Saturday, January 31, 2004

Yup, she lost it folks...

I have been unduly stressed these past few weeks, adding a bad cold/flu on top of it and other worrisome problems - it just amounts to crabbiness and tiredness.

Last night I yelled at some visiting people onto my floor. Of course, they were whirling through much like a hurricane, tearing down my signs and my residents' door decorations. That doesn't bode with me very well. I got so angry, i yelled down the hall at them and basically told them I'd be watching them from now on. It was meant more as a warning and I was shaking so bad and so angry, I just didn't think. How professional, huh? Very rare if I lose my temper - but honestly - I work so hard for the residents and yet we get those immature people who find it FUNNY to tear things down! I don't understand!

I've cooled down now and it's more or less a self-pity thing going on. It's never personal to them, and I shouldn't take it personal. Although, now it could be personal for them because of myself reacting so strongly. Maybe it will keep them from doing more, or maybe it will make my floor more of a target. I'm not sure. Especially as I looked at each of them as they went walking by my room at some point later in the night. I just wish the students would stop and consider what it is they are tearing down - what went into the making of those signs - why some of us are RA's - and what it means to us if they disrespect what we have achieved. For me, it's like a slap in the face - if my signs so offend you, come see me and we will talk about how I can make them more pleasing to the eye!

My feet are cold...

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Not as desperate... be put out of my misery - but it's darn close.

Went to dinner with my residents today (I'd rather call them my friends...) and one of them was describing an incident with a teacher that gets all touchy feely at times. Well one of them accidentally let off a Freudian slip when he said, "She doesn't even know whats in her backdoor." We started laughing and he suddenly spurted, "Backyard, backyard!" But, it was too late. So, of course, the jokes went that way for quite a while.

Oh, and apparently I am supposed to be ashamed of myself for not particularly liking Tim Burtons films. Yes, I love Mel Brooks and anything else under that kind of category - I like comedies. I don't go for those darker films - Hate me, but let me have my own laugh and tastes!

Still sick, very interesting cold/flu - it must be a mutation of both - the Coflu. Or Flold. Coflu sounds too much like tofu and I don't particularly care for that either.

Lets lump Tim Burton films into a pile with fish, tofu, and cigarette smoke.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Somebody put me out of my misery!

I started taking vitamins yesterday. Last night I began to have a headache and a nasty sore throat. Today, I have been the walking dead.

Now, I'm here taking naps, crying, and trying my very best to do all my homework and I have some visitors that want to talk or go do something - and I can't go! BLARGH

This better be a 24 hour thing - I can't finction with this kind of a head cold. hehe finction. Ya know what, I'm sick. I'm not going to fix it! hah!

Tired, tired, tired. Guess I better stop goofing off on blogger and get back to my German. /sigh
Ach, wie schlect!

Friday, January 23, 2004


I did it again. I thought I had brought in all the paperwork for my GA waivers and in the end I forgot to turn in the final paper to the Cashiers office and so my waiver didn't go through. I did this exact same thing Last semester! Some sort of malfunction between my brain synapses - a lapse in memory or thought.

I got my German homework done. Whew! That was exhausting and took forever. Note to self: Buy a tape player that has a REWIND button. For hours I had to listen to the German tape by pulling the tape out, pressing FF and then going back to the other side and listen, doing it over and over again. Dummy me, I went and bought a little personal tape player with headphones with only a FF button. Argh. No wonder why it was $5.

I have one more class today and then it is the weekend!!! Yay. I need to crack down and come to the office tomorrow or Sunday to work on my daily sylabii and other things that havent been done.

Thursday, January 22, 2004

No Swearing!

Is it just me or do college students on campus believe they can be as loud and as abnoxious as they want since they have the room as theirs? Is there no concept of respecting other people's sound-space? Can they not get it in their minds that we all need to share and that being needlessly loud (where you can actually hear every single word as if they were next to you - even when they are past a wall and further than they think) sucks for those of us who like the quiet from time to time?

Am I just getting old?

Set in my ways?


Nah, just more aware of how the gap between me and the incoming freshman keeps getting wider and wider. Perhaps it is a good time to resign myself to a quiet floor so I don't feel so suffocated by the "F-Bombs" and overly giggly freshman girls.

Clog News - they were good today, although these clogs are my black and not-so-comfortable ones and they make a funky sound if I slip in them. Quite embarassing, but nothing I can do about it.

Back to German Arbeitsbuch I go.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

Blog.. blog blog

A blog about clogs might be effective.

Day 1 - it snowed - my feet were cold and snow got into my shoes!

Day 2 - Slushy ball entered left shoe by heel route - cannot feel toes.

Day 3 - Clog slipped off - flew forward - and hit my friend in the backside. We both fell, looked at each other and begin laughing. Clogs may actually have a purpose - to bring friends closer together!

Day 4 - Lost one clog, found it buried under dirty clothes. Found that heel part on inside is wearing away. Clog may be closer to trash can than anticipated.

Audrey - blog, blog, blog, blog, blog. Bloggity blogging my blog. If my blog doesn't blog enough, call my blogging blogger and he will blog you for a blogging time in a bloggly fashion. =D

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

Another semester is...

...starting and here I am, bored to death - waiting for a meeting to start because I don't want to start a project an hour before because I am an "All or nothing" kind of gal.

I begin teaching my class tomorrow morning at 9am - I have been planning and getting ready for this for a long time - and now my time has come to see if a theme in college writing will be workable - as long as I keep the big picture in mind - I am sure it will work out.

My dashes seem to be spreading - either a virus or some sort of breeding principle that I haven't yet been able to control as they seem to get together without me knowing it. my fear of commas being easier to produce offspring faster than such a longer symbol as a dash? Perhaps a dysfunctional brain function - or just because I have read too much Emily Dickinson in my time. I died for Beauty, what did you die for? Don't even think that I will meet you between the walls - would be cramped and quite clammy.

Forms forms forsm. Can anyone explain why we have so many paper forms to fill out in such a technological world? Ok, perhaps not world - maybe continent... or perhaps country... or Northern Hemisphere - or ok, fine, University. But, I suppose all those ink pen producers would have to hang up their quills and refills if we decided not to use paper anymore.