Wednesday, February 05, 2003

Are students drinking less?

Sure, the drinking may be less and studying - What are college students doing? In the article by they mention, students may be working more (I know I have seen a rise in my jobs since tuition has upped their prices) but, has anyone considered looking into the on-line games?

First I want to consider the fact that for playing an on-line game, I turned out pretty normal. I am no violent freak, I don't stalk people, I do my homework and I don't believe I am crazy - you could ask my roommate sometime, she should be able to tell ya. I am in favor of gaming on-line...In moderation. I used Everquest as an outlet after my father's death in '99. I came out of that haze intact and ready for life after being healed within a virtual reality world that I was able to hide in. People listened and you didn't feel judged. I enjoyed the people and the gaming experience. I will always have the memories of that time where I felt involved in such a world. Nowadays, I am taken by my real life, enjoying the quests in the academic sense. It may be a small demographic of students who play the games, but how many "chat" on MSN or ICQ? How many go to mIRC and find a group to chat with? How many play MUD's? I could go on and on.

We don't have the TIME or the resources for drinking! If you have been in any of the situations I have described above, you know what it's like to have a friend chatting to you online when he is drunk? It may be hilarious, but can be very confusing!

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