Thursday, December 23, 2004

Merry Christmas

I won't be back onto the computer for a bit, so I want to wish everyone a happy holiday! See you all next semester.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Work and play

I am done with my own finals and papers. Just working on my class grades to turn in by tomorrow and to go through B's essay and get that to him ASAP.

Christmas shopping is done - mostly heheh I made a mistake with D's but will be fixing that soon. I also have cards and a little gift for friends (Even B!) who I will hopefully get them out before everyone goes home. :)

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

extend me baby!

Yes, the extended version of the lord of the rings (#3) is out and here I am, broke on account of buying gifts. Hehe, they do say not to buy anything for yourself - JIC. But, I started drooling all over the glorious stand of all the dvd's at the entrance to Wally world. /cry /cry

I can wait - It won't kill me. I do get paid again on the 24th. So... :D

On other news... one paper and one german conference down.

All I have left is the 3:30pm final for German on Thursday... and then that night, my other 20pager paper is due. (I have about only 5 pages written UGH). But, I plan on working on it into the night and then tomorrow working on it and german throughout the day.

After that, Friday will be free to check my residents out of their rooms - finish up paperwork and clean up my own mess of a room.

I have a meeting in 10 minutes, and then another at 9pm. But tonights meeting should be a blast - we have 3 birthdays! and I and Travis (another RA) went shopping for presents and good junk food.

I put pretty red beaded garland all around my fishy bowls to liven the shelf up.. and the fish seem VERY attracted to it. They keep going over there and going upside down as they gaze at it - absolutely hilarious. No flaring - just like in the movie Nemo where they find the glowy part of the fish and start to play with it - seems like that :) Seely fishys

And yes, my residents struck again - I have my name in HUGE letters out in the snow outside my window, with a huge ... penis ... and then above that is the phrase "2A (A heart)'s"

So... either 2A loves the ...penis... or they love me. :-) I hope they love me heheheh Because I do have a coed floor... but what can I do, they do this out of love and the hope I'll appreciate it. I did laugh very hard when they tossed a snowball up at my window to get my attention and then I watched as they tromped about in the snow for my benefit. About 5 of them did this hehe

Such is the perversity of our dorms. :-) I love it!

Saturday, December 11, 2004

The days of lists

For the semester:
  • Paperwork for my LotR class (from summer)
  • Final paper for lit crit and theory
  • Final paper for Seminar in Amer. Short Stories
  • Grade final handwritten essays
  • All grades put into system for my class
  • Bring back library books

This weekend:

  • Clean fishy bowls
  • wash dishes
  • wash clothes
  • edit last draft for lit crit paper
  • shop for xmas presents
  • Shop for two bdays for RA's
  • Begin giving out surveys for free drinks to residents
  • Set up schedule for finals
  • My german conference fur spater am Dienstag to reschedule
  • Check E-mails!!!
  • Get my humidifier out of storage
  • bring crap INTO storage
  • sign resident into her new room

More to come - will be working on this for a bit all weekend.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

What I am doing today

  • Got up at 10 and headed to campus with D for lunch and chatting.
  • Dropped off a library book
  • Came back
  • Saw J. A. is listed for my single with a bath for next semester! Yaaay <--will get room all ready for ya
  • I am now preparing to finish up the rest of my research for my paper and plan on writing this paper for the 6 hours I have until my 6-9 class tonight.
  • 6-9 seminar Amer. Short Stories

Hopefully have this paper rough drafted so I can do the editing this weekend and turn it on ON TIME monday. Yippee!

That's it. Just work. :-)

Everything is so flippin' slow!

my mind
mein papier
my writing
the paint drying
the end of the semester
my studies
my reaction time

I seriously cannot wait for the four weeks of blissful empty days of playing in the snow. Thank you God for giving us winter break!

insomniasucks justnotnormalformetostayupsolateeverynight

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

ahhh, a good tuesday night

hmm. comfy jammies, fan on, warm in the room and just envisioning myself asleep.

Had a productive but slow day.

Stayed up until 2am last night working on my CW1 class, got some good stuff done.
Then, worked at the front desk - basically did my RA stuff for two hours.
Came back to my room and worked straight from noon until 4pm when D got home. He had to work at the lab, so I followed him down there and did the last of my classroom work (they are ALL set now!).
Ate dinner with D and then holed myself up back in my room with my Lit Crit paper - which has been approved! Yippee!
Worked on that outline until 9pm.
Went to staff meeting from 9-11pm
got back, got ready for bed and was about to close my curtain when 'lo and behold, there is a huge penis drawn out in the crystal snow.

Now, there is a back story to this - last night a few rowdy residents were bored and i suggested going out and playing in the snow. One of them likes to draw naughty things everywhere and we teased him about it. And so, (I should have known) he said he'd make something naughty and i told him to go do it. (I was tired and would have agreed to almost anything that didn't involve the floor and he jumping off the walls hehe)

So, I guess he made good on that promise. I took pictures. :)

Now, I am going to go to bed - even if I shouldn't (so much work), I am going to anyway. I feel like a lump of clay with a piece of wire shoved into the middle to MAKE it sit up straight, but the clay is slowly being pulled away to leave a large gap between the wire and the clay - making it ... oh hell, that metaphor is just not working.

Ok, let's say I am this ventriloquist doll.. and my master has been putting his hand.... no....

uhhh... I feel, look, and sound like crap. There.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Dangerously Cheesy!

::After reviewing over my post, I decided to fix my mistakes within colons, just imagine the interruptions as my voice in your head making fun of my mistakes - a writerly whisper::

I feel much better guys, thank you al::l:: for supporting me and helping me out. I spent Saturday with D and going to lunch with him and mom and just relaxing a bit. Friday night I got to go out two times! heheh a record. All sorts of fun was had.

Yesterday, worked all day on grading and Foucault presentation - My God B, we just picked the longest chapter in the flipping book! But, it's done. And so is my umpteenth attempt at my lit crit paper thesis. I handed it in just now and will get it back tonight. hopefully it won't have too much written on it.

I have to teach in about half an hour after I finish lunch and then am going to head home after I sit in my office and do my German Homework. I need to see when I have my next meeting and try to get out of the :: yet another:: other meeting 'cuz I need to eat at SOME point - seely ::seely=silly:: meetings take up my dinner time :P

This is the LAST full week of class - It is finally hitting me. My stomach gets all light and I feel like screaming. And then after next Thursday, THAT'S IT! I ::should:: have finished all finals and papers - /choke. I hope?

Then four to five G L O R I O U S days ::"weeks" not days, WTH am I thinking??!?:: of sunshine and beaches, or clouds and snowbanks - but whatever! I'll be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


PS the "Dangerously Cheesy" title is a trademark of Cheetos - I am munching on them atm and decided it would be a fine titel :: titel sounds dirty, should be title:: for such a fine chip. Please don't fine me... or sue me. :: /groan, OK, so I am cheesy . . . . . .BWAHAHAH I just crack myself up:: I am just a poor college student.

Friday, December 03, 2004


Self-image is a bit depressing, but i guess that is just from the feeling of tension throughout my body :P

I have two piles of books, one set has 13 books in which I have my research for my Probs in Lit Crit and theory paper, and the other has only 6 for my American Short Stories Seminar.

However, I have two piles of student papers to grade through and get back to them on Monday. They need time to do rewrites and I need to know who is missing what.

And so, that seems like that is that for my weekend. Mom wants me to go home and help her put up the Christmas decorations - I'll probably do that tomorrow morning.

D is heading home for the weekend, and so that leaves me open to do work straight through the weekend. He just had his B-day this last Wednesday, too. Was a complete blast.

I need a hug - I hope D gets home soon.

Anyone else having problems keeping track of their posts? mine keep disappearing or ... I dunno what. It's just crazy.