Friday, October 01, 2010

9 and 10 months

Since I had staff training and other busy weeks I had to put two months together. I am guity for not updating this blog, since Facebook seems to be the easiest for uploading.

Even more milestones now. You have begun to move your army crawl into a speedier normal baby crawl. You have also begin to pull yourself up. Which means that in the crib, we have reset it to the low setting and now in the morning you stand and chew on the side rail of it. You also have the BIGGEST smiles in the morning. You are always so happy to see us when we wake up to your little cries (not a cry, but more of an alert that you are awake).

You have also started saying Mamamamamamam. Which is amazing to hear. Melts my heart. You also do babababa and we are doing our best to teach you dadada

We now have a healthy appreciation to clean floors and locks on all drawers and cupboards. you LOVE to pull open things and close them, over and over again. You also love your books, and you like me to say "open!" and "Closed!" when you open and close them on me. I can never get through a story!

8 Months


This month has a crazy amount of milestones.

You are army crawling to get wherever you want - that has been a change! You are still slow and easy to grab. We picked up everything off the floor and now have a floor of toys - I have a feeling that will be the norm from now on.

You also explore EVERYthing. It is so exciting to see the way you see - to be so interested in a little tiny piece of leaf - to spend a long time feeling it in your hand, crunching it, peering at it, smooshing it onto the floor and then to try and eat it. Hilarious!

You are also starting to try baby food. It is a slow transition, as you seem to not like meats. But, you like the fruits and oatmeals. You kind of look at us like we are crazy to be putting a spoonful of food in your mouth, but you seem to be enjoying it.

7 Months

Dear Landyn,

I realize that I have been slacking and did not get your pictures and story up for the last few months. I will do my best to go over everything here.

You are still on formula and am watching us very closely. You love to be on the floor and play with your toys and to hear your giggle when we play peek a boo. You also got a new cousin recently and am no longer the baby on your daddy's side. Still the only boy, however.