Saturday, September 27, 2003

Saturday Evening Post...(TM)

It's another one of those quiet weekends and I am so slow in the head right now that I feel like a slug! err.. without all that gooey stuff... oh and I do have a skeleton...

I and Aspen were talking last night and she had me discussing what Rhetoric was and trying to explain what it was all about. Well, I of course am so new at it that I was doing a horrible job in trying to explain. So, I went home and found this great site - which I am going to talk to Dr. Morgan about. I also began talking about my dilemma in what I would like to do my dissertation - which I have always believed would be about Beowulf - but in what way? Well - since I have begun teaching and am wholly fascinated by rhetoric, I asked the question out loud during a talk with my best friend and said it would be hard to mush the two together. But, when I gestured with my hands the merging of the two subjects, it popped into my head that if I looked at the right angle, I may just have a thesis I would be excited to explore! Perhaps more study and experience in rhetoric will help me in finding my niche.

Thursday, September 25, 2003

I'm not just ignoring my blog....'s just that I have things I'd like to say that have to stay unsaid. I can't throw anything onto the blog in fear of saying something I shouldn't have (Hagriditis). So, in response to such a lifestyle as I have right now - I stay silent. I've never regretted staying silent.

In my little world of self, I was enjoying a book on King Arthur. I love the stories - and no I have no class making me read this. It is total self gratification.

I did get my fairy tales book in the mail and my black ink for my printer. That is going to be a huge thing for me. I have to read that book so I can be ready for class - thank the sky for having it brought to me so soon.

I am planning something for Haloween for my floor. I am hoping to have it funded - instead of my floor paying for it. I want to get to the dollar store too for some Haloween decorations - I love decorating!!! Hopefully no one will come and tear it down - college "kids" are still in the dorms and haven't figured out how to behave yet. Hopefully being taken fro under their parents skirts - they can figure it out through good friends on what is socially decent or not. Yet - there are always those few that instigate just about anything you can imagine. Ah well, if not for them, I wouldn't have my RA job, now would I? heheheh

Friday, September 19, 2003

Friday, Friday, Frrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiidddddaaaaaaaaaay!

Not that I'm excited! hehe

I got the laptop for teachig today! It's a bit slow - it sometimes can't keep up with my typig - especially in MSN. But - it is decent and it helps with putting together my daily syllabus' (agendas) and getting any worksheets out there for my students.

Mom came over last night to goof off with me. It was good to see her and sit on the couch to talk and watch The Two Towers. We only got through half of it because I was on duty, though. By 10pm she was falling asleep and it was coming up to the good parts - so we postponed the rest of LotR for next Friday. <3

I teach in about 15 minutes- hopefully all my students make it. They have a huge grade potential for today since it is a workshop and we are distrubuting work today.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Monday, September 15, 2003

Bad Monday
The day didn't start out too badly - I got up at 8am and puttered around with a cup of coffee. At 10am I had to go work down at the front desk and so I gathered my homework and did that for two hours.

A friend of mine ate lunch with me and then we headed to our classes. I had previously tried to print out my Agenda for the class I was to teach and could not get the file to open. The disk kept freezing the computer or just not opening at all - wanted to Format. To make a longer story short - I was not able to get my agenda printed out. So five minutes before I was supposed to be walking into my class I was scribbling up a handwritten agenda.

To say the least - I can't "wing it". I did my best - but it was not the best class I've taught. I guess the four hours I had put into it was for nothing - but I learn my lesson. I need my ink for my printer and BADLY. I also need to make sure to put in more group exercises - my class seems to enjoy those the most, as long as they are worth anything.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Busy, busy, busy

Classes have started, deadlines have been set, caffiene has been drunk, and books have been piled.

It was quite a Day for me. I started out pretty good, woke up to my alarm at 6:50am, grabbed a rolled up poster and shoved the end into the "snooze" button (I am on a loft and my alarm is a bit too far away from me in a bookshelf). I then climbed down and got ready for my day. I was on time for class and was scarfing down some bannana bread for breakfast. The professor hadn't shown up yet, and I came upon my class waiting in the hall - so I used my handy dandy office **Key** to get into the classroom. Ahhh the power of the **key**.

German class lasted a good 2 hours and I headed up to my office and plopped all my books onto my desk. I had some forms that were due soon to waive any fees paid by the Graduate Teaching Assistant position. I ended up going to Deputy Hall and handing in what I could.

I then had lunch with some friends from classes last year and went up to my next class at noon. This class was a wonderful opportunity to give and take suggestions and problems between the new GA's. It was a great session and afterwards I felt ready for the next day coming up.

Office hours were spent organizing my files in my desk for each individual student.

After that, I ran back to my dorm at 4pm and ran into a friend living on my floor wanting to eat at 5pm. So, I took an hour to sit and unwind in my room, headed back out for dinner at Wally's and then came back to my room. I then spent from 6pm until 9pm working on my lesson plan for tomorrow. I *believe* I have a plan I am satisfied with, but I think I need to let myself relax a little - otherwise this may stress me out.

At 9pm I had an Oak RA meeting where we discussed "RA Shtuff". We had a good time and I laughed when some of my fellow male RA's explained a game that I hadn't heard of before. It involves a dollar bill and you have to breathe in to keep it on your mouth and then pass it on to the next person. /shrug. I just backed up a bit and laughed. Told him to go find a $100 bill before I'd play ;-)

After the meeting at 11pm, I walked into a resident trap where they wanted me to go to Perkins. I agreed I needed a break so we got into her car and four of us had late late breakfast. I had 3 pancakes and a big glass of milk. I'm soooooo fulllll right now.

So, here I am. Sitting at my computer, back hurting, legs propped up, and typing away. Time to tear off my "How Funky is your Monkey" socks and climb back into bed.

Monday, September 01, 2003

A brand spanking new Monday
Happy Labor Day everyone, hope you're all having a restful weekend.

My Mom, another RA and I went shopping early this morning. I needed to go get me an area rug so my feet didn't hurt so much on these hard floors.

Yesterday was a hard day - but fun. I got to meet about half of my residents and ran around helping whoever needed it. I'm hoping there will be more coming today, so I can be around and meet them. I plan on just working on my teaching course as I wait.

Sorry this is such a boring post, but I am trying to write as I chat to everyone - not good at multitasking anymore hehe