Saturday, January 11, 2003

Alone, on a Saturday Night

Yes, it sounds pretty sad. It is 8pm and here I am writing on my blog that isn't even a public blog. Sure, a select few read this blog off and on, but shouldn't I be out there living it up? I am 23 for God's sakes, and here I am sitting around at the computer, bored to death. Guess what I have going on in the background? Die Hard, that's what! Did you even have to guess?

This is my last night here at my Mom's house, and then I move back into the dorms. Once again I will be rushing through my days, trying to hang onto the last remnants of an evening to cram as much homework in as I can. Don't get me wrong, I am terribly excited about my new classes, but with it comes this ache in my stomach. Another semester. New classes, new learning, new brain cells. I wonder - do we re-use brain cells as we learn, or do we create new ones? Does one piece of information say, to heck with it, give up its current info in for some new stuff? Is this why I can't remember most things from five minutes ago, but can rehash stupid mistakes I have made in my life in vivid detail? Do these memories have some sort of hierarchal positioning? If they do, I think mine is backwards. I must have hit my head way too many times.

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