Thursday, January 30, 2003

Early Post - Pre-Friday!
I just got wind of a DVD player trying to be put out into Market by Clearplay and others that will censor your DVD's.
Personally, I think this is just plain silly. What children haven't heard these words in the classrooms or out in recess? Very few, I am sure. We can't worry so much about trying to censor everything our children see - talk about over-protective. Children don't get marred so easily and quickly by bad words or violence. Maybe parents could try and 'talk' to their kids about the movie and its 'discrepancies' before they watch it. This way, the child will come to know the world a bit better and not become so shocked later in life and you will have a chance to help your child get through the 'naughty-ness' of life.

I would take this DVD censor thingamajob and say it is just another excuse for some kind of gimmick to wipe your pockets clean of cash that would be better spent on bringing your children to the zoo. I also think Hollywood has a good case to Sue the people trying to mess around with the DVD's. They made the movie, they should have a say. It would be like if you took a Stephen King novel and edited out all the violence and naughty parts. What would you have? hehehe

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