Thursday, December 29, 2005

So much to do, so little time

  • Student Health Services - call about hold on my BSU account because of missing immunization files
  • Head to bank to look into consolidations - no idea if I will be able to make it out in the big bad world of reality when I graduate

my recent problems

Well, computer died on me. I ended up buying one new part... and then HAVING to buy another.. and then having to just go out and buying all new... the only old thing left is my 3.5 floppy drive and my old hard drive (I have a nice 80 gig size one now... much more than I need plus the old one). I guess a 500MH computer (my old one) wasn't gonna cut it anymore. I suppose after 8+ years , that is bound to happen hehe. My baby lasted a long time.

One problem is that I accidentally handed them my bank debit card to buy some 300$ of computer stuff instead of my credit card and I was suddenly bouncing... ARGH so stupid. So, I am now trying to get that all fixed.

I had the flu from christmas eve day until the 27th. Nasty business. Should have gotten that darn flu shot.

I am now worried that my thesis credits aren't going to be added to my schedule UNTIL i get this immunization file missing stuff cleared up. But, guess what??? Health services are closed until the 10th!!!!!!! WTF Guess I will just have to wait and groan about this.

I *did* get a B in German!! Whoot. I did love that semester. I got to talk german more than I did in previous years and I feel pretty confident in my reading and writing skills (I just don't know all the grammar rules - but I still go through some of the required steps when I try and make a sentence - neat stuff).

I'm going to clean up my room the rest of this afternoon and then head to moms and visit with alan and shana tonight - play some cards, watch movie.. etc.

Monday, December 26, 2005

Computer Problems

Computer blew up

Working on it.

Using mom's at the moment.

Had the flu through the whole Christmas days


Tuesday, December 20, 2005

last night at the library

Yes, the last night this semester to work at the library! This 6 hour shift should be very fast indeed.

I got up at 10 am this morning, meant to get up earlier, but it was impossible. Working the late shift until midnight for 6 nights in a row has got me wired up to stay awake until 2am. It's hard, but it is working.

I got a phone call from d and he had me meet him at the union for lunch and we sat and talked - this gave me a reason to go and do the errands I needed to in order to finish off the semester. I dropped off hall council things, talked to LL and then went to see Dr. E. She let me check out the comments written on my thesis proposal and they were all positive. I guess i was expecting the worst as usual in order to let myself live through the stress of possibly being shot down.

now, i am deep into my research, loving every minute of it and enjoying The Story of Burnt Njal or Njals Saga as some know it.This image borrowed from A Gettysburg College Research Document.

i have also signed up for my thesis credits and so need to find out what exactly i am doing next semester. i want to take the Troy and chaucer class being offered by Dr. E. But, the class is a Tuesday night and i hate to take away from my nights. as it is, i have maybe 2 or three nights a week with D - but since he has a class that night from 4-7pm, it may work out oK. I'll see him afterwards.

hope everyone has a wonderful last finals day!

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thank god for JC Penny's

Well, I went to my final today - german. Not too bad, but I hope I did well.

Right after the final, I went back to the hairstylist that wrecked my hair - hoping I'd find someone else there. Nope, same girl. I went to her and said that it seemed a bit too choppy in some areas and it was sticking out all funny. I should have said what I really thought - that it was the worst haircut ever and she should be banned form touching a pair of scissors ever again. However, me being me, i just tried to show her and was inside wishing someone else was there. She offered to use the razor on my hair, but I backed out saying, no.. I'd just need to get used to it. Lying out of my teeth!

I headed straight to JC Penny with tears in my eyes, staring at the clumpy mess that was my hair. A wonderful stylist named Ann was there and she remembered me from the past. I told her what happened and she looked it over. She was shocked. ALL of the parts of my hair were uneven, I had a wierd bald-like pattern going on, where it was long in the center, VERY short on the two sides of my bangs and then long again on the side of my head. PSYCHO CUTTER! So, poor Ann went through it with me and showed me the problem areas and we decided that a cut wouldn't be enough - it needed to be dyed with highlights in order to hide some of the problems and she had to show me a new spot for my part because it was ridiculous.

She whipped out the razor, made my hair all pointy in the back like I like it, got my bangs mostly under control and showed me how to fix it until it grew back again. /Sigh. I wish I could go back to my longer hair and re-start. That was a lot of anger and sobbing on my end that I didn't need.

But, thank god for Penny's! I have a hairstyle, not a muskrat on my head!

Now - I am back at work, sporting my new style and waiting for D to grab food and bring it to me. I'm starving! hehe I took a nap after all that stress and going to an 8am final. I got a good 2 1/2 hours.

Think I'll work through some of the icelandic sagas tonight and start writing names.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


I am SO tired!!!
Someone get me outta here

It's only been an hour and a half /sigh

haircut from hell

I should have known better... i should have not done it.. i should have stuck to my instincts.

Aspen and I went in for a day of haircuts and colors, right away we were told that there was only one person... /bing

OK, let aspen get her haircolor and haircut and ill wait til next week.. she's really busy.

Well, half hour before i was to be in Oak again, the lady asks me if im sure i didnt want to get my haircut. This girl seems younger than my hair! I go ahead and think, "yeah, I need the cut, im so flippin shaggy" So, I let her cut and she doesnt even whip out the razor for the back, just tugging on my hair and cutting bluntly. In the end, she lets me sit and look and I see the back is fine, but then she goes "Oh no, your missing a big chunk here". My heart skipped a beat. Apparently while she cut, my bangs got in the way and they got a chunk out. Im thinking, well, i tuck anyway, won't scare me too badly. So, I leave with my wet hair and go home to go play with it. Turns out, that when I dry it and fluff it out, I have this donut ring around my head. She has ONE single layer all the way around and it's mostly my cut bangs. She just basically demolished any work I have been doing on growing my bangs out :~(

So, I am going back tomorrow to ask them to TRY and fix my hair. I am SO not happy with it that I want to cry. But, I can use a lot of hairspray and just try and not think about it until then. But come 10-11am tomorrow, they're gonna find a disgruntled chicky at their front step.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

some like it hot

and i am no exception!

  • r handed in my tolkien essay
  • r got check for T (RA)
  • r put up Christmas lights at moms
  • r Sent out my PhD packets
  • r took out the halloween stuff of moms from conference room
  • Redo the calendar down by front desk
  • Redo the glass case for the Hall Council
  • Check my checkbook
  • eat dinner
  • move my car


  • shower
  • dress
  • call aspen
  • go get haircut
  • get Ds present
  • buy christmas cards
  • eat at floor party
  • work 6-midnight
  • study german (do the examples and get rdy for final on Thursday

I work:

  • Wednesday 6-midnight
  • Thursday 6-midnight
  • Friday 4:45-8:45
  • Sunday 6-midnight
  • Monday 6-midnight
  • Tuesday 6-midnight

Wednesday - day off, hang out and wash clothes (Feed fishy!)
Thursday - head to D's parents' house
Friday - D's parents house
Saturday - D's christmas that night
Sunday - head to grandmas house
Sunday night + - go home and have family christmas

Monday, December 12, 2005

Finals Week Inc!

I better do another one... just to keep track of my stuff

  1. Shower
  2. get ready
  3. Print out german essays 8&9
  4. Print out Tolkien Essay
  5. Print out Check Request for 2A
  6. Print out Class Request
  7. Bring down mail for stamps and send them out
  8. See if Amy can sign
  9. Edit Tolkien one more time
  10. Print out Tolkien again
  11. Make sure everything is signed and all my print-outs are done
  12. Get packets finished for PHD program
  13. Go to class an hour or more early
  14. find Ll - have her sign check request
  15. Drop off check req.
  16. Study German Vocab
  17. Drop off my Essay and see if D.E. is there
  18. go to German - hand in all essays and take quiz
  19. Come back to room and finish packets until they are ready to send out on Tuesday after class
  20. See if D will take me home to get my car - get some gas stuff for winter cars

Just a few things that need to be done.... It's gong to be a CRAZY week. I hope you all enjoy the last days of classes and see that there is indeed a light at the end of the tunnel. :-)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Brain-Dead weekend

Yes... I slept in, I stayed in my pajamas, I got dressed at around 4pm, I watched TV, I ate cookies and I snuggled with D. All in all... a PERFECT weekend.

Both nights, D fell asleep with his head on my lap. I never knew how wonderful that could be. I rubbed his shoulder and gently patted his hair and around his ear (not sure if there's a word or phrase for that- petted?). He slowly passed out and I watched him sleep and enjoyed every minute of that kind of closeness. I even watched the credits of Austin Powers one night and waited for him to wake up so I could move my leg... but he was being stubborn. So, i started rubbing his tummy - ticklish... - and that didn't work. Whispered at him... and finally I had an "accidental leg twitch" and he snorted awake. :) There's only so many times ylou can take listening to the intro credits to the first Austin Powers DVD.. it's a 30 second or so music demo that repeats over and over and over... heheh

I took my GRE on Friday. I'm not as happy as I wish I could be. I'm not sure how well I did, but it's done and we'll see if that $135 was worth it.

Saw Aeon Flux yesterday with D and his friend J, we all seemed to enjoy it. Interesting story.

Now.. I am doing my homework that I had meant to do the past couple of days... oh and blogging so I can procrastinate.

I do have an observation... Library's induce spasms of loud vulgarities when the patrons leave. We have an awesome echo effect in the entracne/exit area and at least 3 out of 5 people are heard swearing or talking dirty as they leave. I should count how many times in one night... perhaps make a log. So far I have heard about 4 F-words and a very loud "shit" as a girl opened the door to leave. Yes, the girls are just as bad!

Sunday, November 27, 2005

daughter, girlfriend, cowgirl!

Thanksgiving was a blast. I was able to go to my house with my family (bad brother who didnt show up and his wife.. grrrr) and we ate and talked and ate some more. That was a fun afternoon. Then, D and I went back to the dorms with the others and we hung around and talked. Friday morning, we went shopping real quick - I got some good deals on presents (altho mom went shopping and got herself what i bought for her christmas present :P) and then we headed for D's parent's house.

There, we made food like crazy. She had a basket with all the different things we could do to get ready for dinner and as you finished one, you started another. We were able to get dinner done by about 2pm and had a lot of fun in the meantime. I made another pie and cranberries (love them like that - the fresh kind) and then helped decorate the table. We ate and enjoyed the desert and then played cards all night. Then we watched movies....

/side rant inc!

I hated the christmas movie.. The Polar Express. That was creepy, boring and just plain ugly. I was bored about twenty minutes into it and slowly became disturbed by some of the creepy elements and the animations - made everything feel like a plastic sheet covered everyones faces and smoothed out too much and was undead... so to speak. Never will watch that again! Ever.

... we watched movies and then went to bed late. The next day, Saturday, we made yet another big meal with chicken rice soup and some leftover turkey dinner makings and then went tramping all over their land and forest to find the perfect christmas tree for their friends. The first one we saw actually turned out to be the best one, so after walking about and crunching through snow for an hour, we came back and cut it down. Bingo, their dog, was hilarious and wanted to pee on every branch we passed and flounced through all the snowy caps. I got whipped by one too many bare branches but had a fun time throwing snow at D. We then played cards some more, ate a bit more and then watched a bit 'o TV. I went to bed at 11pm and got up at 11am hehe. Don't know.. maybe it was the long walk... but i was enjoying the long sleep.
When we were sitting in the living room we all of a sudden noticed a bunch of their cows meandering across the road. We threw on our outside clothes and ran out there. Some in a truck ended up herding them back our way, I took a corner and made them turn left and then D made them turn into the fence on their right. It was awesome - id never seen anthing like that before.

Then we ate lunch and headed home, drove slow on account of the ice and then ended up at my moms house - she ordered take out and we set up her christmas tree. I had to work so we left and now ive been sitting here since six pm. Gah - working on my paperwork for my PHD applications. I'm surprised they dont want a pint of blood and my genealogy to make sure i will be admitted. /sigh And two want the subject GRE and another doesn't have the program I need... so basically 2 seem to be it...

what am I gonna do???!

Friday, November 18, 2005

What a night

Harry Potter was had - and all rejoiced /yaaaay

A Happy Birthday to Aspen - who is all kinds of Awesomeness! . . . and we all rejoiced /yaay

And, the bed beckons to me with soft cushiness and snuggley dreaminess . .. and I rejoiced /yaaaazzzzzzzzzzz'''''

Thursday, November 17, 2005

My to do

  • Work on my OWN work for once
  • Ignore some people who expect too much
  • Redo my Statement of Purpose
  • Finish up my rough draft of dragon essay
  • Make a list of colleges and the list of people for recommendations
  • Ask for recommendations tomorrow
  • go to lunch in the union at 11am tomorrow with D and get this taken care of
  • pick up aspen at 3:30 for Harry Potter Tickets
  • Find something
  • Throw up my hands in reaction to some stuff going on /ignore on
  • Talk to others about Mondays meeting
  • Water my plant - it's lookin a bit limp
  • Wash dishes
  • get my moms things back to her this weekend
  • Go to Applebees for Aspens Bday
  • Talk to Alan about Thanksgiving
  • Check out bills
  • put up Christmas decorations
  • Find some time for myself again - i loved the fact that I finished my purple/black crochet blanket and watched Moonlighting until class. What a nice break that was.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Too much sugar! - I think my intelligence went down to a 12 yr old - who says im turning 27 in 4 months? BAH

Aya- Library-Midnight says:
RAAAwwwweeeerrrrrrr I am the ghost of Library coldness,,, feel my wrath GRAAAAWWWR
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
<---ate too much chocolate
J- says:
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
bored bored bored cold cold cold bleh bleh bleh harry potter harry potter raaaawr
J- says:
hehe i cant wait to see, not sure if i should go thursday since i work late then have to be back up early....ugg but i want to see
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
harry potter is the schnizzle it has the love of a fizzle i wanna eat it and love it all day but gimme a thick fluffy sweater before i get tooo colday
Jeremy- says:
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
yah yah see harry potter
J- says:
could rearange all the library books based on which ones you like best and make a aya section
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
omg stoopid choco caffiene
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
i *was* doing something.. i was writing an essay on DRAGONS
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
wheeeeeee wyrms, worms, drakes, dragons... yupyup, scaley, soft bellied, fire breathing, slithery, web footed dragons
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
oh oh and dont forget eeeeeeeevil
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
oh and listening to christmas music
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
Aya- Library-Midnight says:
did i scare you, you gone!
Aya- Library-Midnight says:

I have a real life pause button!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

hmm 400th post! hehe whoot?

OH, BTW, happy 400th post to Aspen too!

Craziness subsided and not so insane atm. I was so frustrated earlier that all I could do was make you a nice picture to show what my mind looked like at that moment.

Everything better now.

I cleaned my room from top to bottom... except my closets and under bed - but those would take an extra hour. I turned on my Christmas music on Launch and instantly felt better as I opened my windows wide and started putting things away and organizing again. I actually have a desk counter!

I missed eating lunch with my friends - but I ended up going up to DE's office and we talked about my thesis and what I needed to add. Sorry guys!

I then stopped at the Student Affairs office and was basically told that they didn't usually get a Literature test packet and wouldn't have a fair chance of getting to take the test. /sigh


Monday, November 14, 2005

My Station

Featuring: Massive Attack, Enigma, Enya, The Prodigy, The Crystal Method, DJ Micro, London Symphony Orchestra, Orbital, Télépopmusik, Sneaker Pimps, Moby...

I guess this is my most recent list of favorites that I listen to constantly. :-)

Manic Monday - I'm gonna take the red pill

Yep, starting my craaaazzzy Monday a bit later than others.

Worked on German for 6 hours last night at work - YIPES. This is why I can't take it next semester. This has to be it. On the way home from work last night I drove by Maple Hall and some little freshman bas***ds shined a really bright light (spotlight?) into the front windows of my car and another behind me as we were driving through the parking lot. Do they not KNOW that there are people walking about and to try and not hit anyone, we need to be able to SEE? /RANT

Today I have a few things I need to do:
  • Dry my hair - hehe
  • Go to Wally's for lunch
  • E-Mail Iris about Dec. 1
  • Finish up my German Worksheets
  • Leave room by 2pm
  • Stop by Sanford to ask about Subject GRE (stand-by)
  • Stop by Deanna's office with my rough draft of thesis proposal
  • Hunt down my list of people I'd like Letter of Recommendations from
  • go to German
  • Come home
  • Eat dinner with D
  • Talk to Aspen about Harry Potter
  • Wash clothes
  • Make agenda for my OHC meeting tonight
  • Wash clothes more
  • Work on Grad paperwork
  • 8:30pm - OHC meeting
  • Work some more on paperwork

Sunday, November 13, 2005

What a nice Sunday

First off, went through my fav. comics on the right side-bar and this is some of my favorites atm: Snuggliness and Beautiful Fat by Mows.

I have yet another to do list for tonight while I work:

  • German Bericht uber Max und Moritz
  • German weisses Blatt
  • German 6. Aufsatz
  • Revisit my Thesis Proposal and Bibliography
  • Look into an intro to my essay for Tolkien
  • Clean up my folders and notebook
  • Look at essays for my University Admissions

A long weekend

Ah, the drizzlyness of the weekend was a good topper - I loved it.

Thursday night I worked until midnight and then came home and passed out pretty quickly. Friday morning I got up, showered and headed straight for H's house. I picked her up and we went shopping for spackle, paint, fabrics, screws, staples, etc. It was crazy. Then, at 3pm we got back and we fixed the walls and began painting her walls a dark dark tinted primer. D came over for a bit and helped us patch some larger sections of wall before that.

Then, when that dried, we then painted the dark red paint on it and we left to let that dry. We went to my moms house after measuring her 2 closet doors, window and doorway and sewed up 7 large panels - a flowy white. We were done with that by 10:30pm and got back to her place and we then did touch ups on paint and then prepped the floor. We swept and scrubbed until it was clean and then cracked open a box of her tiles. Beautiful - they were the easiestt to lay on the floor and all I did was the sides and corners as the other girls, H and A (H and her friend) placed the large one pieces. We kept working until 3am and then H and I came to my room and passed out until 10.

We then went back to her house, cleaned up a bit and finished painting any little spots. The girls put up the white panels we sewed the night before and we (I and Aspen) began stapling the black shiny fabric to the ceiling. That turned out awesome - but H needs to go buy some kind of fringe or ribbon to cover up the staples.

Then, we cleaned up and began to put all of her decorations up - she had boxes full of things that she had collected over the years.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

calmed down *slightly*

Check this baby out:
  • Go to Sanford - beg and plead to sign up and be put on a waiting list or something for GRE Subject Test
  • Go to Sanford - spend another $130 for the GRE General Test before Nov. 4th
  • Make sure I send all the scores to the right colleges
  • Find out what the right colleges are within 2 days or by next monday
  • Talk to ppl about Letters of Recommendation
  • Send for Transcripts from UNT (spend more money I dont have) -/cry
  • Order Transcripts from BSU (another wad of cash)
  • Choose some writing samples from the past to send to Universities
  • Make contact with the colleges - by cell-phone - buy some minutes!
  • Write my thesis proposal
  • get together my bibliography (wow, what brilliant use of grammar whoot)
Oh, the most important thing: PHD materials are due on December 20th!!!

omg, bad bad bad bad bad aya

Yep, totally freaking out


cannot believe I waited
OMG it's horrible - please please please all work out

/cringes in mortal pain in the stomach - im going to get an ulcer I can tell


basically, I wanna go hide under my bed for a few minutes, come out and find out it is last year at this time

I can't believe I did this to myself /sigh

Energy - Igotsmesomewings!


  • Organizemythesisfolder
  • printoutcopiesofmyemails
  • ReadthroughBurntNjalandwriteinnotes

ahhh - enjoying the scent from my flowers i bought at the store the other day. They smell like weeds buttheyarepurpleandgorgeous!

  • workthroughsomeGerman
  • readsomemoreofmyLordoftheRings

Monday, November 07, 2005

A short weekend

Well, for starts - this weekend was short but fun.

Friday night, couple friends, I and D went to MacBeth. Even after I have studied and read this tragedy, *I* couldn't understand half of it hehe. I got the gist of the whole play, but was quickly lost during all of the speeches. The students did a wonderful job and I always enjoy a great performance. As a Beowulf fan, I loved the severed head being tossed toward the crowd and the loud *thump* accompanied.

On Saturday we all got up at 6:30 (D at 7am) and got into Aspens car and headed to the cities. That was a fun trip between all of us. We were then fed a huge Turkey dinner by my aunt. Fabulous! Then we all talked and got ready for the play "Grease" that my cousin was in. She did a wonderful job and we enjoyed the music. We then stayed up a bit late and chatted and then passed out from the lack of "college sleep" - the 9+ hours we like to get.

Yesterday, we spent some time at my Aunt and Uncles place while the men folk went hunting. They would walk in with their long underwear and we'd all start laughing. That stuff is hilarious. We left at noon and headed home. Got here at 4pmish - even when we stopped at Treasure City!

I'm leaving you with my usual to do list:
  • Put away clothes
  • Check bills
  • German Homework
  • Hall Council Agenda
  • Shower and get dressed
  • Eat @ Wallys
  • Look at Grad School info and file it
  • Work on the Thesis Proposal

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Ms. BrightSide


That was crazy! I hope to put pictures up (Aspen took some during the night) and to find any articles on it.

Basically I was going on 4 hours of sleep, Pizza and Mt. Dew. We still made the whole thing in time and it went as smoothly as possible. We had one injury involving a slamming door and my boss' finger - but she is OK and has gone in to see a doctor. She didn't even stop giving tours - she kept going!

Everybody was wonderful and fun to work with!

I, personally, just fell off a short ladder and cut my right hand and now it's just sore. But, it wasn't bad! I think we are all sore today, though. That was a long 4+ hours of actual haunted house and then 50+ setting up.

We made a lot of money to replace what we spent, to save money for next year and then to give a lot to charity. Yay! Met and surpassed our goal.

Now - I am working on thesis, German, Tolkien and going to that iceland exchange program.

My to do list:
  1. E-mail former members of OHC
  2. E-Mail Iceland Professor
  3. Write up a short intro to Galadriel
  4. Work on German some
  5. Go through the Tolkien Essay I need to write
  6. Work on my thesis proposal again

Friday, October 28, 2005

We've been featured!

Monday, oct. 31st
$5 - regular admission

$3 - 12 and under / BSU student with ID

Sponsored by:

  • Oak Hall Council
  • HUPB
  • NorthernLightsFX

FM90 will be there!!

THIS - is the reason I haven't had time for anything else in my life atm. :-)

Thursday, October 27, 2005




Stay tuned for pictures. hehe

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Psst 10 days is my timing I guess

Alan and Shana here from Fargo.
I just woke up after staying up 'til 2am watching Smallville with D (hehe me, watching Smallville - it's hilarious)

To do:
  • Measure doorway
  • Measure Gameroom wall
  • Build door and wall (Moms room)
  • Clean out RA storage room
  • Get Leaves
  • Dumpster Dive - boxes and such
  • Clean Fishy Bowl
  • Wash Clothes (moms house)
  • German Homework
  • At moms - fake grass, metal table/chairs/halloween stuff/bench/plants/paint/Stereo
  • Go shopping for the last items (W/Amy on Sunday) - plastic, spotlights, colored light, ducktape, candy for kids
  • put up signs around town
  • paint pictures
  • make b's and f's (not talking about grades hehe)
  • make better list of volunteers
  • make list of makeup per person and costume
  • try out lighting in basement - make list
  • try out stereos - make list
  • List of items for victim
  • Make list of sounds and music for rooms
  • Better made map
  • clean out fridge
  • props list for childrens section
  • costume list and
  • make individual signs for each section

more to come

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Another ten days slip by

Well, let's see.

I got a parking ticket from BSU. The usual $10 for parking in the meters overnight. Oops. I had forgotten it there after dropping off the groceries for the big Tiki party on Monday night.

Which, in fact, went fantastically. We had the usual dorks (guys mostly) that decided talking about safer sex and alcohol was the damndest, funniest thing in the world. All sorts of inappropriateness - however, I was a bitch and MADE them get the Human Bingo card filled out before they could get ANY snacks or punch. MUHAHAH the power. Most cheated, I'm sure. But, still- tough for them whent hey reached out for a cup and I asked to see their sticker. Heheh fun.

The condoms were also being grabbed at with no discretion. I put up a sign for them to take only 1 or 2 at max so all could get some, but of course, I forgot to place someone there to watch over it and they started disappearing quite quickly by the handfulls. /sigh. I can't remember evberything!

Aspen came over to help and she was the stamper and listened in on the safer sex talks - which mostly went well. Interesting questions.

Uhmmm.. today we finally got Assassins out to the residents. The sock tossing is about to start!

I have also started crocheting a scarf for D - he was hoping to find one in the store for ski'ing but I told him I could make one exectly how he wanted it - so we took a long time to choose his yarn and I went through a few stitches, but he liked my usual because of the small stitch holes and the thickness. I would say I am about 1/4 of the way done.

here's my to do:
  • Signs for HC Meeting
  • Meeting thursday at 3pm for Haunted House
  • Signs for volunteers
  • Look for sign-ups for my GRE test
  • Look up the colleges that I would like to apply to
  • work on my abstract for my thesis
  • any German homework due next Monday
  • Begin paper thesis for Tolkien class - Silmarillion

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Aww, a compliment!

I had a feeling this guy was hitting on me a week or two ago. He kept coming to talk to me and complimented me on my smile and how it was nice to see someone so happy. I thought he was just being nice - not thinking that he was trying to tell me something.

I started talking to him today about life as a Graduate - he is a foreign exchange student working on his masters as well and hadn't met any others because most of us are so busy with our classes, jobs, and lives. Well, he started asking me if he could see me when I wasn't busy and I had to tell him right out I was taken, and he smiled and explained to me that D was a lucky man and that he wanted me to know that he liked seeing my face and that he had liked it the moment he walked in and first saw me. Awwww. That's quite an ego boost for me.

Now, I just want to go home and snuggle up with D and watch reruns of Stargate.

What Your Sleeping Position Says

You are calm and rational.

You are also giving and kind - a great friend.

You are easy going and trusting.

However, you are too sensible to fall for mind games.

Already tired

I've only been working one hour so far and I'm already seeing spots and feeling like a nap.

The basketball players just came walking in. They were being loud as usual as they walked past me and into the elevator. Seriously - what makes them SO weak as to not be able to walk up or down ONE flight of stairs? They sure seem healthy enough. Even I (who am not in the best of shape) go up and down those stairs. I feel silly when I use the elevator like this.

Uh... one of them just snuck out. Hehehe, made a showing and getting away. Funny. They seem to believe they own everything - a bit too arrogant for me. And one day, one of them kept saying "holla Back Girl" to me and of course, I ignored them as usual - hehe having been an RA, it gives you the right choices to make when you feel threatened or annoyed by people - you know how to react. Well, I finally looked up the meaning and here it is:

  • NOUN: A girl that is willing to be treated like a doormat or booty call. She is a girl that will allow guys to do whatever they want with her and will just wait for them to 'holla back' at them.
  • VERB: a member of a cheerleading squad who repeats – hollers back - words that the squad leader shouts out to them.
  • Gwen Stefani uses the term brilliantly in her song "Hollaback Girl", both as a simile and a metaphor. She’s letting the guys know that she ain’t a booty call and that she’s not gonna be sitting around waiting for them to “holla back”. She’s “been around the track a few times” so it’s not gonna happen again. She uses the cheerleading terminology as a metaphor, she’s a “squad” leader not a follower.
Well, I guess it was good that I am not one of those girls that constantly get called "shorty" by them. These girls walk by and start giggling as soon as one gets even a teensy bit of attention. Gah, I'd rather have my tongue pierced than spend one hour near them. There are a few exceptions, however, but few needs to be looked at in earnest.

Ah cripes, foot and leg just fell asleep on my left. /sigh

Thursday, September 29, 2005


Thanks Aspen for the link to find these fun things... Getting a kick out of them. However, the birthday one was totally off!

What Your Underwear Says About You

You buy the sexiest underwear you kind find, and always have something hot on underneath your clothes.

You're comfortable in your own skin - and don't care to impress anyone.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Hmm 21 days later

Yes, I have been relaxed in some of the areas of my life that probably shouldn't be.

I am currently trying to do everything all at once, and I just can't seem to do it. Bah, time is going too fast.

Ich liebe Deutschklass. I am not all that great at German, but I am sure enjoying it! Why can't I be terrific at it? Can you imagine how much I'd love German then?!

Oak Hall Council is doing some terrific things and I'm very excited about the activities. We plan on doing a safe sex/alcohol awareness activity in 2 weeks. We're holding an icebreaker as the residents come in, free drinks (mocktails), music, a "talk" by the RAs about happenings on campus and society, booths with condoms and pamphlets and information, games, and lots of prizes! Then, we plan on a haunted house - which may or may not be a blast. I plan on making it a blast - now that I know we have the help!


I've been reading up on Edda's and the Tree of Life is VERY interesting to me. It says inTitchenell's, The Masks of Odin: Wisdom of the Ancient Norse, that almost every myth/religion has some sort of tree symbolism. What is it about trees? An only constant in the world? Until humans are finally rid of them in the future? Or will trees even live on past us - their roots going much deeper into the actual soil than we do... they LIVE within the earth and are a part of the spirituality - we die and are placed into the earth to become part of it after we have helped destroy it. All we do is use. But, then, what would the earth be for except to be appreciated and/or abused? Ah! The meaning of life. The eternal Truth with a big T.

Wish I knew what it was, then I'd be famous... or more likely, condemned as a nutcase or very smug in having TMI. Mystery has its merit.

Ah rambling, love it! Going to go read some more. Perhaps I'll just read the Hobit for an hour, then some more on Eddas, and perhaps a bit of Hall Council paperwork.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Oodles of toodles

Well, a lot of exciting things going on. I feel as if a lot could happen in the next few months that will change everything.

I've been to The Brothers Grimm twice now - interesting and spell-binding movie. Jake, one of the brothers, reminds me of my cousin. He wishes things like that were true also. But then, who doesn't wish those fantastic tales were true? Wouldn't the mundanity of some of our life be more colorful and rich if there were ogres hiding under rocks in the alleys and witches living next door?

So many ideas - so little time.

Iceland seems to be within my grasp - so excited about that thought. German class is going very well - I am apparently at the right level of class and am stumbling - but not any worse or better than the others. Yay! I am not a total loss hehehe

Tolkien is exciting for me - I promised myself I would look more into other parts that I haven't before - The Silmarillion for one. I hope that I get to go through this and maybe write my final paper on it.

But - time for me to do some homework... toddleooo

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So quiet and Peaceful

Here I am, working at the library.

The silence is almost stifling, but it is actually a comfortable wrapping around the inner ear and calm.

I have already read and editted a paper from B, read almost the rest of the book, Heroes of Iceland by Allen French (Awesome!! I love this stuff) and am just wanting to write down a little post before I read the rest.

Any one else notice how peoples faces change with the different programs they use? one I see is playing games and reading things off the internet - her face is strained and almost angry/concentrating countenance. The other is chatting on MSN and has the largest smile on their face and laughs off and on - very fidgetty too. There is quite a point in this little observance - we are happier in actual interaction of 'others' - Be it online, phone or in person. Screw the computer and its lifelessness! Hang out with friends, TALK to a neighbor, Chat online with non-perverts, Play online games that bring you into SOME kind of contact - Enjoy the human race - Oh, and call your grandma. Don't get cut off.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Let sleeping fish lie

All moved into the dorms. Wonderful room and so good to be back. Enjoying the time with D again. As for the comments on previous post - I tried to explain a bit more of what I meant. Hopefully not treading on anyone. I do agree at times with both sides - which is normal for me - listen to everyone else and slowly come to my own decision.

Right now - I feel like writing. But why am I writing in my blog and not being creative and writing a story? Why do I still sit here when my back is hurting and no matter how many stretching my shoulders back's - I can't seem to crack the spot that feels stuck. Sitting here in the dim light, black tanktop and shorts, slightly chilly from my open window - but the curtains are closed because I live right across from maple hall now and people could see into my room.

Now, If the window bothers me that much and yet I am still blogging - what's the difference? The people reading my blog can see more of the real me than someone accidentally glancing in my window and seeing me combing my hair. And yet, I sit here writing and yet my curtains are cutting me off from the outside.

I suppose I do use a curtain in my mind - cutting people off from certain parts of my day. Like - I probably wouldn't come onto my blog everytime I got a sliver. I probably wouldn't be able to type if I had one anyway!

Why can't I just walk away from the blog? I use it - oh yes. I use it as my homepage and look at my favorite sites. I make to do lists that I don't look at again. I check the comments for that rare hope that someone may have left me one - and when I get one, I am like a kid with a brand new dollar bill.

Hmm someone is revving their engines and screeching their tires outside. Someones bored!!

Well, I feel like I am blogged out for now. Time for bed. Hope you all enjoy the last few days of Holiday!

PS - anyone want me to give a heads up when I drop French? Can't remember who. I need to take Latin - not french - go figure hehehe

Monday, August 15, 2005

Summer trails

Ahh - that's as poetic as I get in a title. Well, I need to put a to do list at the end of this, but I will throw in an actual blog entry .

One thing I have found is that I am quickly running out of money for my summer. My trip to the Ren Fair and to Valley Fair this last weekend was the last straw. I'll have to ask Mom for a little loan so I can move into the dorms and be ready for living on my own again.

My right arm is in turmoil. I don't have health insurance ATM and so I end up suffering with this tendonitis crap. They tested me for carpal tunnel and said that was negative. But, it's killing me to do some things (especially after hanging onto the scary rides on Sunday at Valley Fair).

Personal news all over on my end, but don't think I'll discuss anything of that nature here. D doesn't particularly like blogs and I don't want him to feel uncomfortable about my having one.

And sometimes I wonder if I should go ahead and stop blogging. I had a professor call it an "immodest" hobby and you know what? I actually agree with him. It is immodest and it seems sometimes to be something... of a burden.

To Do:
  • E-Mail O'Donnell at UND
  • Check Bill's Thesis
  • Call Amy about HC Office and perhaps moving in early
  • Help Aspen move into dorm
  • Clean out Car

Saturday, July 23, 2005

3 Year Blog Anniversary!

Yep, three years! Go blog!

What a summer

My Summer has been filled with all sorts of responsibilities, problems and fun!

D has taken me sailing and out on the lake a lot - enjoying the summer while we can. I am hoping next weekend he will take me again and maybe go tubing (crossing fingers).

We're doing the garage sale at the moment - what a lot of work. however, I have made some good money that I need for the Valley Fair /Ren Fair trip in August !!!! /bounce /bounce.

Things to do:
  • E-Mail Bill or get a hold of him
  • Reserve hotel room
  • clean bedroom /gah
  • Bills
  • Bank - put money in
  • Make my scottish dress
  • Help Holly find a dress
  • Finish my crochet

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Ugh, restless night

Was laying in bed, wide awake with 20 bill things going thru my head. And now I'm being mugged by my Baby Bear - I woke her up when I came to the computer.

  • E-Mail MC and Evans
  • Look at bills
  • Look at money situation
  • Mail
  • Call Laura
  • Library books
  • financial aid
  • Clean car
  • E-mail Bill
  • E-mail Stu
  • Bear needs a bath and meds
  • Queens needs bath and shave
  • Comp tests
  • Thesis credits
  • German/French
  • UND tour
  • Next summer job
  • Office books and key for HS

Friday, July 01, 2005

What's a happening, hot Stuff?


Biggest changes so far include the disappearance of one of my cats (Aristophanes, she's been gone for 3-4 weeks now) and my blue fishy that would do the flying fish trick passed away (either died of natural causes under the clam shell or accidentally got stuck and drowned).

Mom has decided to stay here, so I *should* be living in the dorms during the next year. I will also be Hall Council president and working as a GA in the library (Which must be official since the money is in my financial aid report).

I've been doing jobs for my grandparents and working on mom's house. The garage is slowly being cleaned up and organized.

Went to the fair at the waterfront today with D and met with his family and some of their friends for dinner at the Union Station. We talked a lot about what we'd do in a couple days :)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Staying, moving, staying, moving... Staying! hehe

Yes, yes... mom has been up to her antics again making everyone wonder what next year will be like. She has been going to the cities off and on for interviews to check out other schools and found some very decent places to work. However, 4am the other morning she wakes me up and tells me in a slight panic that she is too old to go do something like that and she would lose the house and would miss everyone. I suppose some of those points are right, but a lot of it is just excuses to not try something new. And she has something else (Edited for nastyness that may come out). BUT, it's none of MY business and I keep promising myself I'll stay out of it, but GRRRRRRRR /shove /kick /out

My summer has been A++ so far. Been enjoying the time off and sleeping 'til I want to and deciding what to do day by day. It's great.

Next Summer, I plan on living in the apartment where y next school will be or something - because I am just going insane! I need my own place, too old to live with my mother. /sigh

So, my year is still set.. I will be working in the library, living in the dorms next to D, and Hall Council President for Oak Hall. That seems like a good break. This should be a wonderful semester coming up.

Back to my relaxing (sorta) vacation.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Gone for a week

I should be back around the 15th. Heading to my Grandma's house to paint, rip up carpeting and putting down new carpeting. Should be otherwise relaxing.

Monday, May 16, 2005

The end of the semester

Well, I am no longer an RA. I have mixed feelings about this. I loved being an RA, but I will enjoy the lack of responsibility on that end so I can concentrate more on my own work.

However, it was a tear jerker for me to say goodbye to so many friends - my residents. We went through a lot this last year and I feel that this was one of THE best years I have had in college. I will be going back to my floor ("ours" now) and seeing some of the people that stayed for Summer classes - especially since D is staying there, and J!

I have moved into moms extra bedroom - its been nice to sleep with no reservations of what's going on in the hallway and if something is going to blow up. I also left the dorms with a last minute present - I got a nasty cole the last day I was there. I believe my body and system were so dragged down and exhausted that the cold virus just jumped me as I slept that night. Now, I am sniffly and dizzy and tired. Yucky.

I am sitting in my office for the last time. I have cleaned out my stuff and stuck it in the corner for moving later. I want the new GAs to feel like it is their space to work with and hopefully I can get my things moved soon. I *could* bring it all to my car and stick it in the trunk - but I'd rather not go that far until i know where I'm putting it.

I also finished my grades and put those in. I feel good about the semester. I was flattered by the evals my students did on me and feel that maybe I *was* hard on myself tinking that tey didn't quite get all they should have for the class. I have heard from the other GA's that this is a common feeling and to not worry about it.

I hope everyone is doing well wherever they have gone and I miss you all already. Please stay in touch.

Now, to have a nice, long, relaxing summer. I am already enjoying the fact that I can wake up when I want to... or when Nicky has to go out to pee /bleh hehe. 'Lil turd woke me up at 9am. I am pretty sure mom was in the extra room typing away on her stuff but I was so tired and sick, I don't remember any of it. hehe ah well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Yay, coming closer to the goals! hehe

My list has gotten shorter but I did add a few things. I am also proud to announce that everything on the previous list are checked off and went VERY nicely.
  • ARHD/RHD Evals
  • Look over my floor folders and get them into order


  • Hand in LotR Paper to DE
  • Grade my student papers
  • For next Tuesday - buy a couple 2 litre bottles and ice for party (8pm)
  • Collect all the money from RAs for shirts
  • Sign-up for my evals with A and LL this week
  • Next Friday is Amy's Grad party (8pm) down the street - BYOB
  • Friday (Graduation) - On Call from 2-5pm. Also, water is off that morning, early.
  • Do room inventory for those residents moving in right away
  • Schedule a bed storage time for everyone.
  • Sat morning of last checkout - crank radio and go downstairs for breakfast

I did have a major bumb in the road with my residents, but we all stuck together and I feel everything turned out for the better.

I am also down to only 3 student papers that haven't been turned in (late) and tomorrow is their last chance. So, tomorrow afternoon I can over to my office, grab my grade sheet and turn it in.

Thanks Jessie for calling me Super... sometimes I wonder if I'm just plain crazy. hehe

I'll be packing in the next few days, so I may disappear once again for a while once everything settles down - I should be able to come back.

Also, I have been given SO many job opportunities this next year and they *still* keep coming. ive never felt so happy or torn in all my life. Is it good to go to the library? Yes, the experience should do wonders for me. But, do i want to teach still? yes! /sigh. I'll just stop thinking about it for now and wait for the actual proof that I have the Library GAship and then I will quit worrying like my mother ;) /loves her mama

Time to go hom, I'm late for being back on duty in my hall. Oops!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My own reminders

  • Skeeter Stitch at 9am
  • Luekens for my class (donuts) and residents (Chips, hotdogs, and 2litres)
  • German for the conference with teacher
  • Grade the two student papers
  • Go to lunch with D
  • Make copies of the Presentation Notes
  • Grade Presentations
  • Go to presentations
  • Leave my stuff in my office and head back to dorm
  • Grab my notebook and stuff for the OakStock/Campout
  • -BandTable at 3:15pm and look for Josh to MC event. Jeremy First. Then other bands.
  • At 5:30 get ready for Campout - Table and sign. Stakes with the numbers. Sign-Up sheets. Black ties for races. Prize Bag. Orange Cones. Wieners. Plastic Spoons. Eggs. Balloons. Signs for Tent. Get the boys outside to help with tent. Leave cell phone number on my door for them to call me. make sure there is wood and the grill. Have someone get my stuff from the car and go to my room for my other things.


  • Meet at the desk at 11:15
  • Banquet at 11:30
  • Head to my office afterwards
  • Come back to work on the Floor CD - add the information to design. Ask Taylor and them to get the pictures together. Print the inserts on colored paper but have the group pictures on white paper and pasted on. Try to get some pics from the campout onto CD.
  • On Half staff with SS
  • Give out CDs to residents.
  • Work on the Oak RA yearbook pages
  • Finish up the "wacky awards" for H, A, and LL
  • RA evals
  • Garbage bags to residents and have them fill small garbage before large.
  • ARHD/RHD Evals
  • Look over my floor folders and get them into order


  • Hand in LotR Paper to DE
  • Grade my student papers
  • For next Tuesday - buy a couple 2 litre bottles and ice for party (8pm)
  • Collect all the money from RAs for shirts
  • Sign-up for my evals with A and LL next week
  • Next Friday is Amy's Grad party (8pm) down the street - BYOB
  • Friday (Graduation) - On Call from 2-5pm. Also, water is off that morning, early.
  • Do room inventory for those residents moving in right away
  • Schedule a bed storage time for everyone.
  • Sat morning of last checkout - crank radio and go downstairs for breakfast

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Have to torture with a list.. need it!

1) Put posters into frames
2) Have lunch
3) Edit some more of Bills paper
4) Go with LL to grab up CDs for floor party
5) Eat dinner with D
6) Talk to Heather about campout
7) Go home and see mom about a strange puppy in her house
8) 8pm meeting for HC
9) 9-11pm meeting for RA's - last one!
10) Edit some more of Bills paper
11) Sleep

1) German conference at 11
2) Grade student papers
3) Lunch with D
4) Watch the last of the presentations in class (bring a treat!)
5) Run back to Oak
6) Set things up for oakstock and campout
7) Have Oakstock and Campout

1) Go to the banquet at 11
2) Run to my office and pick up papers
3) Come back to my floor
4) Have CD party that night
5) Make signs for grand silence

Monday, May 02, 2005

Another week gone by

Aspen and I finished up our TWWT class with a presentation and that class is done. Also, I just had my last full German class today - I have a conference with the teacher on Wednesday, but thats for only a few mins.

All I really have left is to take my German final next Monday, take that conference on Wednesday, Finish editing my LotR paper for Evans, grade my student papers, edit Bills 60pager, pack up my office and move out, and pack up and move out of the dorms after I check all my residents out.

Hmmm, I haven't gotten any money rom res life for that Pizza or CD party - I hope this comes through for my residents.

This last weekend I spent a lot of time socializing. Friday, went to work on tshirt prices for Oak staff, then went to the video store and grabbed some movies and hung out with D all night. On Saturday we got up late and had a day shopping with Ds sister and mom as they shopped for wedding stuff. Helped them look at champagne buckets.

A neat story happened while we were at the mall. Apparently D's sister was best friends with a girl in their hometown until that girl's family moved to Bagley. Apparently this is the same girl as my best friend from bagley Elementary school who I hung out with for years! It was hilarious to run into the mom and she recognized my name and we all laughed at how the world works! So, that means D's sister was friends with her right before I was and there is that link there between the families. Crazy!!

We stopped at DQ and talked for a while and then headed back to D's sisters place for dinner and a movie. His mom left around 9 and so we went back to the dorms and D talked me into helping him rearrange his room. We spent the rest of the night working on it. And I finally went to bed as he worked longer.

Apparently he didn't like it, so he ended up moving it all back on Sunday morning. Then, at noon we ran to an auction and I snuggled against his side as they auctioned all sorts of different things (very cool and cold!!). We then went to my grandmas because I had run into my cousins and aunt/uncle and they said theyd be heading over. So, we stopped there for a few hours and they have an adorable kitten. Loved it! So, we ended up driving L and the kids back to Bemidji and then home for dinner and homework.

Then, of course, someone calls and we end up going to see Hitchikers Guide to the Galazy late last night. Horrible movie. Didn't understand or care /shrug. Went to bed late that night and now it's today!

So, that was my busy weekend. Oy!

Monday, April 25, 2005

So few days left

Well, instead of a to do list, figured I would just talk...

Sitting in the Oak Computer Lab atm. A few other residents down here, and I'm the one in the corner near D with music softly playing. 80s and others, of course. I didn't bring headphones, never thought about it. It's a computer lab - should it be quiet like in a library? Is that what the labs are resorted to? Where do we get this feeling that it must stay quiet? Can people not type and listen and chat at the same time? But then I dont think D wants other people to bring in their music and have some rap crap blaring through the lab. I did pop in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back for a few minutes but I had forgotten how riddled with F-Bombs that movie is, so I took it out. D had given me that "I work here..." look when he saw what the movie was like. I won't push it.

I don't have class tomorrow, but I have TONS of meetings. BAH! One at 4, one at 8 and on from 9-11. /groan. But, you know, this is the last FULL week - and it's gonna be very soon when I am done being an RA and it's time to move on. Which reminds me, I need to get my crap out of RA storage. It's a huge pile :P

My class I am teaching is going well. They are working on their rough drafts and I'll have them working on the MLA and quoting on Wednesday. I love the highlighter activity - SO TORTUROUS! Also, they begin their presentations this Friday and continue for the ext week.

German is going well. I actually understood most of what was going on and had some of it right! I didn't know we could save the one worksheet for class and so I ended up struggling through it to figure it out so I could turn it in. I ended up having to translate everything into English so I could figure out what to do and then was able to work on it. It;s all about preopositions and such - Crazy rules!

My back is killing me. I would just Love it if someone could just walk all over it and make it crack. I'd ask D, but he may be too heavy for me and squish me. Maybe one of my cousins might do it if I stopped over.

Tomorrow, I plan on sleeping in some and then working on odds and ends. I should go through my paper files and start tossing stuff. Also, I should go to the bank and talk to them (darnit, a to do list hehe).

I'll stop now. :P

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Final weeks

Yes, I realize it has been a while. As I go through the last few weeks of classes, I begin to have too much going on and that's when I don't have TIME to blog heheh, what a shame, huh?

Well, Here's a list of what's been going on - otherwise this post will be just too flippin' long:
  • Saw my first calf being born last Saturday at D's parents' farm - it **splooshed** and then it was out. Kinda icky, but beautiful at the same time. It was a cute 'lil bugger.
  • My grandfather had a birthday this last weekend and I got to go to their house on Sunday. Got him a glow in the dark bear lawn thingy - he loves things like that. Made me happy to see him enjoy it.
  • I am waiting for the papers to begin typing up for B
  • I started up tanning again - nice and relaxing
  • Dyed my hair today back to the coffee brown I like with the red highlights
  • Was stalked in the Maple parking lot and followed by a truck with two guys - freaky but it ended as abruptly as it started. Did *not* like the feeling!
  • Did a presentation at the Student Scholarship day. Very proud of myself - I had 12 pages and the 5 min flag was when I was only at page 7. Hehe ah well. I love my lit!
  • Beat the game A Bards Tale. LOVED IT. Wanna play again!!! Try out the link - it shows the snarkiness of the game.
  • Watched the announcement of the new Pope. Have some views on this, but no time. /shrug. Not that it would matter anyway. I'll stick to being Lutheran hehe
  • D and I are doing great. We've been watching the Star Wars movies off and on lately to get ready for the last installment next month.
  • Signed up for my classes and two of them are at the same time, so I'm going to be shared. heheh fun.

What I am planning and probably won't have time to write about:

  • A floor pizza Party
  • Helping take charge of the Oak Stock/ Oak Campout in a few weeks. We'll see how this goes
  • Working on a floor yearbook - lots of pictures!
  • J A's B-day is this Thursday, gonna try and plan something for him through the floor
  • German is well as expected, we'll see if she is lenient on my test scores... =/
  • Want to see movies - but no time /sigh
  • Doing my best to save money for summer.Car insurance will be coming up soon /eep

Otherwise, tons of things going on, not much time left - but still feel a little lazy. Love it!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Such a great week!

Last weekend we went to the Shooting Star Casion and saw a skit of Whose Line is it Anyway with some of the cast.
We gambled a bit also.

Monday, I went to my German test feeling a bit nervouse but came out feeling just as good as I do when I study for days. This time I had only studied one day and tried to relax. We'll see what the grade looks like and see if maybe I push too hard.

Tuesday, I worked on my presentation preperation and my paper that goes with it. A good productive day.

Wednesday I did my presentation and a lot of my friends came to support me and some of my RA friends and Residents too! I also had two professors that know a LOT about my topic, and I felt very nervous at first but I feel I did my research and was covering most of my bases.

Wednesday night we went to the Residential Life Free room and Board drawing and had a blast. I sat with my residents at a big table and enjoyed the games (I entered the flipper race /groan and lost hehe) and all of a sudden they began the big drawing.
D was picked last out of ten, he was the last to grab a key and the last to try the key in the door to see if it opened. one at a time, the people went up and tried the key and each of them weren't able to open it! It came down to D and I saw he was about to shake to death, but he put that key in there and WHOOSH, the door opened and he won!! Free room and board for a whole year! hehehe Exciting for my floor.

Now, today I have been working on student papers, working front desk (made a bulleting board) and tanned some (Yay, I smell like a Pina Colada hehe).

Good week and now it's Payday/Friday tomorrow! YAY

I plan on going to D's house to visit on Saturday and maybe running to my moms on Sunday to visit. I need to do my rounds hehe


Friday, April 08, 2005

Almost done with Friday?!

Well, sitting at my computer, loathe to start studying and nursing a small gash on my head. Teeny tiny, really - but surprisingly bloody. I was rummaging about and suddenly wacked my head against... *something* and ended up bleeding in the same spot where I got the gash from a standard truck running away with my best friend dangling in it.

As soon as I put away my summer clothes, off to German homework. /sigh - tired, but not enough time in a day to get everything I need done.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Uhmm... here's what I actually did...

  • Stayed up 'til 3am reading (had to call security at 2am for some monkey business)
  • woke up at noon
  • showered, dressed, ate lunch
  • watched TV for an hour
  • Finally posted another comic - not my best... ah well
  • started re-reading the third LotR book for references to Eowyn.
  • Read many many articles about the two women for my project
  • TOTALLY forgot my meeting with my ARHD /sigh
  • went to dinner at Pizza Hut
  • Hung out in Daryks room and studied
  • went to my 9-11 meeting
  • Cleaned my room
  • going to bed after I post this

But, I do feel good about the project. Re-reading the 3 books (in 2 days, I may add) made me remember the excitement of the novels and then revisiting Beowulf is always a pleasure. I would find my research and then go on reading for fun. <3>

Monday, April 04, 2005


Ah ha, another to do list! I bet ya never woulda guessed!

  • Wake up early
  • Shower, dress, eat light
  • go to bank (get quarters too)
  • go to financial aid
  • eat lunch (leftovers)
  • throw in some laundry
  • Find more info in lotR
  • document my sources
  • find more info in my packet - organize it
  • begin an outline for project
  • find book and work on beginning and end
  • work on it the rest of the day
  • Head to meeting at 9-11
  • go to bed early

What a weekend. Very studious. But, mostly on my students end where I *had* to get grading done and work on their stuff. Two things are due atm for them and so this week when I am done with my paper and letting it sit, I'll be heading back to their grading.

Sunday, April 03, 2005


I was in the Grand Forks Herald as an announcement of my past GAship in the Department of English. I was wrong, I had thought it was an announcement of who had a GAship next year. Ah well, I will keep waiting for word on whether I got one or not....

Friday, April 01, 2005

Somebody reminded me.... look at what I have and *can* do and not worry so much about the rest. Worrying does nothing. :P

I am in a great mood today. The lunch with D made me much happier as we sat and chatted in the Union. I was sort of hyper and he was feeling good too. When he left for work and I for my office, he brushed his hand against mine in affection - and that's all I needed to keep me going for the rest of the day.

Last night was a needed reprieve from the dorms. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just too mature to be living in the dorms. That may sound snooty, but I think people grow and just don't need to be around the constant silliness and drama that comes with living on campus. I have to say, I loved all five years, but I am getting a bit worn around the edges.

Ah well, Summer is coming, and the sun is warm and soaky. I am going to walk outside after class and enjoy that breeze!

Thursday, March 31, 2005

Mentally Fried

Something is wrong... I'm not sure what.

Tonight, I sat on my couch and studied my German verbs... a normal occurence on a Thursday night and I found that I couldn't concentrate, everyone talking or walking by was distracting me and that I felt trapped. I haven't had that feeling in a long time - and I don't like it.

So, about 2 mins ago, I closed and locked my door, threw on pajamas, turned off the lights and washed my face. I feel better. But... my mind is blank.

Why can't I get myself to go farther than I should... why am I stuck doing the midiocre ? I used to be an overachiever! Why do I sleep in until 10am every morning and still need a nap at about 1 or 2? Why can't I get up early and go jogging? Am I lazy? Sick? Depressed? I don't think so.

I have a wonderful boyfriend, my family is well and I am well loved and my friends are all around me. I have a great floor to live on...

Maybe it's the fact that I push and try and study and cry and work my ass off to try and pass my German and I can't seem to get past an F on any of my tests. I honestly H A V E been studying and understanding. But, if you look at my tests and compare them to my self-tests (I do about 4 self tests based off all of our previous homework) you would think there were two different people! Sure, I could suck at tests, but this is ridiculous. I am better than this, I know it, but I can't prove it to my professor. And this frustrates the hell out of me. I am a hard worker, dammit, and my scores aren't showing it.


Well, maybe that will help. I think this is what is really bothering me.
That, and my laziness. Stupid sleep - let me wake up and *DO* something in a day! C'mon! Time to put my alarm clock far away from the bed and get my workout clothes out onto the couch every night. Maybe this will help. I *need* to get outside and get rid of the cabin fever.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

A list and some thoughts

To Do
  • German worksheet, workbook, reading, memorizing, and pushing
  • Snuggle up D when he gets home /miss
  • No Hall Council tonight!
  • Plan my class for tomorrow
  • Grade some papers
  • Work on paper for lotR/Beow
  • Play Bards Tale with my awesome new controller!
  • Reply to Swatted Cat when done musing

Wonderful weekend was had at my mom's house. I, D, Aspen, J, my brother, his wife, and mom played games all evening and night and had a great lazy Saturday. Sunday, we had the family over and had a converged B-Day with me and mom and Easter.

I and everyone else in the house, took a nap after we ate and slowly people started to go back home at about 4pm. I have tons of homework that I haven't gotten to yet (as seen above) and I just finished putting away my stuff and cleaning, setting up my PS2 and TV (TV is now fixed!) and getting my homework set out as if I'm about to begin it.

Mom dropped off flowers yesterday for the families at Red Lake that she works with. I believe that helped resolve some of her feelings of the incident. The poor thing was shooken up and I think the whole family is - we listened to her story and she could have easily gone into the door that would run into him if she hadn't gone in through the back. But, not going to dwell on it any longer.

Off to go do homework!

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

A Sad Monday

My mom is fine, thanks for all those that asked after her. She just tells us there was a lot of blood at Red Lake that day and of course, my whole family had assumed the worse during the ordeal.

But, my mom is here, at home, and I stayed with her last night to keep her calm and to field the phone calls.

Monday, March 21, 2005


Well, good things and bad things

First, I had to bother poor S about the GAship again because the Dpt. of English wanted my last word on whether I would do another GAship here or go on. I came back from lunch with D and i called Stu and apprently he sent in my paperwork because of my e-mail and we need to pray and cross fingers that it will all go through.

I told the S in English that I was going to the library, but she said that I could keep in mind that there are 2 other positions that I could go for if my other still doesn't go through. Whew!

Large hugs go toward Renee - she is always welcome to crash at my place anytime!

I tried using a chat program in my class today. GAH! It went off well... nobody panicked - at first. I accidentally banned someone at one point - had to make them another name and password... and then I had planned on copying and pasting the chat into the wiki - but it wasn't going to do this, so I told them to scroll and look at their chat and find the info they needed. Well... on account of the chat not showing much more than about 100 lines, half their discussion was missing. So... I threw up my hands and told them to go ahead and try to remember what they had talked about and put it into the wiki page for their group and leave it at that. I am very happy, though, we went through symbolism and talked about how they can be used in lit and they knew all the answers in a fashion! Yay!

now, I sit in my office and think of everything I need to do... definitely need to grade some papers. But, I want to make more comics.... hehehe /sigh

Saturday, March 19, 2005

wow, spring break...

That week went way too fast. Too many nights trying to scrounge for food and looking for something to do. Too much "Oh, I'll get to that later". Not when it's your Birthday!

Well, the Birthday went wonderfully, I am now 26! I feel all full and sassy from all that cake. Mostly feeling fat- but that comes with the territory of letting yourself eat cake on your birthday.

Thanks again for all my friends for coming to see me and all the lovely presents!

I have another comic posted, one that shows my angst: and so my next to do wish list is nigh:

  1. Plan Week of class
  2. Grade at least 10
  3. organize paperwork for LotR/Beo
  4. Make outline for above
  5. Go to Mom's for my stuff
  6. replant orchid
  7. Do checkbook
  8. Print out bills for bank
  9. vacuum room (pretty dirty in here!)
  10. Make David a B-Day sign!
  11. Plan a floor activity for this coming week

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

...College Life Comic... has been Born!

Yep! Let's see if I can keep it up!

So excited to have found the right programs (thanks to Aspen and some elbow grease on my edits!)

I have begun to post some of the comics on my new site, you can see a sneak preview from the thumbnail below.

Free Image Hosting at

Monday, March 14, 2005


I'm sitting in Moose a Brew waiting for Jeremy to finish up his dentist appt.
I was fine for a while, but then two vocal guys sit next to me on the other laptop and begin talking about the game he Dl'ed... something to do with killing and shotguns (typical) and they were both trying to sound cool for me, i think. And so I got to sit and listen to "ohhhh duuuude... that things huge..." blah blah blah.

Annoying to say the least.


I just got up. I missed D for breakfast. But, I did wake up to the morning trumpet call.. I was dreaming and in that dream someone was playing it. I have no idea!

But, now to go shower and clean up my room a bit.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The in-between

Yes, it sucks. But, alas... 'tis always the doom.

Tired, spent the afternoon and evening with D, went to my Mom's house and visited with her and she made D and I a dinner that she hadn't made me since I was little. I feel very guilty for not having seen my mom in so long - she is going crazy with worries and I haven't even bothered calling her for extensive chats. This is going to change. She is my mother and she is at the top of the list. My well being, D, Mom/family/close family, School, friends... that's about right. I just need to keep these priorities right - otherwise my balance gets overthrown. I try to please too many at once and it drives me crazy. I have been doing my best to do what *I* want for a change instead of thrusting it onto others or going along for the ride, and it has worked most of the time, but I don't think I have gotten rid of the wishy washyness totally yet. My goal heheh - balancing the forces of people in my life. I am me, hear me roar! I love all the people around me!

When I was with T (about 5-7 years ago) I didn't like being told what I could or couldn't do, or was given guilt for doing something he didn't like. I allowed myself to be what he envisioned me to be and now that he is out of my life I enjoy being in charge of myself and meeting the different people.

D has been one of the most true, honest, and loving person I have run into - just like what I look for in best friends. He may tickle me a lot, but he does so to make me laugh. He makes me smile when he looks sleepy in the morning, when he lets me make plans and he just says "ok" after suggestions, and when he chases me down the hallway after petting my pet fish with his fingers because I find it gross when he wipes it on me. He makes the week fun.

He is quickly becoming a part of my life in many ways. Too much girly talk about the boyfriend... so back to my Sunday...

D and I got back at around 9pm and popped in a movie and snuggled the rest of the night. Perfect. I am hoping to get up with him and have breakfast before he goes to work and then maybe taking a nap - to then wake and see if Aspen is still up for company.

Friday, March 11, 2005

A promising Friday

I woke up to a phone call... noticed my caller ID said it was mom and cheerfully answered. 7:30am... me, awake... cheerful... WTH?! Well, she was sounding chipper too so we chatted for a few minutes,told her about Spring Break being this next week and how I'd be staying with her off and on. She is so excited! As am I. So, we made a few plans and I should see her tonight if the plans to go see My Fair Lady at the Paul Bunyan Playhouse go through.

I then took a shower and got dressed under an hour! Hehehe quite an achievement. Walked with a resident to the academic buildings and sat in my office with a hot breakfast and studied German more (I'd spent a good 12+ hours on this section). I had an Eureka moment and went to the test feeling secure and confident.

I whipped through those questions like a beaver through War and Peace! I came out shaking with giddyness and Daryk could tell when he walked into my office that I was excited and relieved. I *hope* I did well... but you never know.

Then, I ran into a professor in the hall (she is the current chair of the department) and she told me to go ahead and put my name in for the teaching GA just in case my GA in another department fell through. That gave me a VERY fuzzy feeling - they want me back! They like me! Yay! So, I told her I'd email the person in charge my intention of interest in that and we will wait and see what happens.

Had lunch with Jer and D. Nasty plane jane potatoe thingy, but the sherbet was good.

I am now digesting in my office and listening to the new Music Station that Jer showed me. Very chilly music for studying. It's an all technoey kind of Digitally Imported stations.

To do during Break:
* Spend the night at moms house at least once. (Sunday night?)
* Check the rooms on my floor and Tra's floor for windows by Monday Morning
* Take in my car to be fixed
* Make a place for me to post my comics.
* try out Photoshop for making comics
* Find a drawing pad
* Go to my grandmas for a couple days and visit
* Work on my LotR / Beowulf paper
* Grade my student's papers
* Update the blog's looks
* Work on Bill's thesis this weekend
* go Skiing!!!!
* Have a great birthday!

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Deutsch Tag!

Seriously, tons of homework to do. Worksheet (hard), memorize 16 verbs and conjugations (16x5=Gross Mal), two workbook pages front and back which are reading and writing essays. I graded yesterday and finished up today - should have them ready for my class tomorrow.

TV gone all wonky - several colors all over the place with a large black and white center.

time to cook!

Friday, March 04, 2005

A great Friday!!

I am on duty - but so far, my friday has been kicking hiney!

I have some Prodigy blasting from my stereo and I am as hyper and going crrrraaaazy. Techno rocks! Voodoo People - The Prodigy Music For The Jilted G... (1995).

Got home and D talked me into going Skiing. I wasn't really up for it, but since his sister was going, figured I'd go and hang out. But, she had some friends there and one of them used to teach her friends how to ski in Colorado. THANK YOU! She gave me so many pointers and I was swooshing those hills like a pro! Well... mediocre pro... but cool enough for me to go down that one hill that had made me cry the last time I went. I went right down that hill and felt in control. YAY!

It is Fridaytoo! AND, i made my very first online comic. I don't know how or when I'll begin posting these - but I am excited. I have so many ideas. No idea what to call it yet, either. ...College Life... may be it. Who knows. So, tonight, either Aspen is coming over to play a bit 'o EQ, I'm going to do homework, or I'll crank out another comic. Unless D can tear himself away from his DVD set - then maybe some snuggly time. But, I think I should let him have his alone time with the DVD series. heheheh

Thursday, March 03, 2005


Thursday is a nap day!

But, then so is Tuesday.
Sometimes even Wednesday.


I need coffee.

But first, my couch looks extra snuggly. Sleepy time!

Fewer posts...

... on account of being busy socially and student-wise. So much has been happening, discussed, and mused over.

My last year as an RA is coming to an end this semester. I am enjoying the interaction of other RAs and floor dynamics as much as possible before I have to let it go. I have to say, it was a blast and I feel that it has changed me drastically.

I have been going out an awful lot, lately. One of the more recent times was on Tuesday night with 18 residents. We went to Applebees and took over the whole left side of the restaurant. The best part was the magician! He had these cute foam rabbits (male and female) and stuck them into my hand and when he told me to open my hand, about 8 of them popped up. Absolutely hilarious. Apparently I have "magic hands" hehe

If you notice, I have put some newer comics along my sidebar and added link banners. Trying something new. Another thing new is my hair color. Aspen came over yesterday and helped me out - it was supposed to be dark brown - turned an awesome dark red (mahogany). I do love it though!

Friday, February 25, 2005

To do when I get back

  1. Unpack
  2. Go to the Res Life meeting at noon in Res. Life office
  3. Feed fishy's
  4. Find D :-)
  5. German homework
  6. Call Aspen for gossip
  7. Check E-mails (wade through tech Rhet)
  8. Check Phone Messages
  9. Hall Council Meeting
  10. Work on my class
  11. Do TWWT homework (make a hypertext essay)

To do soon!

  1. Taxes
  2. Talk to Mike about Comps and how
  3. Redo the Hall Calendar
  4. Get pennies into the Penny Drive - 2A needs to win!
  5. Copy the rest of Kapitels fur Deutsch klasse.

And Blue lookes like she's doing great!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Going, going, gone!

I'll be heading out Friday afternoon to spend the weekend helping my brother and his wife move in Fargo. I hope everyone else has a pleasant weekend and I will see you all on Sunday evening!

On a side note - im on duty and tonight seems to be a good night. Myself, I am very shakey and tired. Not sure what's up witht hat, maybe because I drank some Mt. Dew at class today (only drank half) and I think I should stay away from it. I seem to get all sick when I drink it. I guess I'll have to stick to water and Lemonaide from now on. Ah well. Oh, milk too, of course!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

What? Another weekend is gone?!

Lets see - I did just finish up my schedule for what I am doing with my class this week. So I feel good about that. I need to know ahead of time so I can go find that movie.

  • Didn't finish grading, didn't have time for TWWT homework :-(
  • My poor rose plant doesn't have a new pot yet - it is blooming VERY nicely, however.
  • My bills - blah, found out I have one with 25% apr - OUCH!
  • didn't even go near the storage room.
  • Did finish up the RA Carousel - to only find out that I have a meeting next Sunday on selection because I had signed up to be a group leader - which was a lot of fun!
  • Saw Constantine once - D, I and a few others went on Friday night. I loved it!

D didn't leave until saturday, so we went skiing again and I had a blast. It was a lot colder than last time, so I froze a bit - kept running into the lodge to warm up. He and some floor members went to the larger hills as I warmed up and then I headed back out to my little bunny hill. I love that hill hehe I am still scared of it off and on. But, I feel that I will soon be able to graduate to larger and better hills after a few more times.

Everything else on my to do list is also not done - just too crazy of a weekend. I also have next weekend as a doozy since I'll be in Fargo helping my brother move. /sigh

Friday, February 18, 2005

The Weekend List!

  • make wiki page for my class
  • grade the last of the first projects and send e-mails
  • work on TWWT homework
  • get a pot for my new plant
  • Work on bills
  • reorganize the storage room
  • go to RA Carousel - group leader, yaay!
  • Check out Constantine (go a couple times, D wants to see it too)
  • Take some time to do homework since D is gone for the weekend
  • Set up what is going to happen next week in my class
  • Study for next chapter in german
  • work on my paper for the Student Achievement day
  • haircut?

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Blah, laundry day

Not enough money
too many clothes
back is killing me
not enough energy
not enough room to lay the wet clothes out
I am surrounded by wet cloth in a suffocating room. It's warm, wet, and muggy. That is my forcast for tonight. Hopefully they will dry by the end of the night, I need the sheets to sleep in.

Here I sit, wondering what my title will be, how I'm going to get this written and when I'm ever going to get started. I'm on duty tonight - I just want to go through rounds alive and make it back to my room. Hopefully work on the project and then on my german studying.

The day hasn't left me in the greatest of moods, but seeing D earlier for dinner made me smile and even thought I almost cried as I described my day, I felt better.

Now, to go dig out my research ... should be around here somewhere...

Calmed down some

I had a bad day - an inappropriate comment made in an inappropriate setting. One that was upsetting and derogatory toward me - and was made in confidence that it wouldn't have happened - but the trust was overstepped. Now, to deal with the incident - which won't be as bad as the actual incident itself. I was very - well - f**king pissed - and that doesn't happen often.

Aspen made me calm down with some good old fashioned coldstone ice cream and all was going well. Until someone I have looked up to for a long time began yelling at me for trying to help. This person knows I would never do anything to make it worse - I am always trying to help - but this person's personality is different from mine and yelling is just second nature when they're stressed. But, I don't work well under that kind of abusive environment. So, I took it in stride with a smile, made an excuse for the person to the others standing around and then ran to my room before I could embarass myself to cry in the privacy of my room. Now, all I can think is thank God, thank God. Next year everything will have changed and I can go about my business without some of these problems.

Calm again - but still - it doesn't make you feel good to be yelled at in front of others, it doesn't feel good to feel any of that "face" that you put up for people in order to get work done to drain away into unnecessary embarassment. It's just a horrible day, and I think I'll stay in my room the rest of the night and just do some homework and work on something that will make me happy.

Something for me.

Something that is mine.

But, I am on duty tonight, so that will hopefully go without a problem. Don't think I can handle anything atm.