Today was a few firsts.
This morining was your first day at the daycare. I have dreaded this day, thinking up horrific things that could go wrong or make you not succeed as well as other children. Yet, I know I need to go back to work and I did get 9 weeks with you, where other mothers may only get a month or less.
The daycare is fine, it's an old house, but I felt confident in the older woman who was there today, she picked you right up and kept you close. She listened to all my wierd concerns and read my note I had made with things I felt *had* to be known in order to take care of you. I am a bit of a worry wart, but I love you so much, that It just hurts to think someone else is going to get all those wonderful moments and I will miss them. Dad says that I moaned in my sleep all last night, and I do believe him, I was anxious all weekend.
After I picked you up at noon, you, me, and your father went to QDoba, saw some of my cowrokers there and Lisa E. We then dropped Daddy back off at work and we went to the clinic for your 2 month visit. Here are your latest vitals:
Age: 2 months
weight: 12lbs 13
Height: 24 1/2"
Head Circumference 16 1/4"
You have been growing well!
You did get your shots today and I am SO sorry. The nurse was very quick and tried to make it better for you, 2 in one leg and another in the other side. The first needle, you looked surprised, but as soon as that second needle went in, you little face scrunched right up and you cried something fierce. I could tell that was a different cry - could tell that it was pain =(
I picked you right up and held you until you just sniffled and looked at me all sad.
Uh, Daddy is home, time for family snuggles.
Love, Mama
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday, January 04, 2010
8 Weeks
Dear Landyn.
A week ago, you began to smile at me when I played with you. Now, you smile at me when I talk and come up to you after a nap. Everytime you smile, my whole mind goes to mush and suddenly I am babbling nonsensical words and loving every minute of it. I have hear 2 giggles, 5 little 'coooooo's and a bunch of "aaahhhh".
You have also started crying when I pull the bottle away when you are done with it. I distract you pretty well by putting you on your stomach on my shoulder to burp you. I have tried letting you have more when you cry like that and all you do is spit it right back up onto me.
You also got a lot of presents for Christmas. You got a swing, a banana outfit, a new pack and play, books, etc. The holidays have been great! Even though it was hard for me to keep up with your demand for breastmilk – since we traveled an awful lot. But, we made it!
Tomorrow will be your first time with Grandma Kay at Krystal’s house. I work all day and so does Daddy (he prefers keeping his name offline =P) So, I will get up extra early to get you fed, clothed, packed and on our way – it’s a good 20 min drive there and 20 mins back. I have a meeting to go to at 9am, so I have to make sure I make that.
You’ve grown a lot! I’d say you are at 24 inches or more now. A few of your cuter baby clothes have to be retired. Makes me sad, but I know I’ll find lots of other clothes that are cute. Besides, you already wear size 3 months at 2 months. None of the baby socks ever really fit you, but they stay on.
Daycare starts next Monday. You go in the morning, but then I get you after lunch since you have a Doctors appointment. I worry a lot and I think this worrying will be the end of me, until I get used to the fact that I won’t have you near me 24 hours a day.
A fascinating fact lately is that you have been working on sleeping on your side lately. I will place you on your back, hear you grunting and making noises, but nothing worrisome, then come back and find you in this position. You look so peaceful and comfortable. Within and hour you are back on your back - I believe because of lack of control and gravity, so I don't worry about it too much. You are also a fan of your pacifier, but not terribly so. Only when you are tired. Sometimes you refuse it and just don't care, other times you go rooting for it, crying if you don't get it in time. Really cute that you don't have control over your arms and you accidentally pull it out and go crazy trying to find it again. It's a game we play these days, 'where'd it go?!?'
Diapering is still a constant in our present life. I still favor Pampers over ANY of the others. They are stretchy, soft and keep everything where it should stay. Luvs are small and not stretchy at all – awful. Huggies are better than Luvs they give a bit more, but not soft like Pampers.
Life is still better having you in it.
Love Mama
You have also started crying when I pull the bottle away when you are done with it. I distract you pretty well by putting you on your stomach on my shoulder to burp you. I have tried letting you have more when you cry like that and all you do is spit it right back up onto me.
Otherwise, you don't cry unless your hungry. And those are broken little cries. nothing too drastic, unless I have picked you up and am taking more than 2 minutes to warm up your bottle in the hot water. I have to stop smooching your cheeck and saying 'num nums' until AFTER I get the bottle ready - mommy learns everyday not to tease the baby.
Naps are good, I get a good 3-4 hours at a time to clean or do other chores. At night, you can sleep from 9pm until 6am once in a while. Otherwise, I am up around 4 or 6. You definitely have my sleeping gene.
Naps are good, I get a good 3-4 hours at a time to clean or do other chores. At night, you can sleep from 9pm until 6am once in a while. Otherwise, I am up around 4 or 6. You definitely have my sleeping gene.
Tomorrow will be your first time with Grandma Kay at Krystal’s house. I work all day and so does Daddy (he prefers keeping his name offline =P) So, I will get up extra early to get you fed, clothed, packed and on our way – it’s a good 20 min drive there and 20 mins back. I have a meeting to go to at 9am, so I have to make sure I make that.
Daycare starts next Monday. You go in the morning, but then I get you after lunch since you have a Doctors appointment. I worry a lot and I think this worrying will be the end of me, until I get used to the fact that I won’t have you near me 24 hours a day.
Life is still better having you in it.
Love Mama
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