Monday, November 08, 2004

Fun in the computer labs

It seems that my internet explorer has decided to stop working once again and so I am left with no working internet.
I wonder what this means - did I offend said Internet... did I break it by having too many online webcomics... did I somehow get some wierd virus? I sure hope not. Perhaps it could be caused by the fact that I haven't turned my computer off in about 4 weeks or so. maybe it's my computers way of saying, "Holy cow - gimme a break before I start burning some of my internal organs!" Can a computer have a breakdown like a person? Do my wires get crossed? I bet that's what is going on now! I am multi-tasking too often!! Turn me off, let me sleep or at least let my screensaver go on. but, no. I don't have that program installed, and so I end up having three to four programs running at once and I end up freezing at VERY inopportune times... without SAVING! What a mess.

And so, I sit here in the Oak computer lab at 9pmish.... not to mention the fact that I can sit and stare at D as he works on his Math equations which are painful to even try and contemplate. Give me Derrida, Plato, Aristotle, and even Freud. Don't tell me what those differential equations mean - I sure try and understand, but it's all greek to me. ;-)

I wanted to quote something from my literary class tonight --- and well, cripes... I have nothing. It's as if I come out of the class bursting with ideas and sleepy dreams, but as soon as I sit down at the brainwashing glare of a computer and the harsh lights of reality... I lose it all. Afterall, beauty is in the eye of the beholder - and my beauty comes from the manipulation of text on a little screen by the little lift and fall of my fingers upon 107 little buttons that conncet to some little computer brain in the computer.

D just asked me what I'm doing... I was counting the buttons on the keyboard... hehe I think he is a bit confused.

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