Thursday, December 29, 2005

So much to do, so little time

  • Student Health Services - call about hold on my BSU account because of missing immunization files
  • Head to bank to look into consolidations - no idea if I will be able to make it out in the big bad world of reality when I graduate

my recent problems

Well, computer died on me. I ended up buying one new part... and then HAVING to buy another.. and then having to just go out and buying all new... the only old thing left is my 3.5 floppy drive and my old hard drive (I have a nice 80 gig size one now... much more than I need plus the old one). I guess a 500MH computer (my old one) wasn't gonna cut it anymore. I suppose after 8+ years , that is bound to happen hehe. My baby lasted a long time.

One problem is that I accidentally handed them my bank debit card to buy some 300$ of computer stuff instead of my credit card and I was suddenly bouncing... ARGH so stupid. So, I am now trying to get that all fixed.

I had the flu from christmas eve day until the 27th. Nasty business. Should have gotten that darn flu shot.

I am now worried that my thesis credits aren't going to be added to my schedule UNTIL i get this immunization file missing stuff cleared up. But, guess what??? Health services are closed until the 10th!!!!!!! WTF Guess I will just have to wait and groan about this.

I *did* get a B in German!! Whoot. I did love that semester. I got to talk german more than I did in previous years and I feel pretty confident in my reading and writing skills (I just don't know all the grammar rules - but I still go through some of the required steps when I try and make a sentence - neat stuff).

I'm going to clean up my room the rest of this afternoon and then head to moms and visit with alan and shana tonight - play some cards, watch movie.. etc.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Computer Problems

Computer blew up

Working on it.

Using mom's at the moment.

Had the flu through the whole Christmas days


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

last night at the library

Yes, the last night this semester to work at the library! This 6 hour shift should be very fast indeed.

I got up at 10 am this morning, meant to get up earlier, but it was impossible. Working the late shift until midnight for 6 nights in a row has got me wired up to stay awake until 2am. It's hard, but it is working.

I got a phone call from d and he had me meet him at the union for lunch and we sat and talked - this gave me a reason to go and do the errands I needed to in order to finish off the semester. I dropped off hall council things, talked to LL and then went to see Dr. E. She let me check out the comments written on my thesis proposal and they were all positive. I guess i was expecting the worst as usual in order to let myself live through the stress of possibly being shot down.

now, i am deep into my research, loving every minute of it and enjoying The Story of Burnt Njal or Njals Saga as some know it.This image borrowed from A Gettysburg College Research Document.

i have also signed up for my thesis credits and so need to find out what exactly i am doing next semester. i want to take the Troy and chaucer class being offered by Dr. E. But, the class is a Tuesday night and i hate to take away from my nights. as it is, i have maybe 2 or three nights a week with D - but since he has a class that night from 4-7pm, it may work out oK. I'll see him afterwards.

hope everyone has a wonderful last finals day!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thank god for JC Penny's

Well, I went to my final today - german. Not too bad, but I hope I did well.

Right after the final, I went back to the hairstylist that wrecked my hair - hoping I'd find someone else there. Nope, same girl. I went to her and said that it seemed a bit too choppy in some areas and it was sticking out all funny. I should have said what I really thought - that it was the worst haircut ever and she should be banned form touching a pair of scissors ever again. However, me being me, i just tried to show her and was inside wishing someone else was there. She offered to use the razor on my hair, but I backed out saying, no.. I'd just need to get used to it. Lying out of my teeth!

I headed straight to JC Penny with tears in my eyes, staring at the clumpy mess that was my hair. A wonderful stylist named Ann was there and she remembered me from the past. I told her what happened and she looked it over. She was shocked. ALL of the parts of my hair were uneven, I had a wierd bald-like pattern going on, where it was long in the center, VERY short on the two sides of my bangs and then long again on the side of my head. PSYCHO CUTTER! So, poor Ann went through it with me and showed me the problem areas and we decided that a cut wouldn't be enough - it needed to be dyed with highlights in order to hide some of the problems and she had to show me a new spot for my part because it was ridiculous.

She whipped out the razor, made my hair all pointy in the back like I like it, got my bangs mostly under control and showed me how to fix it until it grew back again. /Sigh. I wish I could go back to my longer hair and re-start. That was a lot of anger and sobbing on my end that I didn't need.

But, thank god for Penny's! I have a hairstyle, not a muskrat on my head!

Now - I am back at work, sporting my new style and waiting for D to grab food and bring it to me. I'm starving! hehe I took a nap after all that stress and going to an 8am final. I got a good 2 1/2 hours.

Think I'll work through some of the icelandic sagas tonight and start writing names.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I am SO tired!!!
Someone get me outta here

It's only been an hour and a half /sigh

haircut from hell

I should have known better... i should have not done it.. i should have stuck to my instincts.

Aspen and I went in for a day of haircuts and colors, right away we were told that there was only one person... /bing

OK, let aspen get her haircolor and haircut and ill wait til next week.. she's really busy.

Well, half hour before i was to be in Oak again, the lady asks me if im sure i didnt want to get my haircut. This girl seems younger than my hair! I go ahead and think, "yeah, I need the cut, im so flippin shaggy" So, I let her cut and she doesnt even whip out the razor for the back, just tugging on my hair and cutting bluntly. In the end, she lets me sit and look and I see the back is fine, but then she goes "Oh no, your missing a big chunk here". My heart skipped a beat. Apparently while she cut, my bangs got in the way and they got a chunk out. Im thinking, well, i tuck anyway, won't scare me too badly. So, I leave with my wet hair and go home to go play with it. Turns out, that when I dry it and fluff it out, I have this donut ring around my head. She has ONE single layer all the way around and it's mostly my cut bangs. She just basically demolished any work I have been doing on growing my bangs out :~(

So, I am going back tomorrow to ask them to TRY and fix my hair. I am SO not happy with it that I want to cry. But, I can use a lot of hairspray and just try and not think about it until then. But come 10-11am tomorrow, they're gonna find a disgruntled chicky at their front step.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

some like it hot

and i am no exception!

  • r handed in my tolkien essay
  • r got check for T (RA)
  • r put up Christmas lights at moms
  • r Sent out my PhD packets
  • r took out the halloween stuff of moms from conference room
  • Redo the calendar down by front desk
  • Redo the glass case for the Hall Council
  • Check my checkbook
  • eat dinner
  • move my car


  • shower
  • dress
  • call aspen
  • go get haircut
  • get Ds present
  • buy christmas cards
  • eat at floor party
  • work 6-midnight
  • study german (do the examples and get rdy for final on Thursday

I work:

  • Wednesday 6-midnight
  • Thursday 6-midnight
  • Friday 4:45-8:45
  • Sunday 6-midnight
  • Monday 6-midnight
  • Tuesday 6-midnight

Wednesday - day off, hang out and wash clothes (Feed fishy!)
Thursday - head to D's parents' house
Friday - D's parents house
Saturday - D's christmas that night
Sunday - head to grandmas house
Sunday night + - go home and have family christmas

Monday, December 12, 2005

Finals Week Inc!

I better do another one... just to keep track of my stuff

  1. Shower
  2. get ready
  3. Print out german essays 8&9
  4. Print out Tolkien Essay
  5. Print out Check Request for 2A
  6. Print out Class Request
  7. Bring down mail for stamps and send them out
  8. See if Amy can sign
  9. Edit Tolkien one more time
  10. Print out Tolkien again
  11. Make sure everything is signed and all my print-outs are done
  12. Get packets finished for PHD program
  13. Go to class an hour or more early
  14. find Ll - have her sign check request
  15. Drop off check req.
  16. Study German Vocab
  17. Drop off my Essay and see if D.E. is there
  18. go to German - hand in all essays and take quiz
  19. Come back to room and finish packets until they are ready to send out on Tuesday after class
  20. See if D will take me home to get my car - get some gas stuff for winter cars

Just a few things that need to be done.... It's gong to be a CRAZY week. I hope you all enjoy the last days of classes and see that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. :-)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brain-Dead weekend

Yes... I slept in, I stayed in my pajamas, I got dressed at around 4pm, I watched TV, I ate cookies and I snuggled with D. All in all... a PERFECT weekend.

Both nights, D fell asleep with his head on my lap. I never knew how wonderful that could be. I rubbed his shoulder and gently patted his hair and around his ear (not sure if there's a word or phrase for that- petted?). He slowly passed out and I watched him sleep and enjoyed every minute of that kind of closeness. I even watched the credits of Austin Powers one night and waited for him to wake up so I could move my leg... but he was being stubborn. So, i started rubbing his tummy - ticklish... - and that didn't work. Whispered at him... and finally I had an "accidental leg twitch" and he snorted awake. :) There's only so many times ylou can take listening to the intro credits to the first Austin Powers DVD.. it's a 30 second or so music demo that repeats over and over and over... heheh

I took my GRE on Friday. I'm not as happy as I wish I could be. I'm not sure how well I did, but it's done and we'll see if that $135 was worth it.

Saw Aeon Flux yesterday with D and his friend J, we all seemed to enjoy it. Interesting story.

Now.. I am doing my homework that I had meant to do the past couple of days... oh and blogging so I can procrastinate.

I do have an observation... Library's induce spasms of loud vulgarities when the patrons leave. We have an awesome echo effect in the entracne/exit area and at least 3 out of 5 people are heard swearing or talking dirty as they leave. I should count how many times in one night... perhaps make a log. So far I have heard about 4 F-words and a very loud "shit" as a girl opened the door to leave. Yes, the girls are just as bad!