Monday, September 30, 2002

I am an English Major. I will not feel threatened by the patriarchal emphasis in early literature. I will bite my tongue and not rave about what a chauvinistic pig so many of those men were. How Freud was among them, penis envy my ass! Naturally!? HAH!

Well, as you can see, I am getting farther and farther into my lit crit and theory book, and I have a good laugh every time I hear another one of those crackpot ideas of how women are nothing and how men are everything. The only thing I can think of is that the afterlife must be quite a shock for them, ‘eh? ;-)

Aspen locked me out of the room again, and with NO SHOES! I was playing the Nintendo in the living room, had left my keys in the bedroom along with my shoes. Aspen runs off to class and there I was, no shoes, no keys, nothing. Can’t go to work without the key to open the door, no shoes to even walk over there. I had to go beg for the extra key to get into the room, and run up and down the stairs in a panic so I wouldn’t be too much of a problem. ARGH, what a day. But, I did get most of my homework done, just not all of the reading. I was getting too disgusted with the “Mans world” view.

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