading enjoyment.

I have to retract my last post, as I heard from I’ve Been Josh Too Long and Rowanstaff’s Realm , I was using serious tongue in cheek when I posted about EQ. I love the idea of new races and the game expanding, but I don’t have the time anymore! (/pout) I agree with Josh that it is a total soul stealer, I began playing in August 1999 and didn’t quit until this last semester. Between playing 10+hours a day, all weekends and so much frustration of idiots in the game I had to leave. Now, my in-game husband takes care of my 58 ‘chanter and rogue. They are too high upkeep! I can see that if someone doesn’t know much about EQ, they won’t understand enough of the language that is being used in Jeremy’s blog. This is another problem that some bloggers can run into – language differences. I have a strong belief that we should have chat-lingo as another language, it is very different from spoken English.

P.S. Joshua, I’ll promise to call you the full name from now on if you insist. Sounds touchy to me. ;-)

Rowanstaff has a lot of interesting things to say and the pictures make me jealous. I had wanted to start posting my own also, but Blogger doesn’t support that kind of insolence. So, I just messed with their template to my OWN liking, so there. To use geocities for picture links is an embarrassment, but heck, I gotta use what I have.
Quote from Rowanstaff “She plays Everquest. Her site gets an 11 out of 10 just for telling world about the superior lifeforms of Guk.” Yeah, I r0x0r. hehe

Walk Away Renee will always be on my favorite’s list and I am very curious as to her daily routines and I believe she will have the same sort of blog as TraceJen , unless reading our blog books make her change her mind. I don’t compare the personalities, but I can see the same wit that I have seen Jen use as the author of TraceJen. A blog I think Renee would be very interested in is Raising Hell . I stumbled onto this blog and have enjoyed the community comments about raising kids and the problems parents keep running into. It seems to be mostly made up of women.

Friday, January 17, 2003

Everquest going Kermit-style and high tech!

As most of us in the gaming community would have heard, Everquest is coming out with .. yet...ANOTHER expansion. Yes, We have The Legacy of Ykesha. There will be many additions, including a new race to play.

What is green, slimy, and anooying when you go near or inside Guk? That's it, Froglocks!

We can expect all sorts of interesting new names to come with this expansion. One of my R.L. friends said it would be a lot of fun to play a character as a froggy. He wanted it to be a monk, but Lo and Behold, we have everything BUT. It almost seems to me to be a lot like the new race of cats they had in another expansion.

Also, if you go back to the original Everquest site, you will find along the bottom:

So, let's see here, we will have a bunch of people playing Everquest with their children, on the busses, on the subway, Heck everywhere! "Welcome to their world" is right.

Wednesday, January 15, 2003

Be still my beating heart!!

"Millions of fans of Harry Potter worldwide will get their hands on his latest adventure when JK Rowling's fifth book about the young magician is released on 21 June. " BBC News

Yahooo! Another Harry Potter, one that is 1/3 BIGGER than the last?
Aww Crikey, look at that fellah! E's a big'n that ees.
Dreams, fish, and classes
Dreamt of my dad last night, I haven't done that for years. He was alive and well, cooking up some barbeque out in the front. In my dream I wanted to run up to him for a giant hug and to talk to him, but in the dream I kept telling myself, "why? He isn't going anywhere." When I woke up I felt a horrible loss, yet felt happy that I had the chance to be near him again. It is honestly hard sometimes to try and envision him again, but in the dream it wasn't. I could see his face, see his grumpy veneer he usually had when he was thinking and smell that spicy cologne he'd wear.

My new fish I just bought seems to be dying just like the others. I swear I cannot be a mother. Every time I have a plant or fish, they eventually die. I do anything and everything to keep them healthy, and POOF, there it goes. I’m scarred for life if this fish dies on me. Merry and Pippin both died over Christmas break, and if Sam does now, I’ll just have to give up.

Class has been great. I am terribly excited about all of my classes and can’t wait to dig right into all the projects and writing. I am hoping I can polish Chloe Pinglehoff’s story and maybe delve into the Peaceweaver story a bit more. I am wondering if Dr. Weaver appreciates my kind of fantasy writing though. Will he say it is too fanciful and childish? Are these just my worries? Bah, stupid brain, shut up. I’m going to write what I know and will just have to ignore my second voice that puts it down. The first scene I would like to write is a battle scene at the beginning. Maybe I should just write it and try to polish it up enough to where I won’t be nervous. I think it is only the process of planning my stories that gets the better of me.

Rael Again...
* New-Space Age hair-do
* White shiny clothing
* Bad accent
* Plans for an embassy for the aliens to land in - the shape of the crop circles!
* Apparently don't think sex is worth the trouble anymore - Hey, you want a CLONE?
* Probably has one of those yappy little poodles that he calls "Feefee" and treats better than his followers
* Broke his head on that volcanoe in France - seeing all sorts of crazy things that he hasn't mentioned yet
** like his vision of Michael Jackson actually being human
** The sun is made of cheese, and the MOON is made of ricotta
** The aliens probed him, and that's why he wears the big flowy white robe, to hide the blow-up donut.
* Like to play Space Invaders

Monday, January 13, 2003

b00ki3s - a New profession

Have you ever thought of what a "Bookie" does? In the dictionary, it is "a gambler who accepts and pays off bets (especially on horse races)". Has anyone ever thought of a bookie as someone who gets you books? Maybe a shady bar where behind the counter there are numerous books that people usually don't have, but would die for. In my opinion, books are the be all and end all. When I see books, I don't groan about how long that it will take to read them all, I think "Oh WOW, I wonder what bookshelf I'll put those in?!" I then rush home, tear open any books from the plastic wrapping like a 2 year old at Christmas and then crack open the book. This is when I press my face against the pages and smell the newness or "oldness" of a book. Oh the smell of paper in old age or fresh from packaging can be an aphrodesiac.

Books... All college students must buy them or forever be behind on class-work. They put us into debt quicker than me at the mall with a credit card. Someday I may just have to own a bookstore - for that binding, feeling of overwhelming splendour of millions of books in my book shelves.

Hi, I'm your friendly neighborhood bookie. Would you like to place a bet on what the next national bestseller will be based on? We have bets covering Sex, Scandal, Drugs, Computers, Aliens, Ghosts, and Abusive Childhood.

Saturday, January 11, 2003

Alone, on a Saturday Night

Yes, it sounds pretty sad. It is 8pm and here I am writing on my blog that isn't even a public blog. Sure, a select few read this blog off and on, but shouldn't I be out there living it up? I am 23 for God's sakes, and here I am sitting around at the computer, bored to death. Guess what I have going on in the background? Die Hard, that's what! Did you even have to guess?

This is my last night here at my Mom's house, and then I move back into the dorms. Once again I will be rushing through my days, trying to hang onto the last remnants of an evening to cram as much homework in as I can. Don't get me wrong, I am terribly excited about my new classes, but with it comes this ache in my stomach. Another semester. New classes, new learning, new brain cells. I wonder - do we re-use brain cells as we learn, or do we create new ones? Does one piece of information say, to heck with it, give up its current info in for some new stuff? Is this why I can't remember most things from five minutes ago, but can rehash stupid mistakes I have made in my life in vivid detail? Do these memories have some sort of hierarchal positioning? If they do, I think mine is backwards. I must have hit my head way too many times.

Friday, January 10, 2003

CoFfEe and CaTz

I swear I make the worst coffee in the world. I make it just like my mother and yet it still tastes like I put 5 cups of coffee to 4 cups of water. When it’s finally made, I have to add about half of the cup as sugar and milk just to drink the swill.

Caffeine! Yesssss….. my precioussssss.. they steal my Mt. Dew… yess…. Filthy stinking dieticians…. They stole it!

It seems I only have a couple days left until classes start up again. Heck, I was just getting into the groove of working on little projects and visiting with my family, which I have been ignoring the past Fall because of busy school-work. Now, I have more than enough jobs and things to do this next semester and will probably be spending this summer trying to make it up with my family!

My cats at my Mom’s house are already threatening me to not go away again. They follow me around the house, they lay on my face, they stick their butt in my face, and they knead me on my neck and eventually rub their nose across my cheek. GAH! They can be cute, but my God, they can be obsessive about being petted. It’s like the sound of my voice puts them into a petting frenzy and the both of them fight for the time on my lap, neck, or chest. I give up pushing them off since they eventually will force themselves on me and I just pet their heads and go on with my business, watching TV, reading, or talking. Poor Mom is so allergic, that when I leave she will have to fend them off with a stick or something, because they shall go through Aya withdrawal. Poor Mom.

Wednesday, January 08, 2003

Attack of the Clones!
No, not the Star Wars movie...but a scary thought during Christmas...

Raelians claim to have cloned a child, Eve. Has anyone seen the picture of these fruitcakes? I am guessing the head-guy is the whole reason, Rael. Oh come off it Rael, aliens visiting you in a French volcano?! Have you ever wondered why they would come to visit you, and not someone who has more influence? Sure, you got the news by announcing your clone, but that’s it. You’d be a nameless honky still if you hadn’t gotten to that Brigitte Boisselier chick who worked for Clonaid.

Having a clone is an interesting prospect, but if you ever watch the movies, it always causes chaos. I wouldn’t trust my clone around my life, it’s MY life and I don’t like to share, even if it’s the bad parts of life, it is still my experience.
Oh my God, I just read the Clonaid website front, and damned if I didn’t think “freaks” the moment they announced Jesus was a clone. WHOA, blow my mind.

They are claiming the clone-child is in Florida, yet they won’t approve tests. My God, Florida! Why did they make such a mistake in lying, it would have been easier to just say the baby was in some third world country.

In some way, I almost wonder if the whole thing is a lie, even their beliefs. Maybe they are doing this to show what could happen when some radical group got a hold of the wrong technology. We can hope.

Some may think a clone could become our slaves to do what we don't want to do, but hell, if I were a clone, I'd eventually fight back and get my freedom. Just another basket of snakes that shouldn't be opened.

Monday, January 06, 2003

Convertible Beetle! Whoop!
"The world premiere of the four-seat, 2003 New Beetle Convertible comes as the highly anticipated car is already arriving in U.S. showrooms. VW of America spokesman Steve Keyes said dealers are busy filling longstanding orders for the top-down model."

"For the United States, prices start at $20,450 for the base GL model (manual roof) and $21,850 for the mid-trim GLS (power roof plus other features). Both these models come with a 2.0-liter/115-horsepower four-cylinder."

Hmmm... maybe if I sell all my school books, my computer and my soul, I may get enough for a down payment on this baby.

Click on the beetle picture and build your own Beetle Convertible?! Yes, Please! Do I have to pay for it anyway? Hehe I have been playing with the colors for over half an hour and still wouldn’t be able to pick the one I would want. Can’t I just have a different color for each week?

UE Media Commercial
A very detailed representation on the Convertible teaser commercial. Gee, we seem to be treated as a starving bureaucrat with a poser dangling a $5 million donation check in our face. Could the industry read us this easily?

Oh wait, I want one…shit.

Saturday, January 04, 2003

Blog Races

I found a very sassy blog – TraceJen - with witty remarks and an insight into a hard life.

“D.'s aunt gave us a little can of treats for the cat, and I am convinced that they are loaded with crack cocaine. Fuckles has been following me around night and day, yowling, ever since I gave her a few.
If I walk into the kitchen, she races after me with a pathetic starving-orphan look on her face, screaming for the good stuff. The cat can be sleeping as soundly as my hippie cousin after a few Quaaludes, and the second my foot hits the lineoleum, she leaps up and ataaches herself to my leg.
When I break down and give her one, her eyes dilate and her tail starts to twitch. I really think that this is a serious problem.
Just say no, Fuckles.
Choose life.”

With this kind of humor, I find her diary a fun read and quite insightful in “ghetto broke” society. Besides, who in the world would name their cat Fuckles? I wonder if it is a nickname, but who knows for sure?

B3ta.Com is a site interesting to me. It seems there is a small blog in the middle of the page, the left is posted images that are photoshopped for our enjoyment. Sometimes it lacks in taste, but so far I have been amused.

Friday, January 03, 2003

Star Trekking Across the Universe...
As I read through the articles today I came across a link that brought me to a Star Trek copy-cat.

"This morning, Monday, December 30, 2002, the St. Paul Pioneer Press, a large Minnesota newspaper, ran an in depth feature on Starship Exeter. The article, authored by Julio Ojeda-Zapata, appeared on the front page of the Technology section and featured extensive background information about the Starship Exeter project as well as pictures of cast members and props used in the film."

I personally love Star Trek since I was a child when I first started going to the theatres to see them all. I grew up listening to uhura say someone is on com one, Spock lifting that ever-beguiling eyebrow, and Kirk always getting the girl. I even went to a Dallas Convention with my family one day and got to meet Scotty! What could be better than that for a teenager?!

An Interesting Concept
Somebody is coming out with a blog that is a copy of a diary of a man named Samuel Pepys. Here is information on the background. This should be interesting!

Wednesday, January 01, 2003

Scott R. Kurtz Rant
“Look at the most popular movie in the nation right now, The Two Towers, and you'll find the theme in a story that was written years ago. Look at Gollum and then look at your kids when you tell them to stop playing the X-box. ‘You can't take away my preeeccciiouuuusss...’ ”

Games can suck the life right out of you and Kurtz talks of “moderation”. I agree with him in his column. We must set a limit on everything we do and when I came to realize that I had spent a whole 3 years on a non-stop Everquest binge, I lost a part of myself. I had no “real-life” identity. Nobody really knew who I was. A half a year has gone by since I went cold turkey and I have accomplished more this half year than my past college-life. Before Everquest, I had Quake . Before Quake I had television. Before X-Files and Forever Knight, I had Nintendo . Mario and Luigi were my first ‘loves’. I even remember playing ping pong and raiders on my dad’s Atari! My life has been a long lived love of gaming and violence. Do I go out and murder everybody I get mad at? No. Was my social life stunted? Yes. Did I get out of the rut of gaming? Hell yah! Do I get the usual withdrawal of quitting gaming? Yes, then I log onto EQ, see that the whole world has changed and newbies seem to have taken over and I log feeling better than ever.

This article may be a hoax , but it has many truths as others have pointed out.

P.S. Happy New Years everyone!