So, I have been yelled at more abot leaving my blog for too long. The poor thing is just getting ignored.
I have been considering using it again to just chronicle my personal things, but definitely not about my job. That is going to stay as separate as possible.
Twitterpating has been a fun addition when I can get my phone to work. Sometimes I see the Twitter post, sometimes I don't. weird!
I heard from my last Years ARHD for B Hall. He seems to be doing well and I am hoping to hear more details about how he is doing. I am sincerely missing my staff from last year - I definitely became more attached than I thought.
The summer is coming to a close. I have taken all my summer classes for Psych and am now down to just a paper to write. I plan on doing that the rest of this week and turning it in friday or monday. I think I need to hit the library first, however, and to find the time for that will be rough!
We have moved into our new apartment. I will get some pics up soon!
Oh yeah, we bought the old Lost Boys and the sequel. Loved watching Lost Boys first and enjoying the old 80s style. However, the second one was more graphic (more blood and ripping of guts and heads, bleh) and more XXX. There was one good joke - you'll see it when the main character tries to eat someone - think "vegeables" - that was funny. But, the rest was kind of a let down. But, we own it now and maybe a second viewing may show more of the humor (if it is there).