Wednesday, October 09, 2002

Ahhhh wednesday, I had a very long day as usual on Tuesday and basically got up, went to class, ate lunch, went to class, went to work, at 9pm got to go home and pass out in bed. Still a little sick but I think I am getting better.

I put up a few of the Halloween stuff I had in a box, but I can't put anything up outside until maybe this weekend, as I am very sure they will be torn down in some drunken terror of some stupid freshman in our hall. Honestly, I wish there were some sort of spray that we could get that dispells these kids.

Freshman Spray
Tired of those pesky freshman? Want to make sure they go right back to their own hall and mess up their own living quarters? Well, you came to the right place! With Fresman B-Gone (Copyright 2002, Aya Inc.) you can send them right back to their rooms, comliments of stomach twinges, uncontrolled urges of gagging and pimple inducers! Yes, give them away to your friends as a birthday present, give them to your parents to spray on their porch! It can be used anywhere!!

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