Monday, May 16, 2005

The end of the semester

Well, I am no longer an RA. I have mixed feelings about this. I loved being an RA, but I will enjoy the lack of responsibility on that end so I can concentrate more on my own work.

However, it was a tear jerker for me to say goodbye to so many friends - my residents. We went through a lot this last year and I feel that this was one of THE best years I have had in college. I will be going back to my floor ("ours" now) and seeing some of the people that stayed for Summer classes - especially since D is staying there, and J!

I have moved into moms extra bedroom - its been nice to sleep with no reservations of what's going on in the hallway and if something is going to blow up. I also left the dorms with a last minute present - I got a nasty cole the last day I was there. I believe my body and system were so dragged down and exhausted that the cold virus just jumped me as I slept that night. Now, I am sniffly and dizzy and tired. Yucky.

I am sitting in my office for the last time. I have cleaned out my stuff and stuck it in the corner for moving later. I want the new GAs to feel like it is their space to work with and hopefully I can get my things moved soon. I *could* bring it all to my car and stick it in the trunk - but I'd rather not go that far until i know where I'm putting it.

I also finished my grades and put those in. I feel good about the semester. I was flattered by the evals my students did on me and feel that maybe I *was* hard on myself tinking that tey didn't quite get all they should have for the class. I have heard from the other GA's that this is a common feeling and to not worry about it.

I hope everyone is doing well wherever they have gone and I miss you all already. Please stay in touch.

Now, to have a nice, long, relaxing summer. I am already enjoying the fact that I can wake up when I want to... or when Nicky has to go out to pee /bleh hehe. 'Lil turd woke me up at 9am. I am pretty sure mom was in the extra room typing away on her stuff but I was so tired and sick, I don't remember any of it. hehe ah well.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Yay, coming closer to the goals! hehe

My list has gotten shorter but I did add a few things. I am also proud to announce that everything on the previous list are checked off and went VERY nicely.
  • ARHD/RHD Evals
  • Look over my floor folders and get them into order


  • Hand in LotR Paper to DE
  • Grade my student papers
  • For next Tuesday - buy a couple 2 litre bottles and ice for party (8pm)
  • Collect all the money from RAs for shirts
  • Sign-up for my evals with A and LL this week
  • Next Friday is Amy's Grad party (8pm) down the street - BYOB
  • Friday (Graduation) - On Call from 2-5pm. Also, water is off that morning, early.
  • Do room inventory for those residents moving in right away
  • Schedule a bed storage time for everyone.
  • Sat morning of last checkout - crank radio and go downstairs for breakfast

I did have a major bumb in the road with my residents, but we all stuck together and I feel everything turned out for the better.

I am also down to only 3 student papers that haven't been turned in (late) and tomorrow is their last chance. So, tomorrow afternoon I can over to my office, grab my grade sheet and turn it in.

Thanks Jessie for calling me Super... sometimes I wonder if I'm just plain crazy. hehe

I'll be packing in the next few days, so I may disappear once again for a while once everything settles down - I should be able to come back.

Also, I have been given SO many job opportunities this next year and they *still* keep coming. ive never felt so happy or torn in all my life. Is it good to go to the library? Yes, the experience should do wonders for me. But, do i want to teach still? yes! /sigh. I'll just stop thinking about it for now and wait for the actual proof that I have the Library GAship and then I will quit worrying like my mother ;) /loves her mama

Time to go hom, I'm late for being back on duty in my hall. Oops!

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

My own reminders

  • Skeeter Stitch at 9am
  • Luekens for my class (donuts) and residents (Chips, hotdogs, and 2litres)
  • German for the conference with teacher
  • Grade the two student papers
  • Go to lunch with D
  • Make copies of the Presentation Notes
  • Grade Presentations
  • Go to presentations
  • Leave my stuff in my office and head back to dorm
  • Grab my notebook and stuff for the OakStock/Campout
  • -BandTable at 3:15pm and look for Josh to MC event. Jeremy First. Then other bands.
  • At 5:30 get ready for Campout - Table and sign. Stakes with the numbers. Sign-Up sheets. Black ties for races. Prize Bag. Orange Cones. Wieners. Plastic Spoons. Eggs. Balloons. Signs for Tent. Get the boys outside to help with tent. Leave cell phone number on my door for them to call me. make sure there is wood and the grill. Have someone get my stuff from the car and go to my room for my other things.


  • Meet at the desk at 11:15
  • Banquet at 11:30
  • Head to my office afterwards
  • Come back to work on the Floor CD - add the information to design. Ask Taylor and them to get the pictures together. Print the inserts on colored paper but have the group pictures on white paper and pasted on. Try to get some pics from the campout onto CD.
  • On Half staff with SS
  • Give out CDs to residents.
  • Work on the Oak RA yearbook pages
  • Finish up the "wacky awards" for H, A, and LL
  • RA evals
  • Garbage bags to residents and have them fill small garbage before large.
  • ARHD/RHD Evals
  • Look over my floor folders and get them into order


  • Hand in LotR Paper to DE
  • Grade my student papers
  • For next Tuesday - buy a couple 2 litre bottles and ice for party (8pm)
  • Collect all the money from RAs for shirts
  • Sign-up for my evals with A and LL next week
  • Next Friday is Amy's Grad party (8pm) down the street - BYOB
  • Friday (Graduation) - On Call from 2-5pm. Also, water is off that morning, early.
  • Do room inventory for those residents moving in right away
  • Schedule a bed storage time for everyone.
  • Sat morning of last checkout - crank radio and go downstairs for breakfast

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Have to torture with a list.. need it!

1) Put posters into frames
2) Have lunch
3) Edit some more of Bills paper
4) Go with LL to grab up CDs for floor party
5) Eat dinner with D
6) Talk to Heather about campout
7) Go home and see mom about a strange puppy in her house
8) 8pm meeting for HC
9) 9-11pm meeting for RA's - last one!
10) Edit some more of Bills paper
11) Sleep

1) German conference at 11
2) Grade student papers
3) Lunch with D
4) Watch the last of the presentations in class (bring a treat!)
5) Run back to Oak
6) Set things up for oakstock and campout
7) Have Oakstock and Campout

1) Go to the banquet at 11
2) Run to my office and pick up papers
3) Come back to my floor
4) Have CD party that night
5) Make signs for grand silence

Monday, May 02, 2005

Another week gone by

Aspen and I finished up our TWWT class with a presentation and that class is done. Also, I just had my last full German class today - I have a conference with the teacher on Wednesday, but thats for only a few mins.

All I really have left is to take my German final next Monday, take that conference on Wednesday, Finish editing my LotR paper for Evans, grade my student papers, edit Bills 60pager, pack up my office and move out, and pack up and move out of the dorms after I check all my residents out.

Hmmm, I haven't gotten any money rom res life for that Pizza or CD party - I hope this comes through for my residents.

This last weekend I spent a lot of time socializing. Friday, went to work on tshirt prices for Oak staff, then went to the video store and grabbed some movies and hung out with D all night. On Saturday we got up late and had a day shopping with Ds sister and mom as they shopped for wedding stuff. Helped them look at champagne buckets.

A neat story happened while we were at the mall. Apparently D's sister was best friends with a girl in their hometown until that girl's family moved to Bagley. Apparently this is the same girl as my best friend from bagley Elementary school who I hung out with for years! It was hilarious to run into the mom and she recognized my name and we all laughed at how the world works! So, that means D's sister was friends with her right before I was and there is that link there between the families. Crazy!!

We stopped at DQ and talked for a while and then headed back to D's sisters place for dinner and a movie. His mom left around 9 and so we went back to the dorms and D talked me into helping him rearrange his room. We spent the rest of the night working on it. And I finally went to bed as he worked longer.

Apparently he didn't like it, so he ended up moving it all back on Sunday morning. Then, at noon we ran to an auction and I snuggled against his side as they auctioned all sorts of different things (very cool and cold!!). We then went to my grandmas because I had run into my cousins and aunt/uncle and they said theyd be heading over. So, we stopped there for a few hours and they have an adorable kitten. Loved it! So, we ended up driving L and the kids back to Bemidji and then home for dinner and homework.

Then, of course, someone calls and we end up going to see Hitchikers Guide to the Galazy late last night. Horrible movie. Didn't understand or care /shrug. Went to bed late that night and now it's today!

So, that was my busy weekend. Oy!