Monday, March 21, 2005


Well, good things and bad things

First, I had to bother poor S about the GAship again because the Dpt. of English wanted my last word on whether I would do another GAship here or go on. I came back from lunch with D and i called Stu and apprently he sent in my paperwork because of my e-mail and we need to pray and cross fingers that it will all go through.

I told the S in English that I was going to the library, but she said that I could keep in mind that there are 2 other positions that I could go for if my other still doesn't go through. Whew!

Large hugs go toward Renee - she is always welcome to crash at my place anytime!

I tried using a chat program in my class today. GAH! It went off well... nobody panicked - at first. I accidentally banned someone at one point - had to make them another name and password... and then I had planned on copying and pasting the chat into the wiki - but it wasn't going to do this, so I told them to scroll and look at their chat and find the info they needed. Well... on account of the chat not showing much more than about 100 lines, half their discussion was missing. So... I threw up my hands and told them to go ahead and try to remember what they had talked about and put it into the wiki page for their group and leave it at that. I am very happy, though, we went through symbolism and talked about how they can be used in lit and they knew all the answers in a fashion! Yay!

now, I sit in my office and think of everything I need to do... definitely need to grade some papers. But, I want to make more comics.... hehehe /sigh

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