Sunday, September 12, 2004

10 days, 'eh?

Yes, yes it has been a while - once again.

It's been crazy busy again! Perhaps it will slow down and I can start BSing on here again :D

Had the weekend off so I went home and stayed there. Daryk and Holly and I went to go see Resident Evil (Was supposed to be a floor activity - but it fell through - some Theo guy came to BSU - no idea). Then we all went to my house and tried to stay up until Alan and Shana showed up - but we couldn't. Next morning I got up and the family was coming over and Daryk also came and we had some great food and celebrated 4 flippin' Birthdays! Was a blast - swam and played games (cards, Shang Hai) and talked a lot.

I went to church today - Holly was an Acolyte... I know I heard a reference to Lutheran Church's being all about guilt, but I didn't think that was fair, until today. Good lord (hehe), all there was was music and sermons and lessons about guilty sinners, and repenting, and sin, guilt/guilt/guilt, more sinning - sheesh. There were some happy fuzzy parts thrown in there I suppose to give it a little more levity - but I sure couldn't stand it. I almost laughed out loud - from thinking how right that reference had been and how many years I must have gone with my ears stuffed with my own expectations and filling them with that instead of paying close attention. Ah well. I'll try to go back to my own warm fuzzy thoughts and let someone else worry about sinning 24 hours a day :P Not my style. Enough of ranting - lessee...

Got home in time to do all my homework - feel real good about that! I started at 4pm and its now 10:40 - hehe long time.Bit 'o German, Aristotle, Plato, Giambattista, College Writing 1 (teaching lesson plan), and some other authors. Fun stuff! I love it. Totally took classes I can be involved in and feel like I'm doing something with that money. heh

For those that know a certain Bag-Piper that lived on my floor and ditched me for another dorm hall - here is his new blog - what a mix. BagPipes, Ojibwe, and college.

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