Monday, March 29, 2010

20 Weeks (5 months)

Your last checkup was March 11th and you were/are 16lbs 1oz and 27 1/4" long. You had to get your shots once again and you were not happy! You turn a very deep red color when you are in pain or crying so hard. But, it only took a few minutes of snuggling to calm down. I kept you with me the rest of the day and spoiled you.

I turned 31 and you turned 5 months. 31 feels young yet - not too shabby.

A few milestones have happened. You laugh a lot more. You are very ticklish under your chin and I take advantage of that constantly. You also love to be held above me and then brought down to my face for smooches. You giggle and drool all over me when we do that.

I am sad to say that you have never gotten rid of your snarfley nose. I am going to ask at the next appointment if you have allergies. You have no fever, have fun, and seem perfectly healthy, besides that. And of course the skin - red patches and itchy spots. We are constantly trying to find ways to help those not be itchy - as you are constantly scratching at yourself and making gouge once in a while if I don't get your nails cut quick enough (tip for other parents, do it when they are asleep or occupied eating from a bottle as someone else feeds them).

You have also had your first tastes of baby food. We started with a bit of apple sauce and you seemed to make the funniest 'yuck' face - I think it tasted sour. Yet, you would want more and got frustrated when we weren't feeding fast enough and would go to the bottle right away. We then tried peas and IO have to say, Daddy is hilarious. He feels that the more on the spoon, the better. He feels that you eat more if you get bigger spoonfuls and to just wipe it from your chin and into your mouth. Me, I take tiny little helpings and wipe the spoon upwards into your mouth when you have your mouth wide and then watch you smack it. Too dainty for Daddy! But, his way just makes a hhuuuuuuuggggge mess.

Also, you have been working VERY hard at flipping over. You get your whole body contorted. The day you flipped was when myself, Daddy and Jeremy were on the floor playing with you, we got distracted talking and were not watching you, when "foomp" you were on your belly. None of us saw it! You were able to put your arms above your head, your back of head almost touching your spine and your hips totally twisted so that you could just be nucged slightly and you would land on your tummy. You do this now, all the time and I keep waiting for your next flip - to no avail. Of course, the daycare ladies say you've done it at their place!

You are also finding a way to move yourself by laying on your back and using your top part of the back and your legs to push up over and over to where you want to go. Slow, but effective. Kind of like an inchworm on their back.

You have also found different sounds with your voice. You warble and coo and do all sorts of cute gurgly and squealy sounds. I love the way you practice your B's by blowing out and your lips all pursed. Few days now you've been working on "mmm". Also, we learned the "Where is thumbkin" song - I have to admit I looked it up on youtube so I knew what to do!
You have also found an affinity for standing and looking around - those curious eyes just flash all over and you can't look in any one direction for more than a second before you have to look the other way.

Saturday, March 06, 2010

16 Weeks (4 Months)

Dear Landyn,

Your 4th Month is here. You have grown SO much and are active in many exciting ways.

Your First Laugh: I had an accident when you were at daycare. I was going to boil some water for my maltomeal breakfast and so I turned on the stove to high and then sat down at the kitchen table. My back was to the stove and I remember thinking there was a slight burn smell, but figured something was left over on the burner. Suddenly there was this loud 'BAM" and shattering and my back was smacked with little bits of something. Let's just say I jumped out of my chair and stared at the stove in disbelief. I had left a large glass cake pan from last night on top of the stove and apparently I had turned on the burner under that glass pan. It shattered all over the kitchen.

It took me a good 45 minutes to initially clean and knew I probably needed a vacuum. So, when we all got back from work, Daddy went for our old 1970s vacuum in the basement and brought it up. I picked you up and held you, figuring you'd be scared to death from the loud noise. We hovered near dad and when that vacuum started up, you lit up. You watched as Dad vacuumed with the attachment hose, this REAL loud machine sounds - and you laughed! I could feel it in your tummy, see it on your face and if I leaned my ear right at your mouth, I could just barely hear it. Your first laugh and I couldn't even hear it!

Since then, we have been able to get you to laugh. Usually it's a little guffaw "eh hhhehhhhh", sometimes a little belly laugh. Makes my day!

Every morning is a great morning, I wake up, Daddy's getting ready for work and I sneak int your room to get you up. Either you are already awake and looking around smiling or I have to get you to wake up. I usually pet your face and hold your hand, snuggling you awake and those gummy grins just make me have a good day everytime.

You are good at keeping your head up and are now looking around you with interest. You are constantly moving your head around to check out what the other side of the room looks like. Sometimes I wonder if your going to get whiplash, trying to see everything at once. Once Daddy enters the room, you search him right out.

Your favorite toy is now this little blanket that has a teddy bear attached to it. This toy is easy for you to grab and snuggle, making it your favorite drool fest time. Those little fists can keep a hold of it and bring the blanket to your mouth and you've gummed the teddy, the arms, the blanket, everything.

You have also grown out of all the Newborn - 4 month clothes. We have had to put you into the 6 month jammies - you are soooo long! Next week is your checkup at the doctors and I will post your updated vitals then.
You are still in daycare Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and some of Friday (I get you early when I can). Tuesdays, you are still at your Aunt's house with your 2 twin cousins and grandma. You all 3 keep her hopping, that is for sure.

You are also mostly on formula since aout 2 weeks ago. I couldn't keep up with you and now that I relaxed, I have found that I don't produce as much anymore. So, formula with single grain rice is your main diet. You seem happy - especially with Enfamil - the other types were bad on your tummy. I believe Enfamil will be what we do from now on (of course, that is a more expensive brand gah)
I just went to the livingroom and saw that you had moved yourself from the middle of your playmat to outside of it and in a corner. Good job! Daddy says he thinks your crabcrawling on your back. hehe