Saturday, February 06, 2010

13 weeks (3 Months)

Dear Landyn,

A lot has happened in the last month.

You got your first cold. You sniffled for quite a while, startig on Tuesday and then on Wednesday at Daycare you threw up this slimey yellow stuff. When you would cough, you'd stop breathing in the act of choking it out and this constant choking was starting to scare me. However, we were planning a trip to Fargo to visit family and to let your dad take his tests for his Apple courses. You didn't seem to be too bad off, sniffly and coughing a bit on Thursday. When we got to Fargo, we stopped at McDopnalds to get you fed, warmed up a bottle and had you eat. But after you ate, i turned you on my shoulder to burp you and every single ounce of that bottle came forcefully out all over McDonald's floor. We made it a few minutes later to Alans and when I took you out of your seat, your eyes were red-rimmed and your breathing just seemed hard. So, we stayed at Alan's for about 10 minutes and then Alan came with your dad and I to the walk-in-clinic.

We described all the problems and the doctor ordered an x-ray because of my description of the coughing and breathing. The technician asked who'd want to hold you during the XRays and I asked Daddy to do it, since I was so nervous. I walked out, watching Dad put on the xray vest and you getting stripped down. You started crying very loudly and kept it up for what felt like forever for me, but was probably only 10 minutes. I was on the other side of the door pacing back and forth, doing my best not to claw my way back into the room. when the door opened, I went straight to you and Dad and snuggled you until you just had those sad little moans. Apparently Dad had to hold your arms up as you straddled a bike-like seat and were surrounded by a plastic like tube with a hile for your head - kept you still as possible I spose.

10-15 minutes later, waiting in the family room, the doctor came and got us and told us that you had pneumonia in your upper leeft and lower right lung. I almost started to cry, but wanted to stay alert enough to know what was happening next. She wrote down what room they set up for us in the hospital and said she'd get you admitted right away.

We got to the children's hospital ward and it was beautifully painted with cute trees and other murals. Your room was a single and they put a bunch of wires attached to you to watch your breathing, heartbeat, oxygen levels, etc. They did some blood tests as well and came back quickly to tell us that you had RSV. They then said that they'd watch you very carefully overnight and possibly another.

Daddy went to get me food (McDonalds, cold.... gah) and when he got back, they came in with the large shot of antibiotics and that made you cry for quite a bit. It was a large needle and had to stay in you longer than any other shots you've had. I stayed the night while Daddy went to Alans in order to take his tests. I ended up having to re-blow up the airmattress because it had quite a large hole in it. And the nurse did bring in one of those fold down chairs, but it was as hard as the floor. But, We both tried our best to sleep. Grandma Lindahl showed that morning and helkd you quite a bit and we all waited for any results. The Doctors came and went along with nurses and said you were a healthy sick kid and that your monitoring showed that you wuld be fine, but needed to stay away from daycare for about a week.

Daryk finished his tests earlier that day and came back to get us discharged and we all got into the car and headed straight home (a large icestorm was coming through and we beat it!). We were all exhausted but happy to be home to snuggle and take care of each other.

We spent Monday - Thursday together, I got your cold and just recently got over it. Daddy got it also, but not as bad. You are perfectly fine now and no sniffling. SO happy to have the first sickness down, just wish it hadn't been a hospital type.

Last weekend we had a "Meet Landyn" party at Waskish. A lot of family and friends came to say hello and you looked adorable in your little sweater vest.
This week has been great. You've gone to daycare no problem, you've cooed and talked, you love watching the little kids and htye love to bring you toys and talk to you - so I know daycare has been fun for you.

A new development has been involving the TV. It seems you DO like to watch TV already. /sigh. I suppose that goes witht he fact that our TV takes up a whole wall of the apartment. Also, that he livingroom is the heart of our home. So, I took some pictures today because I purposely set you up next to Daddy to see the resemblance (otherwise I try and keep you from watching TV as much as possible - I'd rather you learn to talk with a real person).

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