Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Uncharted Dragon Wars

Dragon Wars was .. not as good as I'd hoped. I enjoyed the graphics, but whenever it started to feel like I was watching an episode of Power Rangers, I'd get turned off. That main bad guy.. not the Imoogi snakey thing, but the big man with the VERY gravelly low voice with the funny crystal sword that would go big like a light saber - HE made the movie laughable. What were they thinking? But then, what would happen without him leading those big turtle bomber things?

Also, at the moment D is immersed in his Uncharted Game. Seems pretty slow so far, but he liked King Kong and I'm hoping this will be the same. I have my eyes on the Folk Lore game, but will wait a bit longer. I have so many games to choose from, that I can't wait util I get sick and need to stay home a whole day and play! After opening I think.

As of now, I am prepping for my new incoming RAs. I have a few things planned and am working on fine tuning the training schedule. A few bumps have been found - but I am hoping everything works out in the end.

Also, we got to tour the Linden Apartment yesterday. Very nice! We measured and we can.... fit a king size, but we'd have no room for anything else - which is like what we have now anyway. But, my dream is to have the whole apartment decorated nicely when we move in - we will be there for quite a while and I'd like it to be a home. So, off to my decorating ideas!