Sunday, February 29, 2004

Happy Leap Day!

otherwise, quite a quiet sunday on my end. Slept in until 1130, took shower - ate leftovers, then polished off my Deutsche.

Think I may play a bit 'o Nintendo later on. After I plan my daily syllabus for teaching, of course. :)

My new St. Patricks Day lights - will probably leave these strung up throughout the year. I was born on the day, I'm allowed!

Cold and grey. A bit dismal in the picture, but in actuality - not a horrible day. Feels nice and relaxing to me.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

Thanks to Aspen, I have added a new comment system! Thank you!

A Saturday went by with no homework achieved. I hope to do a couple hours of it tonight - hopefully with no incidents to pull me away.

Colorado trip is coming up! So excited... going to be a long Spring Break, but entertaining. :-)
Why should I worry? They are adults. They should know better.
But, it is mine also - not only theirs. My name is known for it, not theirs. It will reflect me. Yet, am I responsible for others' actions? I prefer to stick with my own actions and hold them accountable when they make a mistake. Does this make me a pacifist?

So tired. Enough worrying. Enough thinking. Time to get some good old fashioned rest for once. I'm thinking noon/1pmish sort of rest. Good night world!

Friday, February 27, 2004

A 'lil bitchin' on my end...

Is e-mail so ingrained into our society that I am not able to *forget* to check my e-mail or decide to wait and read an e-mail until I have time to read it?

I found myself on the receiving end of a slight butt chewing just because of both - the first e-mail I had recieved unwanted and not worth replying since I didn't want to to do what it was asking (volunteer kind of thing). And then apparently a second e-mail was sent out just so a certain group of people WOULD answer - asking us to reply even if we didn't want to do it.

Well, I have no class on Thursday and I didn't have time to check my e-mail until after the butt-chewing. I seriously don't need someone hunting me down and then told that I *HAVE* to check my e-mail. Even if it is from a certain office - the e-mail wasn't something pertinent to my communication between me and that office.

AND the first e-mail did not say anything about replying - only the second one. Which, I don't believe was fair for myself to get growled at. I, as a person, deserve better than that. The incident has disturbed me today and now I doubt I will be comfortable around that person again because I know what they think of me - as someone who apparently doesn't have my priorities set right - their priorities. I'm sorry I am not a conformist - and not out to please everyone. I will work on that when I get God-like status.

There, that's better. :-)
The curse of a reader...

Mike gave me a book to read - "Happy (early) Birthday" and it had a fascinating cover, something my style: Unicorns, tapestry-like, hard-cover, and just looked fun to read. It was "The Lady and the Unicorn". How evil to just toss a book at me - I *HAD* to read it, of course, and ended up staying way way way past my bedtime to do just that. I read it in about 6 hours if I had read straight through. I would recommend the book - fun and intriguing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Oooooooh! I see...

Here is the original that they got the Quiznos commercial from, and HERE is the site where there are tons more to enjoy.

Coz we like de CarToons!

Silly Dead an-e-mal CarToons!

Right Aspen? ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

What's new...
*Congratulations Aspen!
*A first "natural" highlight within my hair (it's a single bright white hair)
*22 Days before I am 25
*A new Cell Phone
*Put up new Showercurtains in my girls' bathroom

*I have a box of cookies in my room - new ones and soft, but I don't like them. Hopefully residents will come eat them!
*Dropped my little webcam - AgAiN!

What's Old
*Had four meetings today - tired
*Feeling sick again - tired
*Got to play Mafia tonight - that was a lot of fun
*I have to get up in about 7 hours... and here I am still awake. BAH! I need my early sleeper schedule back - I'm going to go CrAzY!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Miltonic discussions
In Paradise Lost, it is said that without Satan, there would be no free will in men. Discuss.
Would we all be naked savages then if he hadn't fallen?

sleep - still elusive lately - I went to bed at 12 last night but I had thought it was 11. =(

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Shaking my finger
Tisk, tisk.. bad bad... naaaughty! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!

Ok, that out of my system - just finished grading my students' papers. Whew - talk about a chore! I swear last semester was easier.

I am also up to my very very old procrastinating business - could shake my finger at myself too, but I'd just end up poking an eye or something.

Saturday, February 21, 2004

A bit bleached out and tired tonight.
Hehe notice that it is exactly 11pm - 12 hours since my last post!
Life in the schnell lane

It's strange. All the work you put into a subject and yet no matter what, you just can't seem to get it perfect. I am an 'A' student, I haven't had anything for a grade below an 'A' for a couple years now. But, now that I'm taking German, I have been seeing an assortment of grades that just makes me depressed. What happened? All my other classes still keep their lustre - but this... this is another story! My heart stops when I look at the grades on my tests and afterwards, I go shopping. You should see the stuff I have bought out of the name of "relaxation". /sigh

The last couple weeks, I felt like something was slipping - control perhaps, happiness (no - i still smile and laugh), but going back to control - control of what? Who honestly has control of their life? My control is one of time and management of said time. What happens when you have too many kittens in one basket? A few start crawling out - and into dangerous situations. Lets just say, my kittens have mostly been spilled out and I've been trying to scoop them all back into the basket but they are so wriggly, that when I get one in, another gets out. Frustrating.

Thursday, February 19, 2004

Hmmm... I'm starting to see a pattern.
Don't know if I'll be ridiculed for having this picture on my blog - but it is funny.

Does this mean Clinton is a Norma? Is he ready for a closeup?
Aaaaaaaaah... what a day!

Nice Thursday - been relaxing and been sleeping in with a bit 'o Columbo watching mixed in.
I had promised to grade all my students papers by Friday, so hopefully the rest of the day (after I work at Oak desk and then go home to do laundry) I can grade my papers at home.

I have a new book in my possession - The Tolkien Bestiary. Lovely book with some interesting approaches on how to make an epic story. T'would be a dream of mine - perhaps a nightmare to ever attempt such an undertaking... but you never know - I'm usually stubborn. ;)

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Hmmm... I don't know if I should thank Renee or not... LOL

I lied... one last blog...

/////////Big Breath\\\\\\\\\


That's better.
A New hobby...

I have found Crochet.. or it has found me. Sunday night, I asked Aspen to hook me up (hehe pun..) and so it took about half hour to an hour to get the technique and feel for it... and now I just can't stop! It has turned into a habit to want to crochet whenever I'm doing anything! addicting.

Meetings here and there, and everywhere! This weekend will be spent in Hagg Sauer as we work through the Carousel Process for the interviewing of future RA's. It should be fun. :)

I should be studying my german - so.. .uhmm... that's it for now. Maybe I'll have time to type again later.

Sunday, February 15, 2004


Saturday, February 14, 2004

A new addition to our family!

Yep, a Valentines Day Baby - My cousin just had a baby - or well his girlfriend did hehe - and she is 6 lbs, 6 ounces, Now, I get to go shopping for baby things tomorrow! Yay! :-D

We'd been waiting to see which of the grandkids on my moms side of the family would have children first - Me and Alan didn't so far and the second set of grandkids beat us to it! Makes me think... my decisions... school has always come first - not until I have made my goals will I look around and blink to see that other's have taken very different paths. But - I love where I am at now and I wouldn't change any of my decisions. Feels good to know that - secure.

But, anyway, Happy Birthday Ashlen! Haven't seen you yet, but love you already!
On Duty on Valentines Day...

A perfect reason to listen to all my 80s CDs... what more could you want?!

My luck is that it is a very nice, quiet, and calm weekend to be on duty and I feel really lucky that it landed on this weekend. I have gotten all my Valentine's Day cards out - I believe.

I swear Bilbo has eyes on the back of his head. He was floating, staring at the wall when I just kinda looked a bit closer - I'm across the room and all I did was peer at him.. and poof, he turned right around and stared at me. I wonder what goes through his teeny little mind... I won't go on to say he's the smartest fish in the world - I would say... observant and high strung. =D

As I look out my window here.... I see one window in B-wing with its lights on. Oh, theres another... ok. Guess mine will be one of those few.

Today, I slept in until 3am - Jeremy had come in after Aspen left (We had a night of catching up on TV - Monk, Stargate, and 3 episodes of Angel until 2am) and we talked for an hour or so. He was telling me about a mug he was holding - one with three handles that was used somewhere near the middle ages (not his, but the style)... something a lot like this one actually.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Bilbo here,

Aya seems to be studying herself to an early grave so I came to blog for her.

Water is nice, especially fresh, clean water. I like that orange pencil she wags near my bowl - it gets me all excited. I just hate it when she walks by and teases me - I'm always hoping for some of those tasty food pellets - mmmm D E L I S H!

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

List of stuff I need to do from now and until Friday at 9am...
    Clean up room
    German Arbeitsbuch
    Grading Rubric for Recasted tales - word
    Grading Recasted tales
    German worksheet - studied and memorized
    Plan for Friday class
    Reviewing the Milton Poems
    Christabel books checked out
    Christabel paper research started
    Clean fish water
    Doctors Appointment
    Signs for Hall

Through all this - I have found that I am the living dead and my head is going to explode every 5 minutes. And there's not even any important top-secret information in there either!

BTW - thank you Audrey for the congrats! =)
The conference should be a blast.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Oak on a Tuesday night...

Yep, I bidded on three guys at the bachelor/bachelorette auction tonight and I won! I had help with three others in pooling some money in order to afford it - but it was worth it in the long run! Oak Hall Council did a charity run in this auction and I was enjoying the fun as I watched some people get bid on during the first hour - but I soon felt that I wanted to give something to this charity - so I started bidding on the Homecoming King at BSU - he did flex for me. :) I got up to 65$ something and was suddenly attacked from the back by other Oak RA's telling me to let him be bought by the Maple people and that I should save my money for them. Well, I backed down and turned around and told them they had better do what they say and go up there. Tom did - I got him for $30 and was enjoying that and then suddenly Tim and Justin jumped up there together.

Well, that's just too much of a temptation! I and Lisa talked and decided we could each chip in up to $20 and so when we got to 40... We turned and Loralynn gave us an extra 5... Then the competition started really getting tough. At this point, I was just bidding to win and didn't realize that it was his girlfriend on the other side of the room. LOL! Aspen was there too, so she popped in and so we all three decided they were a must-have! We got them for a grand total of $72!

What's great is that Justin said he could help me with my taxes and hopefully get it all straightened out for me. That was worth it right there!! Yay!!

Here's a horrible picture of two guys that had gone up in their towels. But, you can see the little stage they had to stand on, the runway of lights above and below... And behind me was all the crowd. There was a great turnout but by the end it was thinning out.

Monday, February 09, 2004


I dare anyone who reads this blog to go ahead and type your own name into google and check out what's out there.

Apparently (from what i could gather) my TimeLineWiki has been spotted by a Professor in Florida and added to a large wiki (Teaching Wiki) - linking to my own... did that make sense? Well, whatever it is - I found it surprising but .. maybe.. what is that feeling... confusion? I hungry?.... what is that... maybe pride?

Check out the "Student Wiki's" Link...
I just realized...

...that my blog has been getting more hits from the Blogs and Wiki's course site and that my name occurs off and on. Makes me realize that I should blog - which, thanks to a good friend, I started to again. I have also been perusing other blogs and checking out the new generation of BSU talents.

I have also noticed the webcam of Dr. Morgans and his larger than life pets. As Erin saw in Sweet and Sour Goth. I have been looking into setting up my own webcam, but can never quite figure out how to get it streamlined. Someday...

And yes, I should be sleeping by now. 8am - 10 meeting and all. UGH. Then another meeting at 11am -12. Then class... Then another class. Makes me tired just thinking about it. Night all!

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Home is where...

..the soul, the heart, and the Mom is.

I love going home. Even if I am sick - I have a comforting feeling from being there for the past two nights.

I finally went out and bought myself a Humidifier for my room. I have been having the worst nights trying to breathe - my mouth and throat close up like crackled pieces of paper and it is not very conducive to sleep. It also has a fan along the top and now I can retire my large stand-up fan - I have to have noise while I sleep and my humidifier is surprisingly loud. Yay!

Lets see: Friday, went to Ground Round with Holly, Mom, and Aspen. Then headed home and swam for a very long time. Screamed and hollered so much that it loosened up all the congestion in my chest but killed my voice. I croaked the rest of the weekend.

The next morning - woken up rudely by someone unexpected at 5am. Which was hard for me since I had finally fallen asleep at 2am after giving in and taking Nyquil. So, my tongue was all numb and I felt like in a fog. But, my Mom and I went outside to deal with the interruption and to bring its ass home so we could go back to sleep.

I slept until 11am... heheh it was go-ooood. Then we went bowling that afternoon and then went to eat at T-Juans. Had two very good and crunchy Tacos and a tangy/sweet Mountain Dew. MMMMMmmmmMMMMM!

That night I worked on my homework until 11pm and then passed out. The girls stayed up and watched Underwear... ahm, 'scuse me, Underworld. Which is an OK movie - cute guy and such - ya know.

Then, today we went to Church and I was an Usher along with mom and Holly. After that, we had everyone (family - 11-12 of us) over for dinner. Some very excellent barbecue ribs. Nummy.

Now - I should be turning off all the lights and crawling up into my bed - I have promised myself not to stay up too late anymore - I have to get up rested and try to get rid of the colflu.

Friday, February 06, 2004

Renee just showed me a trick...

...that I didn't know about. So, going to test it with my dancing monkey!

Thursday, February 05, 2004

You might be...
... a grad student if...

Oh so true...

I'll be heading home this weekend! Yaaay. Time for some relaxation away from school and perhaps finally get my students' papers graded. <---Slacker!

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Now that I've been feeling ....

better, I finally came home and cleaned up my room and washed my dishes. That was an hour of grueling backbreaking scrubbing and cursing. But, it is now done. You can actually see my counter, fish, and plants. It's great!

Today I got to teach Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale - Chanticleer. Oh how exciting and eye opening. I loved every minute of the class as I gave a quick overview of the author, the Canterbury Tales, and then the explanation of the text as I helped them read through. That is definitely what I enjoy doing - giving out my excitement of the stories and hope that my understanding and influence may just rub off onto someone.

Tonight I am headed to my Moms house for a night of relaxation and chat with my mom. I couldn't go home this last weekend and I go through mom withdrawl too much - so had to make a date with her so we could work on her computer, I could wash clothes, and then maybe watch a movie.

I do have a good pile of papers that I need to look through before mom comes for me - so off I go!

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

A Price Tag!?!?!

Well, tonight was an epiphany. I was looking around for some Nyquil so I could rest..medicine.. and I couldn't find any. So I gave up and went looking for my Tylenol Cold box - the one I have been taking all the last week and half - and figured I could maybe sleep without the night time formula - since even the Non-Drowsy always made me drowsy anway. I've been needing naps periodically.

Well, to my surprise, I grabbed the box and suddenly took a closer look. It wasn't the non-drowsy stuff - it was Tylenol Cold Nighttime! The box I had bought in the BSU store was a nighttime medicine - and it had the price sticker right over "Nighttime" and so I never thought to look closer - because that same day I had bought another box just so I had enough for the cold and that was a daytime medicine. Well - this tells me that I need to take closer looks at my medicine.

Now I know why I have had to sleep for about an hour after taking the medication and why I've been so loopy.


Monday, February 02, 2004


I received an e-mail from another college student that thanked me for discussing names within Beowulf in my online Senior Project. Talk about proud on my end - someone actually found some use of it. It makes you wonder how many people do stumble across what you have done and you hope that it wasn't one of those one-click - "oh, wrong turn" - kind of things.

This weekend was pretty fun. A friend of mine had a birthday so a bunch of us went to Applebees and then bowled for an hour. That was crazy, I actually had three strikes in a row in the first part of the game. But - right after that I started to curve and gutter balls began to be my forte. Ah well, 3 X's was the highlight of my day! I actually ended with a 122 - highest yet!

On Sunday we had the dinner in the Dorm kitchen - Quesidillas (sp??) - and they were good, but we were scared that the fire alarm may go off - so I ended up bringing in my fan and trying to air out the kitchen.

On a side note, I know someone won the Superbowl - "Yaay team!" - heheh

Crazy dream - I was in an older house where there had been a fire and apparently my grandparents had died down in the basement. (Which isn't true at all to real life, they are alive and well) But, on with the story. They were apparently haunting the house and my Dad and I (yaay, love dreaming about my dad, miss him tons) were trying to figure out how they died (apparently had been years ago). Well, we went to the basement stairs and were looking down and there was a huge dog that scared us to death and we both backed up, but we stayed in the house anyway and the grandma ghost showed up in the upstairs and told us that usually they just scare the people away and that she would show us what happened. She looked up at this neat bronze statue of a lions head where the mouth opens and it would be filled with wood to heat the home - it seemed to fall straight into the basement and I guess set fire to the house.

Well, the grandma made us a stairs of fire and my Dad and I went down the stairs and watched the house begin to burn as it had years before and suddenly we could feel the heat and the stairs all burned away and we were looking around and trying to get out. I woke up when the grandfather appeared after I got smacked in the side with burning timber. There was more - but I really can't keep it all straight. As I mentioned, crazy dream. There were some cool special effects with all that fire ;)

Sunday, February 01, 2004


Cold... not... gone... BAH

It also seems I'm not the only one with some kind of virus - my e-mails seem to have something worming around them - looks like I'm sending e-mails to people I don't know with some kind of encoding. *shrug* If you recieve something like that from me, I apologize, I'll try and get it fixed - not sure on how, but I'll be calling up computer services tomorrow. Until then, my e-mail service has been off limits so I don't accidentally infect anyone else.

And... Blogout seems to be down indefinitely? That is too bad, but life will go on. I can't afford any special capabilities for this blog so we'll just make do with what we've got, huh?

Superbowl... eh. Not going to find anything on this blog that supports or goes against the game. It just is. Like the missing finger on my Gandalf Bobblehead figurine. I had nothing to do with it and I can live with it - it just doesn't quite effect me.

My toes are still cold... breeze coming from the window - brrr